::[OFFICIAL] FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014 Thread:::

This is an honest mandate for Brazil, the country which reinvented the sports as the "beautiful game", to revert back to their creative/attacking style of play. The past 30 years they've emphasized defense (2002 was the only exception) combined with a few creative attackers, and it has yielded them 2 world cups, but no Brazilian team played as fluently as the 1970 or 1982 World Cup teams. While "winning ugly" trumps "losing beautifully", the Brazilian soccer program has emphasized this mantra much more in the past 11 years and they've resulted in World Cup disappointing losses to France, Netherlands and Germany. 

Give me Socrates, Zico, Fulcao, Eder, Junior and Co. over this pathetic bunch of mishaps. Yes, the 1982 squad didn't win, but every true soccer fan re-watched portions, if not the entirety of Brazil's 1982 World Cup run, because they are quite possibly the greatest team to never win the World Cup. 
crazy but how spain didnt atleast make it to the semis still is insane to me considering how wacky this wc been.
I've seen bad teams, but I have never seen such trash like this Brazil team. What a great performance in front of their home crowd. We all knew this team was overrated when you have garbage like Fred starting.
Was watching in shock from the 10th minute on. DOnt think theres any words to properly explain what happened out in Belo Horizonte today. We just witnessed a historic game in World Cup history.

First off, major credit to Germany. Literally a machine. The most precise football in the world. Every cut, every run, every pass, just phenomenal.

In my opinion, Thiago Silva was the missing element that ended this World Cup for Brazil. More than just one of the greatest defenders in the world, he is the backbone and emotional leader (and literal leader) of this team. He is the battery in Brazils back. Hes the man that puts everyone else on the pitch in their place. When someone effs Up, hes the one in their face to straighten them out. What we saw today was a lack of leadership, and frankly a lack of balls. Germany got the first jab with the first Muller goal, then a couple haymakers that knocked the home team down. I have no doubt in my mind that the game was mentally lost after the 2nd goal.

Im not saying that brazil would have won, but I bet someone with Silva's fire and mean streak would have given one of the German attackers a hard challenge before the game was blown open like that. Similar to throwing someone on the floor trying to tomahawk a dunk in. You just gotta foul them at some point. Send a message. Nobody on that side had an OUNCE of fight in them. I also think with Thiago in, the defensive shape would have held a lot better. Very dissapointing game from everyone but Dante I expected to at least make an effort to show out. He was just as clueless, like hed never seen these dudes in practice before.

The loss of Neymar doesnt even have to be touched on. Germany's plan was to lay back on the attackers, pretty much disrespecting their ability without Neymar to attack, and it worked. They played the counter to like a 70% success rate. What a total domination.

Really other than tactical defeat, it was a mental domination. You would think the fuel of the circumstances would light a fire under these boys but I guess it spilled over and burned them. The pressure really got to them.

After the 20th minute, they were all just as much in shock as we were. Ive been in ball games where we were getting spanked from the get, and its just a outer body experience. You're not mentally prepared to get your *** kicked, and your body and mind goes numb.. and under the bright lights in the biggest tournament in the world, for their home fans, who they know have such a feverish passion for the game, i have no doubt they were shell-shocked. it takes a really strong person to break them out of that, and noone on that field was that guy. Scolari himself was flabbergast.

We witnessed a historic sporting event. in the grand pantheon of sports, this was a once, maybe twice in a lifetime implosion. Like the yankees losing to the redsox in '04, and even that doesnt grasp the humiliation and despair thats gonna float around this team for years to come. To lose in the world cup is one thing, to lose in front of your home fans in historic fashion is another, especially Brazillian fans.

You combine that with all the problems about Brazil's infrastructure and government corruption, and I pray for the best for this nation. Really, the Brazillian people are such a great people, football means so much to so many. For some people, its the only source of loyalty and joy they feel. I think they deserved a much better ending.

Really think this day will go down in infamy in Brazil. The shame of a nation. I cant imagine the abuse thats going to be thrown at some players. Fred already might have to relocate. In America, most people would let Wundolowski enjoy his breakfast with his wife and kids if they saw him in the street after he blew that goal against Belgium. I dont think thats gonna happen down in Brazil.

My bad for the long post, im just very dissapointed in the showing Brazil displayed out there. As Brazil danced with the Devil for the past couple years about support for the WC and government spending habits, I felt the only way to remedy the illness, however breif, was to Win a World Cup. Sort of how winning the UEFA 2012 lifted Spain past their economical problems for a bit. This loss will carry on past the stadium doors and onto the streets.

Might be overdramatic but goddamn what a game for the ages! Most spectacular world cup ever?
Really think this day will go down in infamy in Brazil. The shame of a nation. I cant imagine the abuse thats going to be thrown at some players. Fred already might have to relocate. In America, most people would let Wundolowski enjoy his breakfast with his wife and kids if they saw him in the street after he blew that goal against Belgium. I dont think thats gonna happen down in Brazil.
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