OFFICIAL 2010-11 SACRAMENTO KINGS SEASON THREAD - Vol. Too Lazy To Make A New Topic Right Now!

Aug 12, 2008
Updated for 2010-11.

Game 1. 10/27/10. Wednesday.

Kings @ T-Wolves.

Tyreke is suspended for this game so it will be tough to win this. But still possible if Darko gets more PT than Love.

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Game 1.

Kings vs Thunder.

Martin vs Durant for the scoring title?

Evans vs Harden for ROY?

Nah, I just want the Kings to compete and not get blown out. Hopefully Charles Barkley is right and the Kings will not have the worst record in the West...
Wow, they look really awful. Is someone injured? They aren't even playing with any hunger and it's the first game. Tubby *** Sean May mopingaround and the Israeli cat chewing him out.
OKC is doin' work right now! I hope Westbrook can complete a triple-double.

Desmond Mason & Sean May in a starting line-up?
[table][tr][td]K. Martin[/td] [td]G[/td] [td]40:53[/td] [td]5-19[/td] [td]3-8[/td] [td]14-14[/td] [td]-19[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]3[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]27 [/td] [/tr][tr][td] T. Evans[/td] [td]G[/td] [td]34:51[/td] [td]5-16[/td] [td]0-2[/td] [td]0-2[/td] [td]-20[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]3[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]10[/td] [/tr][/table]
how does that happen?
Kings are trash. 18 wins TOPS. You know it's bad when you got Desmond freaking Mason and Sean Fat May as starters.

Desmond Mason, Sean May, and Spencer Hawes are trash. The Israeli kid is nice tho...Casspi. Got a Jumper. Sergio Rodriguez ain't nothin to boast about, andJason Thompson stays getting stupid fouls. This team SUCKS ON DEFENSE. Overall this team is a hot mess and it will be a long season. We need a miracle...
Originally Posted by tSamShoX

Kings are trash. 18 wins TOPS. You know it's bad when you got Desmond freaking Mason and Sean Fat May as starters.

Desmond Mason, Sean May, and Spencer Hawes are trash. The Israeli kid is nice tho...Casspi. Got a Jumper. Sergio Rodriguez ain't nothin to boast about, and Jason Thompson stays getting stupid fouls. This team SUCKS ON DEFENSE. Overall this team is a hot mess and it will be a long season. We need a miracle...
Haha. Wow. 1 more win than last year? Nah. I think a healthy Martin and Evans can get 10 more wins than last year. Yeah, the Kings defense is themain problem right now. You know it sucks when Krstic is dominating inside. Hawes was disappointing. Still got no post game and no post defense. Stays shootingjumpers even though he's more Joel Przybilla than Andrea Bargani in size... Mason is only there for defense and he had a tough time against Durant. May wasactually not that bad considering he should be a bench player. He made some good passes via Brad Miller style, but his defense was weak too. Martin went to theline as usual, but his defense was suspect too...

Tyreke Evans seemed hesitant to attack Westbrook. I know Westbrook is a good defender, but I felt Evans wasn't on attack mode tonight. Needs to work on thejumper and to fight screens.

Overall, the Kings need to play harder on defense.
Kings vs Hornets tonight!

Evans will have to guard arguably the best PG in the league in Chris Paul. Should be a fun game. Hope the Kings don't get blown out again. Play somedefense.

Peja will get shut down...
Reke sizzling now.

He still ain't a point.

But shoot, if Sac can make this work, they may start a new trend in the L.
When you listen to these announcers, you gain a true appreciation for the Marv Alberts and the Hubie Browns of the world.

This dude nearly had an orgasm when Okafor threw down that follow up.




Pump fake Kev. You gotta pump fake right there.
This loss should squarely fall in the hands of Kevin Martin and Jason Thompson, who shot 9-30 and 4-16 respectively. Not gonna cut it in this league....
Yeah, Martin and Thompson shot horribly last night. They can't take all the blame though. Both rebounded well and Thompson actually got some assists.Tyreke did his thing for most of the game. Right now, the Kings are set in the back court. What concerns me the most is the center position. Spencer Hawes muststep up and get his starter position back. Even though I think May is a more skilled big man than Hawes, he doesn't have the length or speed to be anenforcer. In regards to Hawes, he should give up being the next Troy Murphy and just be a solid Joel Pryzbilla. On a side note, Nocioni continues to impress meeven though I wish the Kings can trade him for someone valuable now.
I just want to see progress...we keep forgetting how young the Kings roster is. Hawes and Donte could (should) still be in college.

I feel like I've been saying this forever, but once we move Kenny Thomas off of this roster, things will get better
Originally Posted by Burn916

I just want to see progress...we keep forgetting how young the Kings roster is. Hawes and Donte could (should) still be in college.

I feel like I've been saying this forever, but once we move Kenny Thomas off of this roster, things will get better
Worst starting front-court in the L... and it has two older players in it.
This team just needs time to gel...

Good game from Hawes today.

As long as the team improves from game to game, I'll be happy.

Tyreke is looking like he's going be nice in the league.
Grizzlies vs Kings tonight!

AI is expected to play for the Grizzlies.

Evans vs Conley... First game where Evans will be able to punish the opposing PG without fear?

Martin vs Mayo will be cool to see.

Thompson must not get in foul trouble against Randolph.

Can Hawes continue to play well like the last game? (I know I have been hating on the dude, but I wish him the best)

First home game for the Kings. Hope they get the first win.

KINGS WIN! 127-116 in OT! Chea!
Originally Posted by TyrekeEvans

what do u ppl think about the udoka signing?
Challenging Desmond Mason for backup SF? Hopefully he can defend like Mason, but shoot a lot better...

Tough loss tonight against the Hawks. I would have liked to see Martin with the ball more and less of Tyreke going inside for a crazy layup attempt at the endof the game. Definitely a learning experience for Tyreke. Overall, I would like to see the Kings continue to play hard on defense. They will need moreconsistency off the bench with Nocioni starting now.
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