Wouldn't say that

IMO They are every bit as good as they showed against every team but gsw

Gsw is the only team that can do what they do defensively against us

That's the point. If we don't have a realistic shot of beating GSW, it doesn't matter if we're marginally better in some ways this year.
Really though, there should not be any shame or frustration in not being as good as the Warriors. That team is stupidly good. The GSW core won 73 games last year and then added the 2nd best player in the league. They should be unstoppable. But they're ***** boys, so I'm still pissed
**** those ****boy head *** ***** *** lames
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That 1st quarter was terrible Blake and all his turnovers. They had 9 TO in the first and were down 18 really early. You can't get that far behind this team. Again Doc Rivers was trying to post up Blake early. Which doesn't really make sense to me, it's not like he demands a double team. They had better results when they were attacking with Rivers and Crawford.
Whether he is or not, say those things to your team behind closed doors, no need to say stuff with that sentiment to the media

He's talking like he isn't on the same team :lol: :lol:
pmatic pmatic

P, What I'm saying is, is that sure the Clips need to stop complaining and be more selfless and what not. But all nba teams complain, a lot. Draymond green and Steve Kerr are two of the biggest crybabies in the league. I don't think something as non tangible as "Stop complaining" and "sacrifice" are the differences between gsw and lac.

Like, leave the cliches to the fans and broadcasters. There are real differences between the dubs and clips that go beyond some regenerated cliches. So if you're going to talk about the differences between the two teams, dont tell us the difference is that because not complaining is not gonna help LAC when their sets blow up because of gsw's switching.

Besides, if you're like 2 for your last 13 from 3, not playing any defense, and shooting under 30% from 3 on the year, You're part of the problem :lol:
I don't have a real problem with Mo's comments, though there definitely is some level of irony there considering he's widely viewed as a one dimensional player who only cares about scoring. He's dead on about the ref thing. And he's also right that we need to change our approach to playing the Warriors, both from an attitude and Xs & Os standpoint. But I don't think its because guys are playing too much as individuals and have the wrong goals. I used to think the problem was not having a true belief we're as good as the Warriors, but now I'm starting to feel the opposite. Maybe we actually need to accept that we're not as good right now. Perhaps that will alleviate some of the pressure that guys like Blake, CP and JJ are clearly feeling when we play the Dubs. Stop trying to treat each game like the time we have to prove we're in the same class and just play. Just play.

And Doc also needs to adjust his play calling and rotations. GSW always has one of Steph, Klay or KD in. Its not fair to our bench to have the entire second unit playing against a Golden State unit that has Steph and KD, which happened last night. (Though, with that game, our bench was pretty much just as good as the starters).
Yeah maybe doc will realize now that staggering won't cut it, especially when Kerr does a great job of having KD and / or Klay play with the bench. Agree with you on that 100%. But I've never been gun ho about the bench to begin with

But yeah bro, in my personal opinion, this isn't a belief thing with gsw anymore. They really don't have the personnel to beat these guys once, let alone 4 out of 7. The only way LAC could be competitive against gsw is if Chris Paul becomes NO CP and BG becomes a 1v1 typhoon. Anything short of that, the Clips have no shot.

Anyway, on to Saturday
They're going to make a panic trade if we keep losing. I feel it :lol:
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They're going to make a panic trade if we keep losing. I feel it :lol:

IDK, it just doesn't seem like any trades are out there that Doc would believe would get them closer to contending with GSW. Who's on the trading block that could help? Rudy Gay? LOL. I don't see them trading any of the core 4 and nobody else on the team is going to get them anyone of value. I doubt any major roster moves are coming, particularly if we can go on a nice win streak again soon.

But, yeah, when it comes to the Warriors, it really is unfavorable match-ups for us across the board. They always have a bigger, longer player who can guard CP. Although I still think Blake is the overall better player, Draymond can neutralize him, particularly when he's playing like an indecisive weenie, as he was yesterday. JJ basically can't do anything. And DJ simply isn't good enough to really capitalize on the clear physical advantage he has over the GSW interior players.
IDK, it just doesn't seem like any trades are out there that Doc would believe would get them closer to contending with GSW. Who's on the trading block that could help? Rudy Gay? LOL. I don't see them trading any of the core 4 and nobody else on the team is going to get them anyone of value. I doubt any major roster moves are coming, particularly if we can go on a nice win streak again soon.

But, yeah, when it comes to the Warriors, it really is unfavorable match-ups for us across the board. They always have a bigger, longer player who can guard CP. Although I still think Blake is the overall better player, Draymond can neutralize him, particularly when he's playing like an indecisive weenie, as he was yesterday. JJ basically can't do anything. And DJ simply isn't good enough to really capitalize on the clear physical advantage he has over the GSW interior players.

Yup, agree on everything here
the Warriors have the two best scorers in the association and klay. There is just no way, man :lol:

There was a play where I think DJ blockerd someone and the W's got the off reb. The ball went from Steph to Klay to Draymond, to Iggy?, to Durant. The rotations were great until that last one. It's impossible man :lol:
Yeah, the effort and attention to detail would also have to translate into us shooting a high percentage, out-rebounding them and keeping the turnovers to a minimum. PLUS, we'd need at least two of their starters to have off shooting nights. So, yes, it's possible to beat them, just not all that likely.
Also, I'm staring to lose hope that BG is going to take another step and consistently be the Top 10/MVP caliber player he sometimes is, particularly when it comes to tight games. He still reverts to bumbling Blake too often. Just seems to be something mental there. I think this may be as good as he's going to get, which is pretty damn good, but not necessarily someone who can be the number 1 option on a title team.
I don't think bg is gonna take anymore steps either. He has developed a consistent jumpshot, but he hasn't shown much of anything else. He hasn't progressed mentally, he hasn't developed any low post game. Too many summers have passed with little to no improvement.

Like I said before, I'd be willing to move bg if we could get a player like cousins etc in return

I do feel like there are adjustments to be made against gsw. But the issue is, we should have been ready for that game. So many fast break easy buckets, so many back door cuts for layups. Too many dumb turnovers. Too many players getting beat down court, literally light jogging.

As stated before. To have a few days off to prepare for this game, and not show up in so many ways. Despicable

Against gsw, I feel like keeping 2 in to offensive rebound is ok because it will pay major dividends. Bg either by design or pure laziness just didn't have much interest in rebounding (other than him assaulting green on that tip dunk)
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With mo buckets recent comments, why do you guys think the clips complain so much?

I know all teams complain, especially the warriors...But we do seem to complain and talk to the refs alot. I know the clips def let it distract them more than other teams...

And how much do you think it would affect us in a positive/negative way if we just stopped?
With mo buckets recent comments, why do you guys think the clips complain so much?

I know all teams complain, especially the warriors...But we do seem to complain and talk to the refs alot. I know the clips def let it distract them more than other teams...

And how much do you think it would affect us in a positive/negative way if we just stopped?

I think the clips complaining is overblown as hell at this point.

They have a rep for it. Every time they argue a gets magnified by 100.

It's the equivalent to Russell Westbrook getting a steal....and the announcers fawning over how he's one of the best defenders in the game :lol:.

It is what it is.
^^^ I don't think the Clips really complain significantly more than most teams players, but it still may be a bigger problem for us. Because we have that rep, some refs have a shorter fuse with us and, also, I think we allow perceived unfair treatment by the refs impact our play more than other teams do. That's why I think there's validity to what Mo said.
Man one day i will put together a compilation of the spurs, Cavs, and Warriors complaining. That series against the Spurs two years ago was hilarious. The Spurs jump around after a call and nothing is said.The clippers do and "that's why everybody hates them." :lol:
Man one day i will put together a compilation of the spurs, Cavs, and Warriors complaining. That series against the Spurs two years ago was hilarious. The Spurs jump around after a call and nothing is said.The clippers do and "that's why everybody hates them." :lol:

The "clippers crying to the refs narrative" has even made its way into 2K.

Perception and Narratives >>> Reality in sports.

We really live in strange times :lol:.
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