Official Xbox 360 Post: For those who CARE, COD4 patch is now available

Id help you but i get hypnotized by your Andrea Rincon avy
Originally Posted by the hater boxden


you know what you did


i held T.O. to 5 catches no TD....
FG in the final seconds FTW.
good game though
44-41 was the final score

To the rest of NT...
I actually had a conversation with Rom0 to 0wens...
he used his mic for once.
who else is sporting the NT clan tag for COD4...i was thinking of slapping it on but i dont want if its ok with you guy's can i sport it?!?!

and PS....the hater boxden aka PacManVick..he may be a silent one...but the dude Pac is #1 in accuracy on my freindlist(which is 97+ freinds)....(im not sayingpeps on my freindslist are weak...ask PacManVick he should how 671 GUAM boy's roll
in COD4 what trips me out is that he below40..(well that was yesterday..the dude prolly like 50 now
and all my other freinds who are 50+ and theirlower than em(in accuracy)... im not jocking the just givingcredit when is due nawimean?!?!...peace
I could have had COD4 a couple days ago because theres a mom and pop shop (game store) that i go to from time to time that has no respect for release dates :lol:
But i decided to hold out till the morning so i can get that deal from Circuit City.. I didn't get a chance to play the beta but i already know this game is gunna be crack :pimp:
^Those things are hard to find. I've seen a lot of stores sold out. Props to him

I haven't been able to find any of the 175w Falcons. I've looked at every single one at Walmart and Bestbuy, since they don't have them in a glasscase. I've seen all 203w. What was the OG wattage? I can't remember, but I know these new ones use less power meaning running cooler...
Originally Posted by nnarum

^Yep, go to redeem code, then type in the code from the back of the card. You'll have to scratch it off to see it. They it will pop up to confirm and, wallah! You have a gold subscription!

What am I scratching?
The actual card or something else in the packaging? If it's the card, where am I scratching? On the back, I see a SubscriptionCode box and then next to it another box with random numbers.
just finished the part were u have to blow up the helicopter with scorpion missiles. game is insane so far..
.:GAMERTAG= JordanonMYfeet8:.​
the "surprise" on hallowen is a infection matchmaking playlist with custom maps just for infection.

They are also ranked and you can get achievements.

found it on x3f.

just posted that on the other thread by accident :wow:
.:GAMERTAG= JordanonMYfeet8:.​
I'm bout to trade in my GRAW for CoD4. Anyone know how much money I'll get for it, or am I better off getting a better deal at one of the other stores posted.
>11 National Championships, 8 Heisman Winners, 178 All-Americans<
^^^^Fact or fiction? I was thinking about copping an Elite and giving my kid brother my old Premium! Damn! If this is legit, I'm going hold out and wait.
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