Official Air Jordan IV white/cement release thread 2/18/12:::NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING:::

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Originally Posted by gregzzy23

This #+*% is stressing me the %%%$ out, I'm about to smoke a blunt to the face and I dont even burn no more. %%%$

But forreal keep trying you'll get through fam
Originally Posted by jerry6d

Keeps telling me my session has expired or timed out due to inactivity. %!%!!!!!

I keep getting "please put an item in your cart" after I get through to check out... so frustrating!!
Thanks for visiting Nike. We are temporarily closed for scheduled maintenance,
we’ll be back soon so please try again later.

Entschuldige, wir mussten den Online-Store wegen Wartungsarbeiten schließen.
Wir werden so schnell wie möglich zurück sein. Bitte probiere es später noch einmal.

Lo sentimos, hemos cerrado la tienda temporamente por mantenimiento.
Volveremos a abrir muy pronto. Inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.

Spiacenti, il negozio é temporaneamente in manutenzione.
Non durerá a lungo, riprova oggi stesso.

Désolés, nous avons dû fermer la boutique pour des raisons de maintenance. Nous rouvrirons bientôt alors n'hésitez pas à réessayer ultérieurement.

 NDC Jordan 4 Update: Size 7.5, 9.5 are sold out. Orders are starting to get through
Originally Posted by YoungGza

any luck with finishline
Finally got to pick my size, add to my cart, view my cart but then i got the "wait 30 seconds" screen again.  #+*?
Just got home from a ftl midnight release in my area. It was CRAZY. Near Concord level if not exactly the same
i guess the %!%$!%* that came and talked to the manager at my job was a tad bit jealous im gettin two pair.. LOL. sucks ta be you DICKHEAD! 
NDC got that lag compensation swag.

never thought MW3 would be the least laggy thing using the wifi at my house.

i been so active on they site and the troll me with inactivity errors. damn phil, you trollin.
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