^^^ good looking out on the link, I was checking the site and they weren't popping up. So happy I was able to grab these!
Good looks on the link...just grabbed my sz 11
No problem at all. Enjoy

Was surprised I got them to pop up before 12 by just searching "TMNT"
I was refreshing new arrivals footwear and didnt find anything. Figured someone on nt would post it. Def lookin forward to gettin these in the mail
And no size 9 of course. Probably a good thing cuz I need to stop buying so many shoes
Thanks for the support everyone! If you see random sizes being added it's because someone attempted to purchase 10 pairs. All orders containing more than 2 pairs are immediately terminated. There is less than 50 pairs left. Sizes are going.

Are you affiliated with Fila?
If anyone in Toronto is looking for the black stack 2s, Todays sportswear has them at the pacific mall location.
So glad these flew under the radar. I was able to grab 2 pairs I got 2 day shipping so I will get them in time for the movie!
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