Originally Posted by BoutMyMoney333

Originally Posted by JE15306

Originally Posted by BoutMyMoney333

I tried sea glow in the past and dont really like the after effects it leaves on the shoes. Im running with 2 of these 17 watts T8 Bulbs
What side effects does sea glow produce?
Excuse the ignorance but all that I know of is sole separating which can happen with any kind of cleaner as long as the shoe gets hot enough. I've "Heard" that they loose traction, but never experienced it myself
 Also, do those 2 bulbs seem to get the job done? Do you notice the yellowness go away significantly? Sorry for all the questions but I have some shoes that I've been trying to restore for a while and the homemade retr0brite isn't as potent as I thought it would be... Have to put a lot of hours to see big changes.
From experience the soles got dirty VERY easily after I sea glowed them and they seemed to turn yellow even faster afterwards. And it is true that they lose traction, I used to slide all over the damn place
. Here is what I got so far. The spacejams have 3 days of treatment and the foams have received 1 day. But like I said, im using the indoor method so its going to take a little longer to get good results.


Sorry for the late response, been hell of busy doing things. Here are my results with my green bean 5's
 Only doing 1 at a time to see how results are, but I DID start on the other one before though. I currently have about 5 indoor hours on the left one and about 2 on the right 1. Already going to stop on 1 because there like grape 5 Iceness... Getting so icey they look fake now, Lol. Also sauced my 3M 5's, they were already clear but I'm OCD with my shoes. Trying to get them as iceness as possible you know. I'm using the 3% hydrogen peroxide, corn starch, and oxi clean if anyone was wondering. Btw, they were not that yellow to begin with but it was a night/day difference.




how can I clean the PL on a pair of space jams , they look pretty dull and would like some gloss
Originally Posted by terx

how can I clean the PL on a pair of space jams , they look pretty dull and would like some gloss

armour all, i actually put tire wet on some used OG Black/red 11s and it made them shine so nice but if you use the tire shine just wipe it on wet and then take it off with a dry cloth or towel dont let it sit too long cuz it just doesnt do the PL any good, well thats my experience.
Originally Posted by rcjbbp1313

Originally Posted by terx

how can I clean the PL on a pair of space jams , they look pretty dull and would like some gloss

armour all, i actually put tire wet on some used OG Black/red 11s and it made them shine so nice but if you use the tire shine just wipe it on wet and then take it off with a dry cloth or towel dont let it sit too long cuz it just doesnt do the PL any good, well thats my experience.
thanks, I will try that 
@JE15306 Damn my dude your 5's came out extra icey
Awesome work

What kind of lighting did you use on them?
Originally Posted by johnandrew07

@illadelALLDAY Yeah I'm sure. All you need to find is another pair with a red bottom sole and find someone who enjoys doing this kind of thing (i do). haha
Here's a sample of the powers of retr0brite. This isn't the exact formula for cleaning keyboards, but it does the job.

I just wanted to test out my first batch and the results look delicious P:

did you use the retrobright on the entire shoe? if so what was your process? im interested in the leather cleaning aspects of the solution, i know it does the rubber extremely well but not sure on leather, any help would be great.
Originally Posted by rcjbbp1313

Originally Posted by johnandrew07

@illadelALLDAY Yeah I'm sure. All you need to find is another pair with a red bottom sole and find someone who enjoys doing this kind of thing (i do). haha
Here's a sample of the powers of retr0brite. This isn't the exact formula for cleaning keyboards, but it does the job.

I just wanted to test out my first batch and the results look delicious P:

did you use the retrobright on the entire shoe? if so what was your process? im interested in the leather cleaning aspects of the solution, i know it does the rubber extremely well but not sure on leather, any help would be great.

Nah, I only applied retrobrite where the sun would hit. So only half of the shoe. Never ever put retr0brite on suede, nubuck, etc.. itll *$#$ it up bad from my experience. On the leather, you can clean the leather with mr clean magic eraser.
This might sound crazy but for the yellowing heel tabs on Jordan 3s, maybe someone could wrap the heel tabs with some type of white vinyl
And cut around it where the air and jump man is perfectly
Originally Posted by datguyandhiskicks4

does anyone know how to repair the jordan 11 midsole. it is wearing away really badly and idk how to fix it.
Here are links to pictures:


i sw someone say using a caulking kind of agent calle DAP i think, i may be wrong, and just form it to the way you like and paitn her up, might look a little rough but better than what it is now.
ok quick question or 2
With the retrobrite how long do you guys let it sit on the soles before putting a new batch on the shoe, an hour? more? less?
and when it comes to making thw white rubber more white and less yellow do you need light for this to work or is the hydrogen peroxide in the retrobrite going to work without light, i only ask this cuz i was letting my 06 penny 1s sit in the sun and the rubber around my air bubble came unglued, well i put it back no problems i just dont want to get it that hot and if you can do it inside that would be awesome.

I exchange the batch everytime the solution gets dried up and hard. I always want a fresh wet coat of retr0brite so i get maximum effect. Once it's dried up, the hydrogen peroxide has already evaporated so it's no use right?

The main thing you need to start your seaglowing or retr0briting to work is UV rays. they this use to whiten teeth effectively.

So from UV rays, you need the sun or special lamps. I'm positive the air unit became unglued because of the excessive heat that is hitting that area. with heat, melts. So that's why I put my shoes in to rest and cool down.
Originally Posted by johnandrew07


I exchange the batch everytime the solution gets dried up and hard. I always want a fresh wet coat of retr0brite so i get maximum effect. Once it's dried up, the hydrogen peroxide has already evaporated so it's no use right?

The main thing you need to start your seaglowing or retr0briting to work is UV rays. they this use to whiten teeth effectively.

So from UV rays, you need the sun or special lamps. I'm positive the air unit became unglued because of the excessive heat that is hitting that area. with heat, melts. So that's why I put my shoes in to rest and cool down.

thanks for the tips, yeah stupid me had them out in the sunlight for like 4 hours (in florida on a hot saturday what an idiot) but they glued back perfectly with the barge cement
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