Official NT Cologne Thread: Current Splits *check most current page* HTTP is an online exclusive by


Mefisto is a better blend, not a fan of either tho.
Silver Mountain Water is trash. Xerjoff took the recipe and remixed it magnificently. I wore Mefisto today around the house and it literally lasted all day. I might give Beauty Spin $98 if they restock the 1oz bottles. Gonna kill this sample before I make my mind up though.
Good looks famb

Packaging was great and annoying (8 express bubble envelopes

If its as good as the other 100ml I copped before I should be good for another 2 years.
I'll post the performance.
hoarding that HB01

I ran through my entire bottle of givenvhy gentlemen only in a year, that says a lot because I switch my fragrances up a lot. I literally have decade old bottles that are half full, lacoste essentials being one. I like them, but I either got tired of them or switched it out. I've got to get another bottle of gentlemen only.
Noir or Noir Extreme? Just huffed the Extreme in a GQ magazine and the stuff smelled excellent.
Back again my store is having a gift card event so get your smells for the season and get up to $700 back on a gift card. Valentine's Day is coming up so why not give the people what they want and get something back for yourself. Will be sure to include samples and other things to try as well. Hit me up for more details the event is this Thursday so don't be left out in the cold.
Xerjoff Fiero is fire by the way. I'm hard on citrus based fragrances but I really like this one. It's much more pleasant than Nio in my opinion.
Picked up a sample of Gucci Pour Home II...
They reformulated again, now it smells like pure alcohol smh.
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