Official Air Jordan 11 Retro "Bred" - The aftermath.... No Buying/Selling/Trading

Been a minute since NDC hasn't come thru for me.

Congrats to those who got a pair tho!
Thanks for ordering from We hope you found everything you were looking for (and if not, we'd love to hear from you.)
Your Estimated Delivery: Arrives 2-9 Days


Props and you been through that same struggle fam....:lol: Glad you ended up getting that pair.
Don't trip about the confirmations from NDC, they'll come. Best thing to do is log out of your NDC account and than log back in, go to your "My Orders" and just make sure your order is there. If it is then your pretty much golden, unless some ungodly unforeseen circumstance. If it's not than I would make sure that it eventually shows up.
i checked that earlier before the site crashed. It is indeed in the "My orders" list.. I guess I can go back to sleep peacefully? 
Confirmations will come from NDC, just received mine a few mins ago. So As long as you see your order on NDC under "My Orders" you should be good.
I got 2 pairs of size 9.5 and made it through checkout but am still waiting on a conformation email. The screen went black and I almost thought all hope was lost and was about to give up when all of a sudden it popped up telling me to place my order. It's been about 10+ minutes and still no email yet.. waiting..
Looking for help from NT'ers here. I need a site with GS sizes still available at retail. Anything in the medium range but I'm not picky... my son will eventually grow into them. He needs a pair to match his papa, just like he does with his Space Jams.

PM me please, as I'd never be able to sift through the number of replies going in this thread.
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