Official NT 2016 Goals

I want to be cancer free

I want to gain the 35 pounds of muscle I lost due to cancer

I want to stop chasing money, and start chasing happiness

I want to experience life, travel, and be more social

I want my family and friends to be healthy
Lose some of this fat

Take and Pass up to Private/Personal Body Guard Training

Start and Build up my gun collection

Start and keep up a business (still undecided whether photography, clothing line, or retail clothing)

Earn more, start generational nest egg
Not a goal for the new year, just a goal in general, and that's not to sweat the small stuff and understand that it's all small stuff.
Not a goal for the new year, just a goal in general, and that's not to sweat the small stuff and understand that it's all small stuff.
Definitely this. I take everything so serious and personal. I'm pretty sure it's me being passive aggressive :smh: I need to learn to roll with the punches, and let things slide. Bet I'd be a lot happier.
Definitely this. I take everything so serious and personal. I'm pretty sure it's me being passive aggressive :smh: I need to learn to roll with the punches, and let things slide. Bet I'd be a lot happier.
I'm reading a book titled "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff... and it's all small stuff". I won't lie, I'm taking it all in, and its truly helping.
get a new laptop and phone. and be healthy
I want to be cancer free

I want to gain the 35 pounds of muscle I lost due to cancer

I want to stop chasing money, and start chasing happiness

I want to experience life, travel, and be more social

I want my family and friends to be healthy

Sad to hear you have cancer, fam. Stay up. I ******* hate Cancer

I hope in 2016 you beat it and live life the way you want.
-Finish the first year of nursing school strong.

-continue knocking out debt

-travel a little more
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2015, I made a lot of progress in terms of working on myself. Been super depressed since my mom passed away 2 years ago, really since my dad passed away 7 years ago. Been feeling like crap and moping around for so damn long. I feel like I finally turned the corner on that this past year. Happiest I've felt since I was a kid. Like I'm legitimately feeling good again, but I screwed up a lot along the way academically.

2016, I want to work on my degree/career. Even though I'm a lot better now in terms of how I feel, my ambition still isn't there so I need to work on getting that back. Get disciplined. Do well in school, study web development, and before the end of the year, be able to start building a legitimate portfolio. 2017 I want to finish my degree and have a job or internship in web dev.
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1) Achieve Michael B. Jordan 'Creed' Physique

2) Pay off all debt.

3) 750 Credit Score

4) Take enough credits to damn near graduate at the end of the year.

5) Save money for world travel.

6) Be employed at 55K+ before tax annually.

Will update December 2016 on what I achieved.
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-Be more consistent with the gym
-Stop smoking
-Buy a new car
-Go back to school
-Make new friends
--Stay on this vegetarian kick
--Stack paper, fall back on my spending
--Get back into my art full time by the end of the year (already started)
--Find an suv I can pay cash for
--Stay on this gym routine
-I'm always talking **** that i'm not far off from my goal physique, time to cash that in.
-Live healthier, getting older I can't fight **** off like I used to
-Pay raise, be it promotion or somewhere else
-Fix credit
-figure out where I want to call my permanent stomping ground, start thinking of buying a home
-I love my car, may want something ill though that won't break me. Don't want to be an old dude whipping a 700 hp beast at only 25 mph on the highway.
-Wrap up any remaining sexual conquests my mind won't let go

I feel like I need to accomplish these, like i can't truly love someone else till i'm fully satisfied with who i've become.
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-Lose 20 lbs

-Gain $500 a month through side hustles

-3.8 GPA in my MS program at the half way mark.

-Save at least 10K

-Invest more money

-Less stress
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- find my niche and passion in school, whether it be chasing medicine or business

- 4.0 for the next 3 semesters (including summer classes)

- closer relationship with the most high

- consistency in diet and exercise

- make wise spending habits

- read more
I am focusing on my health, wealth and mental well being. The idea is to become my 'ideal-self.'

I want to begin consistently going to the spin classes for cardio. The gym needs to be a fun place and "thing to do like it once was for me. I would like to begin stretching often and possibly doing yoga in the living room. 80/20. Incorporate more salads. They are not that bad. Crock pot more meals, less pan frying of chicken. Continue buying the organic chicken. Make a strong effort to refrain from eating sausage. There are better alternatives. More ground turkey. Do not allow stress to dictate my actions ans words. Take 2 breaths before responding in all situations. Go to the doctor for a regular checkup. Use a multivitamin. Less pills (pain pills), utilize alternatives. BREATHE.

Utilize a more updated budget. Less sporadic spending and more planned spending. Create actual pots for particular saving goals; car, emergencies, travel, etc. 2 pairs of shoes. Any more is unnecessary. Sell the shoes i need to. Continue to pursue promotions. Make a habit to do it weekly if not more. Say no, stick to plans. Talk with mom about future. Get rid of the PMI. Utilize that money saved toward mortgage. Live on less with budget.

I want to begin reading consistently I need to finish my book 1984. I would like to read the book that I just purchased, lies my teacher told me .I would like to look into getting more education whether that's the Master’s program certificate, or another masters. Not likely, but i need to spend my time more productively, and allow my job to pay for my education. I would like to take more time in parks or woods or something. Not fully planned out, but just a time to think an be unbothered. Less phone use. I need to use my Mondays for wisely. BREATHE be kind first, be reasonable tho. Volunteer. Do not allow negativity, others or uncertainty to affect my wellbeing.
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