Official LEBRON 2010 Thread (The Decision: MIAMI HEAT)

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Originally Posted by BlowDaWhistle

I keep thinking he wouldn't hold this press conference but then i dont know...I just don't think he's going back to Cle after the Bosh sign and trade there seems like it fell thru....

My gut tells me its either New York or Chi...

i dont see chicago in the picture at all. knicks have a better low post pressence in stat and a better shooter in gallo than the bulls do. plus in nyc he dont need to fill any shoes
Originally Posted by Informerx

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

LOL@ ya'll thinking lebron is over-doing with this ... it's cuz ya'll are just irritated by dragging. seems like ya'll can't wait to find out

Umm, he's over doing it because he's announcing his decision on ESPN instead of just signing the damn contract with the team he decides to go to (or stay on). If the meeting is in Ohio, he's staying.
pretty much,  i'm really starting to hope he stays though because while i thought some of my fellow Laker fans were delusional, some of the stuff i've seen Knicks fans post is way worse. (not all Knicks fans because alot of you are loyal and level headed)

one thing about the Knicks though is that while they did get Amare which is a good move, I really don't see them as a good long term option.  If the Knicks were a consistent proven winner like the Yankees and had ownership like the Yankees that will make things happen consistently then I would say make the move because it's the smart move to do but Dolan owns the team and he will find a way to screw things up,  plus the team has underachieved for so long that it's not even a for sure thing he would win with the Knicks.

seriously though aside from 2 finals losses in the 1990's and a few good playoff runs between 1992-2000 what have the Knicks really done to prove their a legit team for a superstar player to go to?

if he stays in Cleveland he will get help though, i guarantee that,  what hurt Cleveland these past few years is that it's not LA or New York which means it isn't a city that players wanna go to regardless if the teams good or not. that means that with all the uncertainity regarding Lebrons future it would be hard to get a player to go there if their not sure Lebrons staying. If Lebron stays and players know he'll be there long term everything will fall in place and they will get someone.
Originally Posted by FudgeMoney24

Originally Posted by lokiD40


- Employee confirmed shipment
- Colorway never before released
- Boat load of shipment sent to NYC store

They probably also sent red ones to Chicago and black ones to Miami just to have all the bases covered. 

Yea they probably gonna end up in Haiti if Bron don't come.
Originally Posted by tim teufel

think about it, why would he have an hour special to say he's staying with the team? its a once in a lifetime opportunity to go to the big apple and you're going to be the main thing in the entire city. not too many athletes would let this go by and im sure he wont. a statue will be built for him in the garden. its a pretty easy decision imo. i really think the bulls would have had a shot if it wasnt for that jordan presentation  there are no shoes to fill here just starting from scratch. make your own legacy
I have to agree with this one. No one in the right frame of mind needs one hour, let alone two full days, to tell the whole world that he loves where he's at and he's staying. And the whole thing about selling ad spots wherein profit would be donated to the Boys and Girls Club of America, come on, who are they kidding?

Unless Chris Bosh changes his position about going to Cleveland in the next 48 hours, it's a foregone conclusion that Lebron James is gone and headed to New York. Think about it, if Lebron stays in Cleveland, each year he's there, they'd be expected not just to come out of the Eastern Conference, but win the championship. And every year they don't achieve that, it would be seen as a failure.

On the flipside, if he goes to New York, and this is no disrespect to the fans of the Knicks, getting him to go to Broadway is comparable to winning a championship already simply because of how the Knicks have been portrayed over the last decade. They won't win it all in at least two years, but his presence alone, along with getting players to go there in the next year or two, will be enough of a slam dunk.

Its funny how every basketball analyst on ESPN basically went from guaranteeing that he'd be gone from Cleveland after they got bounced by Boston (Paging Chris Broussard, Ric Bucher and J.A. Adande) to now saying that Cleveland's the front runner to keep him. Give me a break. New York is New York. Nothing will be bigger.

All I'm going to say is 3 blocks and Boys and Girls club. If Lebron is giving the money to a Boys and Girls club does'nt it make sense for him to announce the decision at a boys and girls club?
Does'nt it make sense for the boys and girls club to be within ear shot of what ever stadium Lebron is playing at?
I'm just going to throw this out there 3 friggin blocks and a walk for lebron to his new home for a picture in front of a certain statue.
Originally Posted by jmoney45

Originally Posted by tim teufel

think about it, why would he have an hour special to say he's staying with the team? its a once in a lifetime opportunity to go to the big apple and you're going to be the main thing in the entire city. not too many athletes would let this go by and im sure he wont. a statue will be built for him in the garden. its a pretty easy decision imo. i really think the bulls would have had a shot if it wasnt for that jordan presentation  there are no shoes to fill here just starting from scratch. make your own legacy
I have to agree with this one. No one in the right frame of mind needs one hour, let alone two full days, to tell the whole world that he loves where he's at and he's staying. And the whole thing about selling ad spots wherein profit would be donated to the Boys and Girls Club of America, come on, who are they kidding?

Unless Chris Bosh changes his position about going to Cleveland in the next 48 hours, it's a foregone conclusion that Lebron James is gone and headed to New York. Think about it, if Lebron stays in Cleveland, each year he's there, they'd be expected not just to come out of the Eastern Conference, but win the championship. And every year they don't achieve that, it would be seen as a failure.

On the flipside, if he goes to New York, and this is no disrespect to the fans of the Knicks, getting him to go to Broadway is comparable to winning a championship already simply because of how the Knicks have been portrayed over the last decade. They won't win it all in at least two years, but his presence alone, along with getting players to go there in the next year or two, will be enough of a slam dunk.

Its funny how every basketball analyst on ESPN basically went from guaranteeing that he'd be gone from Cleveland after they got bounced by Boston (Paging Chris Broussard, Ric Bucher and J.A. Adande) to now saying that Cleveland's the front runner to keep him. Give me a break. New York is New York. Nothing will be bigger.

same can be said about new jersey.  but they dont have the bright lights of msg or the city.  jay-z and prokorov would have to make one hell of a sales pitch to land him.

bron gonna donate the money to the boys and girls club of cleveland and bounce to another city?
SOME of you Knicks fans and all around haters make me want to spit on your screen name.
Originally Posted by DMan14

Originally Posted by jmoney45

Originally Posted by tim teufel

think about it, why would he have an hour special to say he's staying with the team? its a once in a lifetime opportunity to go to the big apple and you're going to be the main thing in the entire city. not too many athletes would let this go by and im sure he wont. a statue will be built for him in the garden. its a pretty easy decision imo. i really think the bulls would have had a shot if it wasnt for that jordan presentation  there are no shoes to fill here just starting from scratch. make your own legacy
I have to agree with this one. No one in the right frame of mind needs one hour, let alone two full days, to tell the whole world that he loves where he's at and he's staying. And the whole thing about selling ad spots wherein profit would be donated to the Boys and Girls Club of America, come on, who are they kidding?

Unless Chris Bosh changes his position about going to Cleveland in the next 48 hours, it's a foregone conclusion that Lebron James is gone and headed to New York. Think about it, if Lebron stays in Cleveland, each year he's there, they'd be expected not just to come out of the Eastern Conference, but win the championship. And every year they don't achieve that, it would be seen as a failure.

On the flipside, if he goes to New York, and this is no disrespect to the fans of the Knicks, getting him to go to Broadway is comparable to winning a championship already simply because of how the Knicks have been portrayed over the last decade. They won't win it all in at least two years, but his presence alone, along with getting players to go there in the next year or two, will be enough of a slam dunk.

Its funny how every basketball analyst on ESPN basically went from guaranteeing that he'd be gone from Cleveland after they got bounced by Boston (Paging Chris Broussard, Ric Bucher and J.A. Adande) to now saying that Cleveland's the front runner to keep him. Give me a break. New York is New York. Nothing will be bigger.

same can be said about new jersey.  but they dont have the bright lights of msg or the city.  jay-z and prokorov would have to make one hell of a sales pitch to land him.

bron gonna donate the money to the boys and girls club of cleveland and bounce to another city?
You don't know the reference to the 3 blocks.
It has a lot of significance to the statue he is going to stand in front of and take pictures with.
It sounds crazy but imo the only reason for the whole Boys and girls club thing is to establish a new base for Lebron to have his MVP press conference.
Its just an idea that I have had for a while as to lessen the blow of leaving Cleveland.
But 9 times out of 10 this press conference is going to happen at a Boys and Girls club.
And it makes no sense to do it in Cleveland or Akron because he always did his press conferences at St Vincent St Mary.
Another thing that's bugging me. If you Cleveland haters had Lebron in this situation, you'd be wishing and praying He'd stay as well.
babyjordan0312 wrote:

All I will say...

If he is not a Knick by the 8th.

Someone @ Nike was lied to today via Blackberry

Remember what I said on Sunday

Seriously Though...

Only Lebron knows for sure, All I am going on is an "interesting" BBM message sent to someone @ Nike during the 4th of July holidays on their BlackBerry..
Originally Posted by LBJ23navo

I have a feeling hes going to stay in Cleveland..


Hasn't he taken so many L's already, dude is taking another one if he stays in Ohio.
Originally Posted by BabyJordan0312

babyjordan0312 wrote:

All I will say...

If he is not a Knick by the 8th.

Someone @ Nike was lied to today via Blackberry
Remember what I said on Sunday

Seriously Though...

Only Lebron knows for sure, All I am going on is an "interesting" BBM message sent to someone @ Nike during the 4th of July holidays on their BlackBerry.. 
Anymore info on this BabyJ?
damn if its an hour special Dwyane and bosh better reveal where they are going and if Amare said he can get tony parker and melo to join him imagine who lebron can get to join him next year CP3???
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by BabyJordan0312

babyjordan0312 wrote:

All I will say...

If he is not a Knick by the 8th.

Someone @ Nike was lied to today via Blackberry
Remember what I said on Sunday

Seriously Though...

Only Lebron knows for sure, All I am going on is an "interesting" BBM message sent to someone @ Nike during the 4th of July holidays on their BlackBerry.. 
Anymore info on this BabyJ?

That could be the case but can ya'll imagine the HEAT He will get if He holds an hour long show just for him to say "I'm going to the Knicks!"

Its like a female getting married, then her soon to be husband's dime piece of an ex girlfriend walks in the church and dude walks away with the ex. Just grimey.

Don't do it Bron, you better stay.

AND CHRIS BOSH! If what I'm hearing on Mike&Mike is true about a trade actually being in place and ready to go and you turned it down!? Who do YOU think YOU are? D-Wade, Melo, Bron, Stat? YOU don't even have a nickname!

If Bosh doesn't go to Miami, Chi, or Cle, He is a dummy. Well Houston is a good spot.
i really think it's a lose-lose situation for lebron.

Decision 1: Staying with Cavs: then he would make the entire nation get pissed off for wasting all this time.. for the last 2 years.. all this for nothing? And 1 hour show? all this buildup? plus the team sucks.

Decision 2: Leave for another team. HUGE SPIT in the face of cleveland fans. How in the world does this help his public image? screw his former team in front of the whole nation?


I see the whole league booing him next year.
Why do you all keep saying the Cavs suck and they won 60+ last year?

Is it because they didn't win a ring because if that's the case, 29 other teams.
Originally Posted by leonard109

i really think it's a lose-lose situation for lebron.

Decision 1: Staying with Cavs: then he would make the entire nation get pissed off for wasting all this time.. for the last 2 years.. all this for nothing? And 1 hour show? all this buildup? plus the team sucks.

Decision 2: Leave for another team. HUGE SPIT in the face of cleveland fans. How in the world does this help his public image? screw his former team in front of the whole nation?


I see the whole league booing him next year.

Shaq? Tmac? 
Lebron can handle it easy. 
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