Official Bitcoin Thread

Yeah December was a good month for swing trading, just got to know when to hold. We see a month like that again I'll give it another shot.
Lol at steezy dropping crypto gems after 2 and a half months in it.

No hate my dude, it just comes of kind of funny.

I have great teachers bruh...learned a decent amount in a short period...most of all learned not to panic sell and chase green candles...ya can take what I say In good spirits or write me off as a noob (which I still am) doesn’t make a difference to me really.
I don't pop in here much, but definitely see Ksteezy does his HW and has been picking things up for sure regardless of the hate. You've got to respect that.

CP chain was at a 4x in ETH last time I checked on etherdelta
Stop panicking, if this **** crashes to 0 then be it, keep your worthless tokens if that’s the case, you never know, it might bounce back stronger and you’ll come out on top, of it doesn’t OH WELL! Take your L! Bailing out at a loss is the stupidest **** anyone can do because doing so, locks in the L without a chance of a comeback.

This is quite possibly the worst advice in this entire thread.

Selling at a loss is perfectly fine under many circumstances. It’s significantly better than sinking with the **** because of some ridiculous emotional attachment.
This is quite possibly the worst advice in this entire thread.

Selling at a loss is perfectly fine under many circumstances. It’s significantly better than sinking with the **** because of some ridiculous emotional attachment.

Saying is the worst advice is pretty dramatic, considering the stuff that gets pushed in here on the daily...but yeah different circumstances play a role for sure...selling at a loss on a good coin isn’t really very smart either, specially with what’s going on now where everything is dropping...

Now selling a D&P type coin at a loss that ain’t going nowhere isn’t a bad idea at all actually.
Ya'll stressing too much! Think long term. You can put in top savings account and get 1.5%. stock market 10%+ for investment. But I'm confident neo, ETH, ven, icx going to beat those annual returns easy! Zoom out. We've had a bear market, everything can't keep going up forever. It's healthy for crypto to have ups and downs so a bubble doesn't form. The last correction shaked out a lot of the mainstream investors who thought it can only go up. If you can't handle the 10% losses, you won't get them 1000% gains. Here's an article from one year ago about eth falling from 9$ to potentially 5.8$ and the technical analysis showing it could fall down to 1.2$ if it doesn't get Support...
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Green or red, you should only have 5-10% max of your total portfolio in crypto anyway. So either way you should be green!
Still in the green I only hold ltc....don’t have the time or patience to learn about every daily coin, ico, kitten, cat, dog or whatever, every week I add a certain amount to my ltc...if I feel my ltc is going down to zero I’m out of there ain’t riding nothing to zero lol

I Rather still buy gold coins and silver coins something real I can price may show one value but the premiums are still holding strong I’ll take 90% franklins as a 5$ bill all day no one is gonna sell you their collection of crypto for cheap to pay rent, buy food, medical emergencies, or drugs. I go on offer up and ask to buy people’s “junk” or collectibles so they can invest in crypto or buy new stuff...sell their stuff online profit either way I’m in the green and winning.
3 months ago Xvg and TRX was trading at ateast .01
XRP was approx. .25
He probably chased them at the highs. Of that group, I’d be adding QSP if I believed in their long term vision. If it stays around here in another week or two, I’ll probably add more.
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