Official Bitcoin Thread

FLOURISH SHIB OWNERS.... it's your time!! (I don't have a bag)

I short, what is causing this pump? is there any new tokenomics (burn, staking, etc) ??

2021-10-05 07_26_45-Shiba Inu price, SHIB chart, market cap, and info _ CoinGecko.png
You can stake shib already. They have plans to burn in the future. What’s going on now is because of Elon.
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Looking like the FOMO starting to kick in.

pro tip, once Shib starts to trend on Twitter, I would start taking the profit
Looking like the FOMO starting to kick in.

pro tip, once Shib starts to trend on Twitter, I would start taking the profit
Nah. Take profits once the dust settles after it’s listed on RH. RH is gonna give them a big boost.
You still holding your wojak? I've been following the updates in the discord and these guys are hilarious. Floor might start rising if they keep getting these random shoutouts/retweets. These maren rt's are great :lol:

Yes lol I’m in the discord from time to time and they have me dying laughing talking about getting to a 0 floor
I ended up spinning a couple strongblock nodes. 50$-60$/daily, 108 day ROI is pretty insane. Factor that pushed me to go for it was their partnerships with MATIC/FTM. They'll be providing nodes for those 2, meaning I'll be able to spin up nodes for them and get rewards in MATIC/FTM (2 protocols I like). One step closer to financial freedom


The FTM MATIC partnership is also what convined me.
I want to get in before those are live.

Need one of my ICO's to drop and hopefully be a hit so I can join you guys.

My GALA node has been good so far but it needs company :lol:

I grabbed a Baby Sol Punk for the cuteness but man the team really didn't push them at all. Discord is flooded with bots now, I think it's RIP. I got airdropped a cool baby yesterday because I minted early.


I don't see these becoming valuable so they'll just be on display at 213 Bit Boulevard :lol: :pimp:.

I've been having some success lately going after projects with low mint prices. A couple on my radar:

4PM EST drop today for only 0.1 SOL. Will be 14k total supply, but only around 5k are dropping today.

Dropping Thursday at 6PM EST. Only 5555 supply and 0.5 SOL mint.

Thanks for the heads up.
It's been good lately for me as well that NFT's are taking up most of my time :lol:

Don't sleep on the art ones as well. They may not have the biggest volume compared to the profile pic collections but there are buyers and their communities don't talk about price floor all the time.

I'm going to be minting a few of these:

2 SOL is expensive but I can see it doing a 10x
The FTM MATIC partnership is also what convined me.
I want to get in before those are live.

Need one of my ICO's to drop and hopefully be a hit so I can join you guys.

My GALA node has been good so far but it needs company :lol:
How much That gala node bringing in for you? Once those games are out of beta, I can see gala flying. Axie infinity top 30 now showing what play to earn games can be..
Yes lol I’m in the discord from time to time and they have me dying laughing talking about getting to a 0 floor
They're talking about targeting WSB now. I may have sold mine too soon if they can manage to get those guys to start buying.

portalheads will pay you 2.5% of ALL FUTURE sales of your jpeg. now I like those incentives. might get some more
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Never would've thought Snopp Dogg would be a voice of reason for crypto, WGMI :lol:

He's got a point though. I got a nasty surprise when I viewed Steph Curry's ETH wallet on Opensea.

How much That gala node been coming up for you? Once those games are out of beta, I can see gala flying. Axie infinity top 30 now showing what play to earn games can be..

It's not as good as strong so I have to play the long game. I have one referral so at current prices, I'm getting around $50 a day from it.
Going to start earning Town coin in a few days time alongside GALA so once a few more games are added, the payouts should be really good since the nodes get a payout of the coins of every game.

Play to Earn games are going to be massive. Axie has not left the trending search for months now on Coin Gecko. Every time I look, there's always at least one gaming project on there.
Sky Mavis will be building a GALA Games competitor too. Everyone wants to be the Steam or PSN of crypto games. I still think GALA is in prime position though.

D Double D Double Did you ever get in on Star Atlas??

I aped in at launch and sold after 10x.
I knew pre-sale guys were getting 5% of their coins a few days after launch and they were up 300x.

I wanted to get back in but then I learnt about the GALA nodes and I bought that instead. It was my only chance since the cost of one is now 21K.
I'm still following Star Atlas though and have a few NFT's for it.
damn noskey noskey i should have listened to you about the Wojacks if wsb gets behind them
The mods will shut the shilling down fast but there is a WSB crypto sub. Way smaller tho. I dont think it'll go very far but if they get lucky then the wojaks could blow up. I'll be content with a 50% gain in the meantime 8)
I aped in at launch and sold after 10x.
i want to stay at your vacation chalet in the alps one day or ride on your yacht :nthat:

for anyone harvesting on sifchain, i think the best move will be to claim your rewards on wednesday (if you're in the us - thursday if you're in the future) so that you get your rewards dispensed on thursday and you can repool your rewards to compound. rewards are dispensed only once a week (thursday in the us) so plan accordingly. APY is still good and compounding makes it even better. fapmasterjr fapmasterjr can correct me if i got the dates wrong.
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