Official Eminem *Recovery* post Vol. 7th studio album 6/22/10

Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

its not gonna sell near relapse judging by my best buy ...
we will see. on US itunes, deluxe is #1, explicit is #2, clean is #8. and first day sales wise via itunes, the album has topped 14 countries (and more to come). and it's been released in europe for several days and its still #1 in a lot of countries.

in canada (drake's country), its #1 and 2, TML is #4.

so we will see. i think he'll sell more than 500k. but more importantly, i think this album will have a longer life on the charts b/c rihanna's and weezy's songs are moving up on itunes too.

I thought I blew out my speakers at that one part of "Won't Back Down"...
Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

its not gonna sell near relapse judging by my best buy ...
Way to be a stan.

I think it will sell as much if not more than Relapse. I really think they should have got a second single out with a video before the RD though.

Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

its not gonna sell near relapse judging by my best buy ...
Way to be a stan.

I think it will sell as much if not more than Relapse. I really think they should have got a second single out with a video before the RD though.

Sup, Stanny McStanstan.
i really like this album... it's not GREAT, but it's better than TML and anything else releasing right now IMO.
i'm not huge on eminem but i thought this was well put together for the most part, and pretty consistent throughout
And it's true, he ruins some of the songs with his singing... he's gotta stop--his voice is awful.

his flow is good, and rhyme schemes are on point, his lyrics are also a lot better compared to Relapse
about 1 and a half times through and i will not be skipping any songs on this....this is a really dope album, dont c how anyone cant like it imo. Love the hook on cold wind blows lol. prob my fav song so far but theres alot of dope songs.
"Talkin to myself" = Dopest song on the album to me.

Had to listen to the bootlet, ill support him and buy a copy as soon as i can. (sorry for whoevers offended, but i wanna hear the songs and KNOW im getting my moneys worth before i buy it)
It's a nice album, needs more Dre though but there is a few songs I can't get into
Talkin' 2 Myself (Budden used this sample on MM3 and I really liked it, so it's hard to hear someone else use the same sample)

Won't Back Down (Can't get into this beat AT ALL, hate it)

No Love (Overall just sounds real sloppy, like it hasn't been finished)
I'm Lovin' this album. WTP is horrible though, not understanding what he was thinking with that. Besides that, I'm Lovin' this.

Have to give it more spins though.
Finally able to listen to the CD and it only makes the album better. There's so much detail that I couldn't hear on the downloaded version I've had for two weeks. This album is amazing from beginning to end. Truthfully the only track I haven't been able to get into is You're Never Over. That chorus is just too hard to get past. Other then that this album is incredible track for track. It's the Eminem that's been missing for quite some time and I'm glad he's back.
WTP is not the best, but it's not trash, it's catchy and a mockery of all the other club/party songs on the radio
chart update per hits daily double:

INDUSTRY RECOVERY? Guess Eminem’s got his own prescription for music industry ills. His new Shady/ Aftermath/Interscope album, Recovery, which hit the streets today, is already flying off store shelves and cyberspace, according to those physical and digital retailers still taking our calls. Big question now is, can rap's bad boy top the year’s best-selling first week when it debuts at #1 a week from tomorrow? Keep checking this spot as we sift through the numbers. (6/21p)

so from this update, he'll have a chance at 600k b/c i think the highest album this year sold that much

love the way you lie is now #2 on itunes. all 3 versions of it are now in top 100. and no video for that. this could be his next #1 hit WITH radio play

imagine if he promoted this like back in the day, he would sell 900k+ easy
Originally Posted by Ballerific703

It's a nice album, needs more Dre though but there is a few songs I can't get into
Talkin' 2 Myself (Budden used this sample on MM3 and I really liked it, so it's hard to hear someone else use the same sample)

Won't Back Down (Can't get into this beat AT ALL, hate it)

No Love (Overall just sounds real sloppy, like it hasn't been finished)

I don't know why but i just can't listen to that song.  It just sounds like noise to me.

But other then that i don't skip any other song.  WTP is kind of a nice break for all the serious topics on other songs, i dig it.  No love is nice but too many wayne punch in's in Em's verse that gremlin needs to relax.

Cinderalla man sounds a lot like Til' I collapse.....and i love it. 

Its up there with best albums of 2010 for me.
An interesting review, what do you guys think of it?  I haven't listened to it yet but I'll pick up my copy later today.

Eminem :: Recovery

Shady Records/Aftermath Music

Author: Jesal 'Jay Soul' Padania

Let's get this out of the way: last year, I overscored "Relapse" and looking back, although I still feel the crux of my words were vaguely on point, I know that it wasn't worth an 8.0 - more like 5.0 or so. Handily, it seems, Eminem himself agrees with me, practically disowning "Relapse" and rattling off some harsh words about "Encore" (I can definitely agree with that). That's not to say that his last outing was an album without merit, just that it was nowhere near the lofty standard that Em has set for himself.
"Lofty standard" huh? Well, let's continue with this newfound honesty: out of seven albums, how many bonafide CLASSICS are there? You know, actual classics that have great beats, rhymes, concepts and practically no filler? "The Marshall Mathers LP" is the closest we get. Mathers himself claims "Infinite" is like a demo that he never wished had seen the light of day; "The Slim Shady LP" was patchy but piercing; "The Eminem Show" was entertaining, and the next best after TMMLP; "Encore" he looked exhausted, sounded drugged out, plus it had "Just Lose It" as the lead single, FFS; and "Relapse" which was his misguided attempt to get back in the game.

The truth of the matter is - and this is where a lot of people seem to have missed the point - expecting Eminem to drop a genuinely classic album is a lot like expecting England to win the World Cup. Yeah, it happened ONCE a long time ago, but trust me, it's not likely to happen again any time soon. Therefore, the most one can hope for from Eminem is to be entertained (through wit, verbal dexterity or emotional resonance), for him to drop some memorable singles, and for him to not be completely embarrassed. Is this being negative or plain realistic? The latter, since that is the form that he has displayed for a dozen years now - his magnum opus TMMLP aside, you can guarantee two things in the life: that Eminem just doesn't really do traditionally "classic" albums and he's never made a half-decent club record before, never will.

Now that I have sufficiently dampened your expectations, what of "Recovery," his latest album and a real throw of the dice to get him a slice of this 2010 mindshare? There is good news, and bad news - and it is down to you, reading this little review, which is which. "Recovery" is one of the strangest albums I've encountered, and it is truly dependent on the listener. One individual might completely love it, another hate it - for pretty much the same reasons. Example: there is only one Dr. Dre record out of 17 numbers. Personally, I've barely heard anything great from Dre in the last 3/4 years (non-headphone related, this is), but others bemoan his slight input. Some are disgusted that he shares songs with Pink and Rihanna. Again, for me, Pink is, as a rule, annoying but she is barely distinguishable, and I think the Rihanna collaboration "Love the Way You Lie" is very well conceived/executed (it will help this album to sell millions). Someone else may have just stopped reading this review as a result.

You either root for Eminem or rout him. Gone are the weird accents, and in comes a voice that occasionally sounds like Marshall Mathers, but mostly like an old deaf drill sergeant. Seriously, he shouts on "Recovery" - a lot. He even says at one point, "Why am I yelling at air?" and it's a fair enough question. Yet, though I find it annoying, another hails it as passionate/inspiring. There are no skits, and no real binding concept - the first time that has happened in his major label career. I think it is a good idea - forget distracting concepts or narrative arcs, just prove you can create good songs (plus skits are usually overdone). Other listeners miss the skits and movie-like "scripts."

Aside from the confusing duality of the album, there are various other issues. The production, for one, could appear to be bland, yet as an album it is very listenable - certainly not superb, but it does a good job (a much better one, too, than "Relapse"). I'd argue that out of 17 full-length tracks, only 3 don't earn their place ("W.T.P." and "Cinderella Man" - plus one of "So Bad" or the album closer). Just Blaze sails very close to the wind on "No Love" - which is already one of the love/hate tracks. Is it a poor choice of sample, an inferior re-run of "Drop the World" or a raging success? You’ll have to decide for yourself, I’m afraid. DJ Khalil provides his usual level of consistency, with "Talkin' 2 Myself" in particular growing into a memorable effort. Even Jim Jonsin pops up on the solid Hotel California-$#! “Space Bound.
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