Official Supreme Thread FW20 Done. Sale? Perhaps.

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I passed on this week, very weak drop, but to be expected after all the goodness that dropped on week 15. My CBOGO hoodie arrives today, and next week should be a banger!
got all I wanted today
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Stockx charges are whack...I had a $20 coupon, so I was debating putting a bid in on a Lemon Crogo...$250 is the highest ask, so $230 w/ coupon...After everything it's bout $275. Damn near $45 in fees! :smh:

If anyone has a Large and was gonna sell there lmk.
Bklyn was a lil hot today, alot of resellers outside acting crazy. they were going hard for the lipstick... i get in.. the dude in front of me that cut the line took the last one. now what am i gonna get from my shorty now?

@ 330, only red jacket left, stockings, flannels thats all i really cared about.
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