very nice job, was that a horrible attempt that you were fixing for someone? if so it looks like a 5 year old tried to paint it before you fixed it
very nice job, was that a horrible attempt that you were fixing for someone? if so it looks like a 5 year old tried to paint it before you fixed it
I was the 5 year old that tried to fix it haha. I was color matching the red. I didn't use the Fire Red straight from the Angelus bottle. I had to mix the paint. I stripped the paint off of the other shoe. I stopped for a while and got back into fixing the shoes again
I have a question, after you paint them, will they chip again in the future?
Depending on what your weight is, how many coats you put, how the midsoles have been prepped, and what you mixed in the acrylic paint; they will not crack for a while. Much much longer than the factory paint. When it does crack, you won't notice it. Only if you turn them into beater then you will start to notice.
Hey guys, what would be the best way to go about touching up the varsity red paint on the varsity red 6's? Also what paint should I buy in order to get the same color as the original? Thanks.
On the Fire Red 3 restore did you change or touch-up the elephant print to make it slightly darker? Might just be me/my computer but it looks like it. 

can someone give me an idea as to what i could do in this situation? the toe part of the sole is yellowed but im wondering if i just seaglow that area will it look discolored compared to the other shoe? they're ds and in such perfect non-yellowed glory :frown:

i would much rather have an idea as to who i can send it to get fixed tho as i pretty much have no experience in these type of things.
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I need some help fellas. Restoring Black/Blue XVIIIs to their original black suede. Faded in most areas.

When I use water with a little shampoo, does it just dissolve?
Yes they did. The originals, which he has pictured had deep blue tinted soles.

Apply retrobrite to the stoe cap

no offense to Crystalmethod but thanks for educating him on that, hate people who call my shoes fake but they aren't even tho he was saying that quite indirectly >:

retrobrite seems like a safer method next to seaglowing, might try that outside when the weather gets nice.
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This issue still bothers me...MAKE NON YELLOWING SOLES ALREADY DAMN IT. On a side note....I just recently started using armor all interior wipes on my soles and I gotta say, it FEELS like it's doing wonders for protecting them. I haven't had a long enough time to really see if it works as good as I think it will, however:

After applying them to the soles and phylon of my bred 11s, they feel like they love it if that makes sense. Like the shoes wanted it. I feel like dirt won't embed itself as easily, and it "conditioned" the rubber and plastic materials nicely. It makes the colors and materials appear richer. After seeing how nice those turned out, I then wiped down my all icy soled DS wolf grey Vs including the midsole. Again, the materials seem new again and more protected. It adds moisture to the materials, and will help with waterproofing the sole to deter yellowing from moisture. Then I did all of my IVs, including the plastic wings, waffles, heel tabs, midsoles and outsoles. Really looks nice and feels better. Like skin that needed lotion. The blue rubber from my CAV IVs were a bit ashy in front, perhaps from multiple cleanings. After wiping them down with armor all wipes, the rubber color is new, pops, and feels fresh again. Really did A LOT for improving the look and feel of my kicks. They really look soooooo much better, and feel better too...like they needed it. 

One bit of advice, don't just wipe them down and call it a day. It will be too wet and slippery and sloppy. Wipe it down with the wipes, give any icy soles a GOOD wipe down. THEN MAKE SURE to use a dry terry cloth or whatever towel and wipe off the excess. Work the armor all in while wiping it off. You'll be left with  a more natural sheen that's dry to the touch but feels buttery smooth and LOOKS AMAZING. I really feel like this will slow down yellowing of icy soles and white heel tabs and midsoles.

Caution...if you are wiping midsoles with light colored nubuck like the wolf grey Vs or bordeaux VIIs, BE CAREFUL not to let the wipe touch or even brush by any of the nubuck, it will stain because it's oily.

Another quick tip for 11s. I was apprehensive about using black magic tire wet on the patent leather on my 11s. HOLY CRAP it's amazing. VERY little goes  LONG way. I just put a tiny tab in one spot then spread it around and work it in with a terry towel. Then I use a completely dry part to thoroughly buff it out till it's all gone under bright light. After that it's honestly like glass....feels like polished ice, seriously. Amazing.
no offense to Crystalmethod but thanks for educating him on that, hate people who call my shoes fake but they aren't even tho he was saying that quite indirectly >:

retrobrite seems like a safer method next to seaglowing, might try that outside when the weather gets nice.

None taken..
I was being inderect because they looked legit.. I just didnt know the OG's had the blue sole..
But none the less.. Really clean pair

And why does retrobrite seem safer?
Have a pair of 06 metallic 5's that i need to do some work on
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