OFFICIAL: NIKE KD VI ID Thread : Chroma ID August 12

Has anyone used gamma green for the airbag? Trying to decide between that, or navy for my galaxy inspired pair. (Unless the gitd green isn't green, in which case navy would be better)
A buddy of mine took a visit to a NikeiD store and showed me some pictures of a few of the Chroma options on an actual shoe. According to him they're amazing in person and from the pictures I'd have to agree

Would you mind posting those pictures?
Did you use the bright citrus or orange blaze?


Ordered a pair of patches for my Galaxy iD, but I'm going to wait before applying them to see if Nike is going to send me a replacement pair with the correct green GITD sole.

Not exactly a perfect alignment with that weird tongue, but I think it works. I'm a size 12 so I dunno if it would fit great on a smaller shoe. Width of the patch is 2.5".
idk if i'll purchase a pair of KDs, they are unique but they resemble soccer shoes way too much
The only chroma ID that I've seen so far that looks dope is the one nike tweeted when they announced the option was up. Hate to admit it but when it comes to IDs, I need to let someone else take the jump so I can see how they come out.
AMEN you gotta wait to see you the real deal pics!!  I will wait... no rush
Any Invisibility Cloak inspired IDs yet? I've made attempts. I'd probably order one if I could just make the smaller swoosh green and not all of the accents tied to it.
That galaxy patch is awful and out of place. Do a V iD if you want to use that patch.
Just a quick pic he texted me. I'm waiting on my replacement pair so hopefully in the next few days I'll have mine and I can take any additional shots if necessary.
Way more green than what everyone was getting 
Really like the clean look and originality of the Buffalo Bills and those alike. Ikea dresser ftw lol I have a dark brown one.
I'd go with orange since the red sour patch is already represented by the swoosh and KD logo.

They came out absolutely beautifully, I have to make a pair of those. Repped when I'm recharged.
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Yeah,I used the bright citrus for laces and sole. These are really nice in person. I'm very happy with them.
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