Official Supreme Thread; F/W14; FAQ ON PG 1; vol. End of F/W Sale

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I ordered the camo backpack today and I never got order or shipping conf. should I be worried? This has never happened to me before I usually get it quickly.
How long do you guys think those backpacks will sit? I've been eying them for awhile now, but I dont have the money yet. (Prom is this week, wallet is hurtin)
PROM? Man making me feel ooooold. To be quite honest with you, I'd just get the bag, prom paled in comparison to what I got into the summer between HS and college.
Unless it's your girl or a girl you're trying to date/smash/etc , dont go in on prom. Dead serious. No point in spending money on a girl that's not even yours. Spend it on moms, save it.......or grab the backpack 
But I've already bought the tickets and have a date
Is the date your girl though?

I'm just saying you don't have to go ALLL in. Standard corsage, limo, etc. Just the basics. No need to go above and beyond, unless you have plans with her beyond prom. 
I'd even say skip the limo, the drivers HATE driving kids at prom and even though you might want to be cool and get right in the car, the driver will most likely put the kibosh on that unless you are tipping HEAVY.

I'm just saying that unless this is your number 1 dream date, while you'll have fun, it probably won't be the "best" night of your life.
Is the date your girl though?

I'm just saying you don't have to go ALLL in. Standard corsage, limo, etc. Just the basics. No need to go above and beyond, unless you have plans with her beyond prom. 
Nah, it'll just be prom. It's still hella expensive though, since I'm trying to be more independent and pay for everything myself.
I've heard friends with older kids complaining about the spending race it's become, how much are you looking at spending for the night? If you don't mind me asking?

I remember going in on a limo, doing a flight over the city, dinner in a stupid spinning restaurant, and getting wrecked at an after party and still having like $300 in my wallet the next morning. Think I spent like 300 on the night itself and 130 or so for the tux rental, but this was 16 years ago.
Mannnnn knowledge knowledge enjoy your prom but be smart brah. I went to prom sophomore through senior year and my most enjoyable one was the one that I went to without a date and with a huge group of people from my lacrosse team. Sh*t was a riot cuz there were so many girls and we snuck stuff in but that's a whole nother story in itself. I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't feel like you gotta go all out and blow money to impress some girl (I'm sure she's nice lol). Enjoy the night and make the most of it with in your means, everything will work out brotha! That bag will be waiting for ya!
Yep. Prom itself is enjoyable if you go with your girl or a girl that you feel comfortable with and act goofy with.

The after party is where it's at man.

Also, you don't gotta blow money to have a good time. People spend money back they want "everything to be perfect". Nah man, all that matters is being with people you care about and people that you may never see again post high school
Have fun, and even if you miss the backpack there'll be other seasons to splurge on a bag.
Really want the black duffle after someone pointed out that my leather New Balance duffle looks like a bag you'd fill with money and leave under a park bench. Specifically said it should belong to this dude
Spend it all at prom b @Knowledge

We've all been there. Experience the swindle have those memories to slander your decisions when you get older. :nthat:

Yeah, I guess the only way to be sure about not wanting to blow a bunch of cash on prom is to look back on it and think, why did I do that.
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