Official: 01-13-09 Los Angeles Lakers @ Houston Rockets 5:30PM PST Vol. Radman has NO brain?

lakers are dumb, do they think a 2 is bigger than a 3?
while they are cutting off Yao his teammates are draining 3s
Originally Posted by bright nikes

i hate when kobe plays D like this

that ball watching, leaving his man etc

word, not even going up to challenge the shot at times
I found this on (David Aldridge article)
The Rockets are putting a positive spin on this, but Waiting for Tracy is a play that nobody in Houston wants to see anymore -- up to and including the big man, Yao Ming.

"They don't speak," an extremely plugged-in person tells me. "And Yao wants him out."

Originally Posted by bright nikes

i hate when kobe plays D like this

that ball watching, leaving his man etc
whenever kobe isn't guarding the person with the ball i get nervous for that exact reason.
james loney you freaking idiot!!!!@#$%^ dressed like a damn bro
famous gear from head to toe.

dodgers though
as bad as we are playin only down by 1, come on fellas. I seriously cant take these close games anymore I hate watching blowout games but damn I would like tojust see one every other game or so
kobe had ariza baseline
and got a tech

poor half from the lakers, from the coaches to the players
Von Whafer is dope

and I don't care if that is a charge 100 out 100 times.
Anytime a 7'6 player is flopping, I'm not going to give him the charge.
You're a freaking building dude

I'm so impresses with Yao though.
His post moves and foot work are great.
I've been saying this for a minute, but after reading that article that NasMatic posted, I'm more convinced than ever.
The Rockets are 100x better when they don't have Tracy.

Kobe's J not falling.
He's driving, but he needs to create more and not look for the foul everytime down the court.
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