Official Air Jordan XI Concord Release thread 12/23/11 NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING!

after 4 hours of Eastbay,,,, NDC and 3 more hours at the mall at Shieks, FTA, FTL and Finishline....all I ended up with was a size 7. I'm never doing this again...if I can't get the shoes online...time to move on to the next shoe...
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Ya'll should have just gone to Nordstrom a couple weeks ago, talked to the shoe department manager, and reserved a pair. Problem solved.
Unfortunately, Nordstroms shipping truck didn't come today probably cause of the weather, so I have to wait till Tuesday at the lastest.

At least I got a pair. Everybody stay safe.
Smh unorganized pools of people, grown men cutting, middle aged dudes buying pairs and then selling them for 250-300 right in front of the store, wristband system 5 or so people knew about, shady pre pay systems...

I don't think I even wanna buy shoes anymore. I gotta get a job at a shoe store smh.
Man, Hickory nc was a trip last nite/this AM. Security wus trippin. When the doors opened, cats started running, like a stampede. Luckily I wus able to get a size but not my correct size. I got an 8 but gonna try to trade for a 12.. Man it wus crazy dwn here. Had to get my lady a half a sz smaller cuz her size got gone. Its been fun jordan brand, but I gottta throw up the deuces. Also heard sum ppl lost their lives over these shoes. If this is true, may they rest in peace and I'm just smh at that goonery.


These aint the best pics from a crappy camera phone but these are my babies.Not sure when I'm going to UN DS. THeyre a 9.5. I have no complaints about anything and the soles actuallt dont even look that blue in person they look really icy
Nike Employee Store pulling snake moves.  People lined up for hours, they move the line multiple times, the employees walk out with 5 plus pairs, then the regular public gets told that shoes are sold out long after the fact!  I love the shoes, HATE the ARROGANCE that came with this release!  At the very least they should have just told people that they were sold out, instead of having them wait for NO REASON, that way they could have had an opportunity to go elsewhere for them!  Its ALL about the PRINCIPLE of the matter.
did someone really die or is it just rumors because i didn't see the news report anything and when you google it just people saying that it sad no real article people make up rumors up all the time
from twitter

FinishLine Finish Line
Sorry about all the confusion everyone. Our customer service line is experiencing a very high call volume so please keep trying.
6 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

Finish Line
FinishLine Finish Line
If there was a hold put on your card and you have not/do not receive a confirmation email the hold will be released as soon as possible.
6 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

Finish Line
FinishLine Finish Line
We apologize for this inconvenience and appreciate everyone's patience.
5 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
NTNY was pretty good, a guy had said they got close to 800-900 pairs and now i believe it. The rain made it a little hard but if you had a wristband you were good money. I saw a man bring his baby in the freezing cold online and a pregnant chick waiting on the non-wristband line it was insane. I'm surprised security did a good job with putting everyone in number order but kept it real when the non wristband line got past 400 people. That line had to stretched around madison ave. i was #138 in line out of 500plus wristbanded people.Got my size 12 and dipped to see what was going on at FootAction 34th street and it looked like a scene from Walking Dead. Mad heads bump rushing the entrance the line wrapped around twice! not organized whatsoever.  I'd really wanna hear some stories from over there but here are some pics from NTNY.

poor grandma waiting
what I find funny about all the clowns who only camp out to sell their pair (which I am positive is the majority); is they probably are taking off work which means they probably just lost $100 or so for the day and then they are flipping them on eBay and lucky to get $350.  Once eBay and Paypal double dip you pretty much just made about $10 

All these clowns with buy it now prices of $500 are in for a real shock now that the market is saturated with them; same thing with the Space Jams and CG's.
Much respect to Dro3000 for hitting me up about securing my pair-and not expecting/asking for anything in return!?!?!. Fam you could've easily backed out on your word of not makin$$$$ and sold em on eBay for rappe prices. This man sticks to his word- I have NOTHING to gain, cause I secured mine on NDC, and told him that, although, I'd gladly still take the pair, I'd be just as happy to pass em up to someone who missed out. I'll def be helpin u out on any releases i can!!! There are still super good people are all over NT!!(but a lot of hypeB high schoolers too)
Originally Posted by manamazing55

Originally Posted by FeedTheEgo1982

Last night was a life changer in Greensboro.  My boys (Shout out to Quis, and his cousins and my boy Chris)  were at the mall since 12 noon.  Footaction and Mall Security (Four Seasons) weren't going to let people line up until 10PM..  Whatever..  I show up at 4 and its a good time.  People were being hard headed, but security kept it real and told people to leave.  Of course, people didn't and kept coming right back.  

So around 8 or so.  We come back from walking around to see a line formed outside of the store.  At first we were like, "They going to break this up..  Whatever."  We decided to get in line just in case when security was like F' it and let everybody stay.  BS.. 

People were being foul waiting inside of the store.  They get kicked out and instead of doing the right thing, they all stayed in the front.. BS..

So, now, if there was an actual line started correctly, we would have been top 10 to 15 in line, we are like in the 50s to 60s..  BS..

Then, here come goons cutting in line..  Terrible..  

Around 11 or so we start to hear that sizes aren't available anymore which infuriates my crew.  Boiling mad.  That had started giving tickets to the cats who had clearly cut in line.  I went up to the front where they were calling out sizes at told the officer my boys had been there all day and all of these people cut in line.  The officer asked the manager (Shout out to Sam) if we had been there and he was like yea.. So we get a ticket.  I was the only one out of my boys to get my size (9) and only 3 out 5 got anything at all...  Terrible..

No organization and poor crowd control leads to images like this...

These were people still stirring about after all the sizes were accounted for... 
  Easily about 150 or more people...
All for the prize...

I'm done with the lines man.  Last night was the first time I was actually a little shook that I was gonna get murked or pepper sprayed..  The wolves were out man..
And to think, the Concords from 2000 SAT..  Didn't sell out for WEEKS

Congrats to all who got their pair.
I went to that Footaction once for a release of the 6 lows, Carolina/Blue white........not a huge release, but when they let the chain gate thing up, I walked in and asked for a size 9, the guy goes "we dont have any".....I said, "youre telling me Nike didnt send you any size 9's?" He goes, um, we dont have them anymore. I said, im first in line............yup, their employees got them. That was the last time I dealt with them.
I heard that man.  They usually get me right, but this time..  I still got my kicks, but damn! 

I agree with my man who posted earlier.  Black folks have GOT to do better
  It really hurt me to see my people act this way over some sneakers..  Touched me in a profound way..  I got a crash course in the mind state of the black community last night..  Not trying to make this a race thing but come on..  I'm not shooting or stabbing or fighting ANYONE to spend my own money.  Not that serious
For those who used paypal with finishline, what email confirmation are you guys referring to? Is it an email from paypal confirming you placed an order, or is there a separate email from finishline stating your order? or do you get both?
Congrats to all that were able to get their pairs.   If you want me to check on the status of your order, just send us a private message.

Originally Posted by manamazing55

I wasnt trying to buy for myself, but I must say, its pretty pathetic that a company as big as Eastbay cant handle the business they know is coming for releases like these
Unfortunately, everyone carrying these shoes last night crashed. We had 13 servers running, but it was not enough to handle the load.

Originally Posted by DRO3000

Eastbay's FB page:

Hello Everyone,

We appreciate your patience tonight. We have received far more than a quarter of a million customers aiming to buy our limited amount of the Jordan Retro 11 "Concord". We have now sold out of our sizes for Men.

Thank you and good night.

250,000 ppl tried coppin a pair at midnight.......thats not counting the other 500,000 lined up and camping all over the continent

Originally Posted by DRO3000

Hey Eastbay rep!!!

I read your Facebook page say it got 250,000 hits at 12 EST but can you comment on how many pairs in mens sizes you guys sold??? Just curious

Yup, we had over 250,000 people trying to order these shoes from us last night.  Unfortunately, I can not give out how many pairs of men's sizes we had, but most of those people trying to order from us did not receive any pairs.

EastbayRep - Ray
Originally Posted by prince726

did someone really die or is it just rumors because i didn't see the news report anything and when you google it just people saying that it sad no real article people make up rumors up all the time

Heard it wasn't true either....
This was beyond crazy, my crew was out there for 24 hours but some of us still didn't get them, plus people from Greenspoint just skipped all our people who was there.....but I got lucky and nab a pair of 7.5 and i couldn't be happier
Feels good to have a pair, will have to try and compare to the 01's here soon, still waiting on shipment confirmation from end clothing.
im pretty sure youd get both. I got the paypal email but no confirmation from FL still hopeing
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