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The fakes and scammers really bum me out... had 2 sales fall through in the past month. still on the hunt
Beware of the NT user StillHungry. and the Yeezy's he posted under the buy/sell section. I purchased his platinums off him Wednesday and was given a fake tracking # for an item that was priority shipped to California today when I live in Arizona. As far as the purchase goes everything was sketch from the very beggining. Luckily for me I made him write a very detailed decscription in the notes before I purchased so I'm able to get a full refund as soon as these next 10 days pass. I've been trying to contact him all morning thinking he could've made an easy mistake but still havent recieved anything back. The first and only time I give an NT member the benefit of the doubt.
I bought the Solars from StillHungry and he gave me the same tracking number to Irvine CA when I live in Ohio lol. Dude wont respond to my text anymore, and Im not even trying to be honest. Im just gonna file a claim with Paypal. Idk why these guys go through all this to scam, especially when Paypal generally sides with the buyer. Anyway please beware and DO NOT send a gift payment to this clown.
Looks like this dude came up sick. I have 4 other NTers in my inbox asking me questions cause they to purchased platinums and solars of this POS. I hope every single one of you guys are able to get your money back. Please take a second of your time and report this guy so he can get banned. Thanks
When you send as gift as a buyer, you are forfeiting buyer protection. The loophole as a buyer is to have the funds linked to your bank account or credit card company, you can file a chargeback with them and almost everytime you'll get your money back. If you sent the payment using funds from your paypal balance, then you're out of some money if the transaction goes bad.

Using this same scenario, as a seller in this situation you're out some money. The gift option doesnt provide seller protection either.

Basically whenever you send/receive as gift, paypal gets 0 money from the cut. So in turn, they don't do s*** for you.

I agree with GrapeApe, if you know how to protect yourself as a buyer you can scam people very easily.
Should I call my cc company and file a chargeback immediately? Or should I wait for this Paypal dispute to close? Usually paypal refunds me my money after the buyer fails to show proof of delivery after the 10 days. I dont want to cause any extra trouble by filing for a chargeback before this dispute closes...

You wanna file with both immediately to cover all bases. And whoever solves the problem first you can notify the other. No reason to wait.
ha, add another one to StillHungry's list.. :smh:
wish I would have seen these posts before I paid him..
i already called Paypal and explained the situation to a representative.
she filed a dispute for me and immediately escalated it to a claim.
i could tell the dude was shady from the get-go..
should've went with my initial judgement.
oh well..

at any rate, this dude is some broke-*** wannabe rapper :rofl:
everyone put his social media **** on blast!

his twitter is @bombayprice

his "company" website is

his youtube channel is andrepriceTV (dude has LOADS of views... :nerd: )

and, he sucks and will never make it in the industry..

I already knew what time it was when I seen stillhungry's ads in b/s..

Just a matter of time before he was going to catch someone stillthirsty..

Buying used sneakers for over a rack from someone with no feedback is a gamble..

I hope you guys get your dough back though.
Can someone please enlighten me on what I need to write down when I buy some yeezys. I really don't want to be scammed
At this point, if the seller doesn't offer you 3 ways to get in touch with them from the start, it's probably sketchy. I was on the phone with seller of my pair well before any money exchanged hands. If you feel at all hesitant about handing money over, then you need to be asking more questions or asking for more pics.
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Yeah I must've been out of the loop. I don't care if that #%@! is a trend, the in thing in Europe or whatever, that fool I quoted put it on because Kanye did. End of story.
I have this weird theory that kanye wore that skirt to see if he could really set a trend. I remember seeing one interview from back on the day and he was talking about where he saw himself in the future. He said something to the degree that he would be a superstar and that he would be a fashion trendsetter. He could wear anything and people would be wanting to dress like him. Who knew kanye was a prophet?
i've never seen a pair on someones feet, i live in san diego.

never seen them in LA too, but i try to stay away from the hipster areas.
My friend saw some guy wearing yeezy 1s at Santee lol. I also saw Wale wearing the solar reds at the MMG tour but idk if that counts..
IMHO, Air yeezy 1's are cooler than Air yeezy 2's.....and before I get stoned I own a pair of solar 2's
I own both and i still think Y1 are better. The way they used different materials on all 3 colorways is something never done before. Not to mention, there is a lot of inspiration from Y1 used on Y2 like GID sole, lacelocks, and color scheme. 
IMHO, Air yeezy 1's are cooler than Air yeezy 2's.....and before I get stoned I own a pair of solar 2's

I feel the same way. I love my solar Y2s, but I would get rid of them before I would my nets or zens.
i just never liked how big the y1's look.  i think the y2's actually looks more like a normal shoe and can go with a lot more outfits.
Y1 > Y2

by far, and in every way.

but i will say, it's not a shoe everyone can pull off (and actually look good, like, for example, too many people try to wear them with the strap all tight, strapped down, and it makes the shoe look not as good, imo)...
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I have to go with the Yeezy II over the Yeezy I. I only had the Nets and now have 2 sets of the Solars & Platinums. It's not a bad shoe by any means, but it was just too bulky for my taste. Like someone else mentioned, the Yeezy IIs seem to be a much more appealing shoe to use with casual clothing. I don't know if it's the fits I've seen, but the Yeezy Is are rarely pulled-off correctly. Never had the Zens, but I'd gladly take those over most shoes on the market...
i just never liked how big the y1's look.  i think the y2's actually looks more like a normal shoe and can go with a lot more outfits.

Agreed. It's hard to beat the leather they used on the Zen's. I'd like to see how the Y2 would look if they switched that mesh with the buttery leather of the Y1 :x :smokin
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