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Besides that we generally knew who the two best teams were.

I wholeheartedly disagree with this point. If we had the BCS, the title game would be Alabama versus Michigan and Georgia wouldn't have a shot. In fact, the CFP has only been 1 vs 2 once in 8 years.

I think our perception of understanding who the best two teams are is shaped by only seeing those two teams play each other. For example, in 2017 Oklahoma and Clemson were the top 2 seeds and in the BCS, that would have been our title game instead of Georgia versus Alabama.
this dude is GANGSTA

Great year. Not mad at the g ame tonight. UGA is better.

Tell me again why the playoff needs to be expanded

On the off chance that 3/4's of the top recruits stop funneling into the 2-3 teams that have a shot in the current system.

That'd be my hope. It may be too late for that now though, but more paths to the playoffs seems like the only way to achieve that. This current system is getting boring.
I wholeheartedly disagree with this point. If we had the BCS, the title game would be Alabama versus Michigan and Georgia wouldn't have a shot. In fact, the CFP has only been 1 vs 2 once in 8 years.

I think our perception of understanding who the best two teams are is shaped by only seeing those two teams play each other. For example, in 2017 Oklahoma and Clemson were the top 2 seeds and in the BCS, that would have been our title game instead of Georgia versus Alabama.
Idk about that. This is the season most like that 2011(?) Alabama v LSU year.

I also think you’re underestimating how much the playoff committee manipulates the seeding to get the matchups and fix the potential finals they want.

They put Michigan #2 but they don’t ACTUALLY think a Michigan team that lost in season to Michigan State is better than UGA who lost in the CCG to their #1 seed.
Idk about that. This is the season most like that 2011(?) Alabama v LSU year.

I also think you’re underestimating how much the playoff committee manipulates the seeding to get the matchups and fix the potential finals they want.

They put Michigan #2 but they don’t ACTUALLY think a Michigan team that lost in season to Michigan State is better than UGA who lost in the CCG to their #1 seed.

The committee isn't manipulating anything. The BCS is simply a mathematical formula that still exists for people to use. People still run the current polls through the BCS and the BCS would have had #1 Alabama vs #2 Michigan with Georgia being left out. In fact, the top seven would be the exact same in the BCS era.
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The committee isn't manipulating anything. The BCS is simply a mathematical formula that still exists for people to use. People still run the current polls through the BCS and the BCS would have had #1 Alabama vs #2 Michigan with Georgia being left out

The BCS formula was also partly based on human polls. Their simulation wouldn’t matter because we’ve seen pollsters cheat the system and manipulate the polls before. They did it in 2006 to avoid an Ohio State and Michigan rematch, did it in 2008, and did it in 2011.

If people wanted Bama Vs UGA, Michigan would not have been #2 and we know the media this year has been saying the entire team there’s only 2 good teams.
The BCS formula was also partly based on human polls. Their simulation wouldn’t matter because we’ve seen pollsters cheat the system and manipulate the polls before. They did it in 2006 to avoid an Ohio State and Michigan rematch, did it in 2008, and did it in 2011.

If people wanted Bama Vs UGA, Michigan would not have been #2 and we know the media this year has been saying the entire team there’s only 2 good teams.

Ehhh You're reaching here bro 😂. It's not some vast media created conspiracy.
Voters gaming the system to get certain outcomes was one of the problems directly cited in the call for the playoffs. If you think that’s “reaching for some vast media conspiracy” then you don’t know what you’re talking about.

There were similar issues raised about voters rigging the system both times to get LSU in Vs Oklahoma and Ohio State, and in 2008 and 2011 as well. The 2011 rematch was the death knell for the BCS. I’m not going to look for those articles at 1am but feel free.
Y’all see the trailer for national champion$? I saw it when at the movies for no time to die, but completely forgot about it.
I must have watched a different game. Cincinnati was clearly outclassed the entire way.

They never had an answer for anything Bama did offensively all night and it was all old Saban bland vanilla boring stuff from the onset.

Bama literally just lined up, ran the clock down and buried them.

They got pressure a couple of times on Bryce - but other than that, it was a complete, total beat down.
They didn’t have the horses in the trenches and their OC called a terribly conservative game. I don’t think they were close to Bama, but who should’ve had the spot over them? I just don’t see this as a huge game for not allowing G5s in the future.
This whole playoffs is about $$$. How can you keep selling the SEC to rest of America. People will start to tune out.
So your point is the SEC gave more teams a chance and still ended up with the same result? And viewership across all bowl games is still higher than any other sport? (Including **** bowl games drawing more than Steph’s record setting 3).

Not quite sure what you’re fighting here…
The idea is to get more fans watching, which is the money maker. And that’s not a narrative that’s the truth.
As much as nako xl nako xl wants to fight SEC/SEC being a “regional viewership” the numbers turn him back to Fake News Nako.

Can you even turn him back to that when he hasn’t been Nakodamus for about 10 years now? Can’t even call him Fake News Nako now because it’s basically an oxymoron at this point.
I wholeheartedly disagree with this point. If we had the BCS, the title game would be Alabama versus Michigan and Georgia wouldn't have a shot. In fact, the CFP has only been 1 vs 2 once in 8 years.

I think our perception of understanding who the best two teams are is shaped by only seeing those two teams play each other. For example, in 2017 Oklahoma and Clemson were the top 2 seeds and in the BCS, that would have been our title game instead of Georgia versus Alabama.
You also have people like Condaleeza Rice deciding who the 2nd best team is now. She’s not even the dumbest person picking playoff teams.

This one is for aepps20 aepps20
End of the day, despite today’s scores, I think we truly saw the 4 best teams THIS SEASON square off. Most years we’d see Notre Dame slide into that 4 hole, but Cincy stepped up and slapped that ***…and I’m grateful for that.
UGA is great, but they aren’t without flaw.

Michigan can absolutely win that game. Someone’s gonna have to make a big play on offense - and I’d bet on McNamara over Bennett all day long.

I've seen Stetson Bennett tank enough over the last two years against good teams and defenses that I'm not betting on him to win me anything
Like I said before the game, I don't know why you had more faith in McNamara than Bennett. They're essential the same QB. They're game managers who rely on the running game to open up plays for them. The moment Michigan got down two possessions, the game was over because the Michigan QBs don't have the capability of throwing to win If they are behind or if the running game gets shut down.

Stetson has been very efficient this year in large part because he's played from a head and practically every single game. The only game where we were off schedule was the Alabama game and we saw how that went. Michigan wasn't able to get UGA out of their comfort zone and they just let Stetson and the Superior UGA athletes have their way.
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