Official Spartacus: Vengence thread - Epic Season Finale

After seeing that preview, Friday can't get here soon enough..I just can't even imagine how they'll end this season in order to set up next year's..You know next year is gonna be extra crazy since they'll have Julius Caesar as a character..Glad to see Doctore' was ready to fight and Gannicus was looking extra snarky in the preview, so this episode should be one of the best of the series..
Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Let's remember that Doctore is still not 100%.
Looked alright when he clapped Agron shoulders though

He's my dude and all but that egyptian guy is just a demon

That being said Gannicus got that Achilles level swag. He gonna run through him

This and This !!

Gannicus stay beating up some chick and can just flip the switch for battle
 ... unlike Crixus who says no to the bush b/c he doesn't want to be weak for battle ...

but i shouldn't compare dudes ... dude beat Melitta and had her all sprung

Just finished season 1 (13 episodes btw) ... no comparison ... and i shouldn't have done that ... the new guy is even lower in standing now

it's been good going back to the beginning and seeing the things i missed ... the story telling is
look at him

season 1 episode 12 when andy takes on glaber's men ... everytime he took them out he went back to staring at glaber .... dude hit the weights ... this new guy needs mad work ... looking like me all frail and %+%

and let's not forget

Originally Posted by PharelFor3

I knew Glaber would survive but I didnt think ilythia would be the one doing it. Damn son. Then they smashed on top of her dead body. lol

The fireballs into the camp was crazy. The final mountain pass episode is gonna be serious.

I was like "He gon smash with a dead body right there??"

Im wondering how the situation with Spatacus being llithyia's baby daddy will play out. Another epic episode. Best show on T.V. rightnow.  

And why did they make Crixus soft as tissue this season dude was a beast in the first season.
Originally Posted by Maximus Meridius

Originally Posted by PharelFor3

I knew Glaber would survive but I didnt think ilythia would be the one doing it. Damn son. Then they smashed on top of her dead body. lol

The fireballs into the camp was crazy. The final mountain pass episode is gonna be serious.

I was like "He gon smash with a dead body right there??"

Im wondering how the situation with Spatacus being llithyia's baby daddy will play out. Another epic episode. Best show on T.V. rightnow.  

And why did they make Crixus soft as tissue this season dude was a beast in the first season.
he been cotton ever since he fell to Theokoles ... but like i said ... dude went from top 5 to not even mentioned at all ... i had that prince .gif face after naevia kicked him in the stomach
@ the thread title ... 

just finished the rewatching the first 2 seasons ... batiatus and lucretia had/have it coming to them ... those 2 are the worst ...  ashur has to make it till the end but he is well deserving too 

we can make an entire thread dedicated to all the people ashur has screwed over and it would be longer than this thread

-barca ... dude bet against Theokoles and ashur didn't / couldn't pay up 

-crixus ... asked for naevia on purpose to get back at him for his leg and exposed her as a "+%%%$" ... punishment for crixus ... lashes

-naevia ... see above

-domina/lucretia ... str8 abusing her this season ... and making her rock the wig too 

-doctore/oenomaus - stabbed dude in the leg to avoid death ... i would have done it too

-Dagan ... his own boy that ain't know english ... str8 made him take it from another dude and then busted his eye in the ranking matches on top of that 

can't forget how dirty he did solonius w/ the set up for Calavius' death

i mean ... the list is endless... #publicenemy#1

on a side note ... the prequel finale was 65 min ... i would hope the same for this season ... 

i can't watch this show w/o closed caption ... way too many names and difficult spellings.
i don't know how yall can watch previews ... i got the popcorn on deck ready for every moment to be a surprise
^ Yeah I forgot about how he did Dagan. Pure snake. Now he's tryna make a big power move and most likely he'll get it.
Man I hope Crixus goes HAM.

I'm so tired of this emotion-filled dude. Man I hope now that Nivia is giving him the P that he get's his stuff together.
I think being sexually denied by naivea was messing up crixus. Now that he's getting that (()) i see him going back to his old self
Originally Posted by anabolic dunk

I think being sexually denied by naivea was messing up crixus. Now that he's getting that (()) i see him going back to his old self

Excellent point.

He's about to rip the Egyptian's heart out, Kano style.
quick ? ... correct me if i'm wrong ... wasn't the egyption dude the one w/ the symbols on his body that was killed by gannicus ... the 1 that was ordered to follow gannicus before he killed them all

... and the dude that they got out the well that ate the arrows just unnamed?? or is it the other way around

i googled it ... nm ... i have to go back and watch those episodes again ....
someone is going to die obviously. i think nasir or his lover will. it seems obvious one of them dies.

i think out gannicus goes too and spartacus main B
i can't even finish this episode ... i'll have a more comprehensive post later ... i'm in too much shock ... 

djfakjfdkjfkajlkdjglkajglkdjglkajglkdjglakjgldagja = initial thoughts 

-Katrina ... 
 ... i'm glad she took a shot at wack #%@ spartacus for dropping her #%@ 

-Thought i was playing splinter cell when dudes were rappelling down the mountain ... oh word ... the vines were that long 

-Oenomaus ... how u take 2 L's 2 weeks in a row to the same dude ... 

-Lucretia/Domina gave no dambs ... wildest thing i've ever seen in my life ... when she was walking towards the cliff i was like where the #%%@ is this %!*#! going ... when she pulled out the knife i was yelling at the tv ... and then when it happened i was like 


-Ashur ... wack #%@ death ... i was pissed and on my this episode is wack ... it was realistic though ... naevia is mad weak ... knew that damn bracelet would get him in the end ... he makes the list of best bad guys ever 

getting them back w/ the catapult 

nitpickings ... would have liked to seen the egyptian die better 

mira / ashur / oenomaus RIP 

i was
@ the dude that took the jumpkick to the chest in the woods 

Ilythia lives i hope ... 

i'm gonna miss the 2 of them plotting on each other though ... fake +!+ best friends 
That split second when Ganicus went ape @%%% on the Egyptian had me mad hype.

smh@Mira...i was so in love with her, i really felt that in my heart man.

lmao@the gif above...that was my exact reaction.

Say word Glaber could actually scrap though son. He was holding his own for a minute against Sparty F Baby.

And Ashur definitely makes the list of best bad guys, I never hated a mofo on tv so much, especially cuz he was getting his way a lot this season.

Great season man...::sigh::
1. If you were dropped into the gladiators' arena, what would be your ultimate weapon of choice?

2. Who would you pick as your wingman in the arena?

Liam McIntyre as "Spartacus"
 I'd have a bigger, stronger guy.
 I would probably have Arnold Schwarzenegger, circa 1980. I reckon he could throw it around.

Lucy Lawless as "Lucretia"
 I would have that fabulous weapon that that guy had in Drive, where he had that stiletto knife with some sort of nerve agent on it that totally put them to sleep immediately. But I would want it on a pike because... a staff would give you such an advantage. I'd have a lethal staff.
 I'd take Marissa Jaret Winokur from Hairspray because we might lose but we'd have a bloody wild time doing it. Just a bit of razzle dazzle. We'd do showtunes and sashay out of the arena. I met Marissa doing Broadway doing Grease together.

Dustin Clare as "Gannicus"
 Mine would be probably a teleporter to get the hell out.
 It would be Gannicus No. 2, my stunt double, Jacob Tomuri.

Viva Bianca as "Ilithyia"
Weapon: Wow. I think my weapon of choice would be nunchucks (nunchaku) like Michelangelo had in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Wingman: Spartacus for sure. Or maybe Ganny.

Manu Bennett as "Crixus"
 As any diehard Spartacus fan knows, Cossutius is the ultimate wingman.

Katrina Law as "Mira"
 I want a tommy gun and I want to be dead center so I can just go around in a circle and take everybody out.
 It would probably be Marlon Brando ,when he was younger like in A Streetcar Named Desire or On the Waterfront. Yeah, without the shirt on, preferably fixing something in the background like with a hammer in his hand. And then, occasionally standing up and having to rub my shoulders. And then like going back to doing something manly, and like looking off into the distance -- maybe holding a baby.

Peter Mensah as "Oenomaus"
 A jet pack to get out of there. There are no true winners in the arena!
 John Hannah. He could keep everyone laughing while I find my way out!

Cynthia Addai-Robinson as "Naevia"
 If I didn't have my sword, I'd have to go with any weapon that looks cool in slow-mo, like a whip with metal spikes or something. I may not be the strongest one in the arena, but everyone looks awesome in slow-mo!
 Crixus, of course! As long as he doesn't get in my way, then everything will be fine

Ellen Hollman as "Saxa"
 Could I say something along the lines of a velociraptor? Oh wait, you know what? I'd say a half-starved sabertooth tiger on a very delicate rope.
 The Egyptian, hands down. Who do you think I stole the reverse-grip double daggers from? You may or may not see a hand-off in the finale. Saxa's a little bit of a thief and an opportunist. She's had her eye on the Egyptian's daggers since his first appearance.

Steven DeKnight, series creator
 I would have to say a spear because I'd want to be as far away as possible. Or the trident and net. You know what, I'd like to think that Spartacus has brought respectability to the trident and net.
 Game of Death Bruce Lee.
Spoiler [+]
i give you Cossutius ... the ultimate wingman ... crixus is a fool especially given how he did diona dirty like that 


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