Official: Lakers @ Jazz 2/11 6PM PST Game On KCAL 9

wow dfish really?

i hope those mormons do the ball dance come tomorrow morning
What did I tell yall?

Cute with the little stone faces and smh's.

I know this team. I can see a loss a mile away.

Coming off of a back to back where the team didn't get in until 2. The D has been horrible all game and on top of that we were committing STUPID fouls.

All of that spells a loss.

Get mad at me all you want but get your heads out of the clouds. We can't win every game.

On top of everything else....We haven't won more then 7 games in a row this enitre year.....

Yall should have known this loss was coming...

tupac is right, Lakers just didn't play good enough defense to expect to win this game. it would have been over a long time ago if the Jazz hadn'tmissed FTs.
From the release, I thought Fishers second shot was good.

Maybe we should have took a 2 since they were missing FT's
phil saved all those time outs for nothing, instead of stopping those runs he saves his TO for nothing
sometimes i dont really understand Phil, bench hot players, put bad line ups on the floor, and now save the time outs for what? smh
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