Official Orlando Magic Offseason Post Vol. Trade Howard For Al Jefferson Skraight Up


Jul 18, 2003 we are again. Those boys were eager to go on vacation judging by the way they played tonight.

Howard for Al Jefferson *****!!!!!!
Dwight Howard >>>>>>>>>>> Al Jefferson

To threadstarter.
Dwight just needs a little help in the front court and he needs to keep on developing. If you guys get a solid shooting guard and get a legit power foward youcould be a force.
It's gotta be a joke... Dwight's not going anywhere.

For Dwight, the biggest things he needs to work on his a jumpshot and his free throws. As we saw tonight, his free throws can be a liability, especially inclutch times. Develop the mid-range jumper, get a more refined post presence and add more to his offensive game. Hopefully Ewing will be able to work with himand bring his game further along.
The Magic need to get themselves a REAL Power Forward, Move Rashard back to where he's comfortable which is at the 3, and get themselves a legit ShootingGuard, a guy like Maggette perhaps. Also they need more big bodies, who can play defense and score.
1.) Why would I continue to praise him if I think keeping him is no in the best interest of the team's success?

2.) Al Jefferson, while not as [barkley] a-thu-le-ti-cally [/barkley] gifted as Howard, is a legit low post scorer. Dwight, while I appreciate all thathe's done for us this season, is nothing more than an outstanding rebounder and put-back scorer. I mean, in the 4th when it's close, how can your"best" player be your 3rd option offensively behind Turk and Shard?
I think Dwight can still improve and grow... he's still very young. He hasn't developed a complete offensive game yet, but he has the physical gifts todo so, and he has to work on his post game as well as his shot, and once he does that he'll be one of the best centers in the league.
Originally Posted by Ghenges

1.) Why would I continue to praise him if I think keeping him is no in the best interest of the team's success?

2.) Al Jefferson, while not as [barkley] a-thu-le-ti-cally [/barkley] gifted as Howard, is a legit low post scorer. Dwight, while I appreciate all that he's done for us this season, is nothing more than an outstanding rebounder and put-back scorer. I mean, in the 4th when it's close, how can your "best" player be your 3rd option offensively behind Turk and Shard?

This is an interesting take on it.... but at the end of the day you have to step back, realize what you have in Dwight CANNOT be found anywhere else in theleague, you have the NBAs youngest Rebound King, and the sort of athletic freak that absolutely does not come around more than once a decade.... I can imagineyou're mad, but step back, and imagine 2K8's trade machine.... it would say no go, Jefferson for Howard just..... it just isn't right, even if AJis a very young, super skilled low post scorer

What you need it to continue to develop Dwight, because you CAN teach him EVERYTHING Big Al can do, but you CAN'T teach Al to sticker 12'6" on thebackboard or lead the league in rebounds. Dude is 23, give him time, keep letting Pat work on him, and for gods sake get someone DECENT in the post with him sohe isn't down there getting raped by 4 defenders at a time.

Keep Dwight, he is too rare and too valuable to give up on after a SECOND round exit (Better than T-Mac has ever given his team), and if you think Hedo andShard would have had the series they did without Detroit focusing in on Dwight you're nuts, Pistons decided to stop Dwight and let the other people winthis series for the Magic.

Like people said, this teams needs a PF, and a SG (we traded Mo Evans for Cheick Samb and a 2nd round pick..... he should not be your starting sg
) keep working with Dwight, and wait for the Magic to happen
Give Dwight some time, he is working with Ewing and I think his offensive game is till a work a progress. Howard is not the problem, the problem with Orlandois that you have two players(Rashard and Hedo) who are identical and thus the team is in need of a legit PF. The other problem as mentioned is Orlando needs alegit two guard and perhaps even pg as IMO Nelson is suited for a backup role.
Originally Posted by Roscoe P Wallace

Originally Posted by Ghenges

1.) Why would I continue to praise him if I think keeping him is no in the best interest of the team's success?

2.) Al Jefferson, while not as [barkley] a-thu-le-ti-cally [/barkley] gifted as Howard, is a legit low post scorer. Dwight, while I appreciate all that he's done for us this season, is nothing more than an outstanding rebounder and put-back scorer. I mean, in the 4th when it's close, how can your "best" player be your 3rd option offensively behind Turk and Shard?

This is an interesting take on it.... but at the end of the day you have to step back, realize what you have in Dwight CANNOT be found anywhere else in the league, you have the NBAs youngest Rebound King, and the sort of athletic freak that absolutely does not come around more than once a decade.... I can imagine you're mad, but step back, and imagine 2K8's trade machine.... it would say no go, Jefferson for Howard just..... it just isn't right, even if AJ is a very young, super skilled low post scorer

What you need it to continue to develop Dwight, because you CAN teach him EVERYTHING Big Al can do, but you CAN'T teach Al to sticker 12'6" on the backboard or lead the league in rebounds. Dude is 23, give him time, keep letting Pat work on him, and for gods sake get someone DECENT in the post with him so he isn't down there getting raped by 4 defenders at a time.

Keep Dwight, he is too rare and too valuable to give up on after a SECOND round exit (Better than T-Mac has ever given his team), and if you think Hedo and Shard would have had the series they did without Detroit focusing in on Dwight you're nuts, Pistons decided to stop Dwight and let the other people win this series for the Magic.

Like people said, this teams needs a PF, and a SG (we traded Mo Evans for Cheick Samb and a 2nd round pick..... he should not be your starting sg
) keep working with Dwight, and wait for the Magic to happen

I see where you are going..BUT.. a GREAT low post scorer is as hard to find as someone as beastly athletically as Dwight Howard. Big Al is only behind Duncanwhen it comes to low post skillz. Who is third best? Yao? If you look at them size wise, they are about the same height and weight. Howard has the braodershoulders but Al has that low post build where he can bang, back dudes down (pause). Look at them by stats and with Jefferson you get maybe 3 less pts. and 5less rebounds (which you can gain back by signing a decent/average PF that you don't have to break the bank for) but you get someone who you can give theball to when the game is on the line. And Big Al is not a stranger to 20/20 games. He's done it a few times during the regular season...PLUS he plays inthe west against Duncan, Amare, Chandler, Bynum, Yao, Camby, etc. You don't know what it's like to be down 1pt. in the 4th and see Jameer bring theball up and not even look in Dwight's direction

So I'm proposing to trade someone with POTENTIAL to be great (which means he may or MAY NOT develop offensively) for someone who already has that skillsset.

Eastern Conference Finals > Slam Dunk Contest, IMO
You don't know what it's like to be down 1pt. in the 4th and see Jameer bring the ball up and not even look in Dwight's direction

I cannot begin to imagine your pain......
Seriouslythough, that sucks to have your "franchise" player be unable to be a go-to guy as well.

So I'm proposing to trade someone with POTENTIAL to be great (which means he may or MAY NOT develop offensively) for someone who already has that skills set.

Eastern Conference Finals > Slam Dunk Contest, IMO
I agree with all this, I just think its too early to give up Dwight. What if, theoretically, in 5 years he develops Al's skill set, or atleast something close (because I agree with you. As a post player, watching al Jefferson is like poetry in motion to me, his skills are in the top-5 in the Lwhen it comes to back to the basket/post. I try to learn from him and C. Booz for any new post moves I work on.... for my Rec league
) but anyway, what if Dwight DOES develop, and you have a super skilled superathletic damn near 7-footer who isn't even 30! That alone could be 3 rings before he retires if they handle it right, and as a Magic fan, I can'timagine you want to see "Shaq 2.0" dominate in another uniform pulling down rings after you already had to watch "Shaq 1.0" do the exactsame thing.... I just think its still too soon. But, you make many good points (in an argument that when I read the title I said "dude must be %#!$**brain dead") so touche.
People are really gona be disappointed when we find out Big AL is not gona improve to be much more than what he is now.

And Defense...? Not his strong suit...
Originally Posted by acidicality

If the Magic are willing to move Howard, the Warriors are listening very attentively
and so are the Sonics
...wait we have no one to give up besides Durant. nevermind then.
Good thing you aren't their GM...cause you'd lose your job QUICK for making that move.
im a wolves fan and i dont think i would even really want to do that trade right now. the wolves have major problems creating shots. i find it hard to believehoward averaged 20 a game though. with no skills
i feel amare and dwight are about the same when it comes down to it ... yeah amare has a litle jumper, but in the 4th that jumper falls extremely shooooooort
Al Jefferson > Dwight Howard

Al is beastly on the boards as well and his low post skill set is amazing at his age.. It's like he played college ball in the ACC or something.. I justsee Al as an overall better player than Dwight Howard.. And I'd rather have skills than athleticism..

And yall know what Dwight's problem is... Working with Ewing!!! Ewing was working with Yao, and Yao was doing them soft turnarounds game in and game out..I mean he still does, but at least I saw him dunk on people and show some intensity this season w/o Ewing... Dwight needs to get a beat em up mentality.. AndEwing is not going to teach him that at all..

But, if I was a team I would stick with Howard, b/c he can work on his flaws like *better hands*, *low -post moves* *grit* *clutch factor* not free throwsthough.. Big men just don't improve in that..
Dwight needs to get a beat em up mentality.

Dwight Howard doesn't like contact. He's complained about the contact in the NBA. I agree with you that Howard needs this edge. His shoulders and bodyare too big and strong to complain about contact. That's an asset pal.

Lastly, you don't trade first team All-NBA centers on a whim. Wait until after the draft. If the T-Wolves have the #1 or #2 they might be willing to tradeJefferson and the pick for Dwight Howard. This deal wouldn't really help either team. Both the Wolves and the Magic need an NBA big to at center inMinnesota and the PF in Orlando to help out their superstars. Howard needs a big to compliment him so he's not double teams by TWO NBA bigs. Jeffersonneeds the same. Both guys are going get to get doubled for most of their careers. They need a complimenting big so the double teams are one big and one guard.They can work around these doubles.
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