OFFICIAL: NIKE AIR PENNY V (Release Dates, Colorway Updates, and Availability info)

still not sold on them. remove the penny logos and these would undoubtedly sit
i was skeptical about these at first. but after looking into them i really like the dolphins colour way. i would love to know how Wale has already these for a couple of months though.....

if you look at the line as a whole plus the evolution of nikbasketball itself this design is amazing in the fact it gives us natural progression and that flavor of the early penny line. i love this design it has to be one of the best nike Marc Dolce has done since the Zoom Rookie in a long time .
Hope this is a solid performer and not a glorified re-make.  I can't really tell the difference between those previous frankenstein shoes
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Like the cloak colorway but I want that effect/colorway to be exclusive to the Kobe sig.

Phoenix joints are dope also.
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