Official Mad Men Season 5 Thread - Episode - 13 - "The Phantom" 6/10 10pm - Season Finale

Megan has been HORRIBLE this episode, and by Megan I mean Jessica Pare. So much disgusting over acting, she really ruined the episode for me already, and it's not even over

Great season, but that finale wasn't good...really expected a lot more. Shame that the Layne episode outshined this one by 100000
This show has the best timing for comedic relief.  When Peggy looked out the window 
Originally Posted by shogun

This show has the best timing for comedic relief.  When Peggy looked out the window 
I disagree, that wasn't funny, and I found it completely pointless and unnecessary. If it was suppose to symbolize something I missed it but that was dumb.
A lot of funny moments in everyday life are just, weird random things like that.  Well, that's how I feel.  Her and Don were just talking about her upcoming trip to Virginia and she said it's not as nice as Paris.

I laughed the most this season for "Pizza House".  
It was probably a bit unfair as a viewer to expect another monumental episode after the last few we've had. Finales often need to wrap up the stories of the season while hinting at what's to come.. but man did this episode pick up steam at the end. I can't imagine how else you top the dramatic events the last couple episodes, this one was more about giving us answers to the questions that have been asked this season.

Joan selling herself, Lane killing himself, all the past memorable moments of the show.. the shot of Don walking away from Megan and to the final "Are you alone?" might have been one of the most powerful scenes of the show for me. On a purely visual level, it was phenomenal. Don left his "Beauty" (which makes him the Beast?), leaving the brightly lit and colored stage s he walks alone into the darkness. Then back to his old hangouts, a cocktail lounge, orders his Old Fashioned, lights the woman's cigarette and she poses the question to him. In short, if this season was Don trying to take a 2nd chance at marriage in hope of things being different.. well they aren't. Megan showed flashes of season 1 Betty when she was moping around the house, lacking career prospects, the growing resentment to Don. He did his best to appease her and give her the commercial, but he knows it's not enough. Even worse, his interest in his work has been lacking this season as well. Although the company has never been doing better and they're expanding, Don only recently became interested again. We've seen him have the spark like when he pitched the chemical company, so hopefully that carries over.

Pete's been really interesting this season. He and Peggy have long shown different elements of Don in their lives. Pete has longed for the picture perfect family and success at his job, but he's grown bored and he's wandered this season. However, he did something that old Don never did... he openly admitted why he was cheating and what was wrong with him. His monologue at the hospital was brilliant when describing his "friend", "And he realized everything he had was not right... family was a temporary bandage on a permanent wound". That describes both Pete and Don as they try to fill the void with something but it just won't work. I thought Pete's confession might bring permanent changes, but he didn't protest Trudy's suggestion at an apartment in the city.. if he was wanting before, now that he'll have his own place and an excuse not to come home, we can expect that to continue.

I hope that's not the last we see of Peggy. While brief, we did see her at her new job and it didn't seem to ruin the flow of the show. Besides being a great character, I really want to see where she goes from here.. but we might not need to see it because we already know. She's going to be very successful. Don taught her well and it was a great moment between them as Don admitted when you help people then they find success and leave. A sad realization but Peggy's point was right... that you help them and you want them to succeed and do better, otherwise why else help? Peggy is too great of a character to leave, but it can be argued that her story has been told.

Ultimately, this season was terrific. Last year we saw Don Draper at his lowest and in a moment of joy he proposed to Megan. The show would be boring if Don lived happily ever after, obviously, but they did a tremendous job of tracing the honeymoon phase, to fights and reoccurring issues, to fundamental problems in the relationship. He and Megan are similar to he and Betty. She's obviously a better wife and person than Betty was.. and Don has shown more moments of being a considerate and progressive husband. He was literally haunted by his past this episode and he ignored his toothache in the hopeless attemptthat it will get better. The tooth was rotten, but it's not just the tooth.. Don Draper is rotten too. He can ignore it and hope it gets better, but ultimately it won't. He's an incredibly tragic character, and I love it. 
Originally Posted by P1NSTR1PEZ

Originally Posted by shogun

This show has the best timing for comedic relief.  When Peggy looked out the window 
I disagree, that wasn't funny, and I found it completely pointless and unnecessary. If it was suppose to symbolize something I missed it but that was dumb.

You simply didn't get it. She's in Richmond, Virginia, waiting to visit Virginia Slims. Maybe the grass isn't greener on the other side.
great season..
Season finale really was last weeks episode.  This was kinda like the hangover to it and what happened after Lane's death.  It's similar to the ending of season 2(which wasn't climatic) and instead just connected along with season 3 and in the end made sense.  

Don watching Megan on the projector was kinda his way of letting her go.  He saw how happy she was filming the commercial and in the end, he let her be because that's what she wanted to do.  In the scene with Peggy, he said something like I expected you to be successful with me, not someone else...Peggy than said like well is that a problem? Don't remember off the top of my head but kinda fits with what happened between Don & Megan in the end.  

Pete is the man and plays his role so well.  He's turning more into a younger Don as each season passes by(when he said to Don that finally we can have the same view kinda to me meant maybe next season he'll have a divorce similar to Don). 
Elisabeth Moss makes the point that in the theater it's the first time on the show Don and Peggy have been equals. He's always been her boss, but in that scene they're just two friends.

Hamm says that when Don is watching the reel of Megan he finally realizes she's talented and that she's right for the part. Hamm and Weiner were saying Don putting Megan in the commercial is a positive moment and it's a moment of sacrifice. Don has to let Megan go for her to be happy, and it's a risky move for him.
This finale was depressing.


Pete stay with that weak jaw

Great season.
"You only live twice, Or so it seems, One life for yourself...And one for your dreams" lyrics from the closing score by nancy sinatra

great season, great end..will post my interpretation of motifs after a think (beauty and the beast/the tooth/petes monologue...**$$%%* great writing)
Beauty and the Beast, the song choice, Don's tooth, Lane's empty chair, Peggy going to the movies just like Don, seeing his dead brother, the partners alone on the new floor... the writers are just showing off at this point because it's been an outstanding season.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

the shot of Don walking away from Megan and to the final "Are you alone?" might have been one of the most powerful scenes of the show for me.

And Don's little smirk... it was all so perfect.
For those not familiar, it seems like Peggy is poised to create Virginia Slims. I think her getting that assignment is a very good sign that we'll see her again as she works on the campaign. That or one day Don will see an ad for "You've come a long way, baby" and give a small smile at Peggy's accomplishment.
Next season I believe we open with a shot of the new offices, with the windows and all.

I think Peggy will be around, and I think eventually there will be competition between Peggy and Don for the rights to a product, the teacher vs the master on a big stage.

How will Pete continue to spiral once he gets the apt in the city?

Maybe we see [given the time lapse between seasons] that Megan is a star now thanks to the commercial, maybe she's away from home a lot and see how that effects Don.
When Don was looking at Megan's reel, it felt like he was saying goodbye to her as his private love, as she is now on a journey to enter the hearts of many.

While Don's fall and rise was pretty amazing last season, this year Joan, Peggy, Pete, and Roger were far more interesting than him. I can think of a myriad of possibilities for those four characters, but I can't do that with Don. Miserable and single? Miserable and married? Where is he going to go? there's not a lot left for him to because all his secrets have been revealed.  
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