Originally Posted by mikeJordache23

Funny you should ask. I have no clue about the MD, but oddly enough I think I'm the one who nicknamed the VDays the VDays. I'm 99% sure I called them VDays first in this thread, well prob the locked one, and from then on they've been called VDays. Could be wrong, but I think I'm right......

and how do you guys afford 20 and 30 pairs of the same shoe?  no rent? no bills?
Serious question to you, as i'm assuming yours was serious but just a tad bit asinine.. Sneaker enthusiasts can't have careers/good jobs, must be broke and or young and just living at home?
jk  man...
Originally Posted by mikeJordache23

Funny you should ask. I have no clue about the MD, but oddly enough I think I'm the one who nicknamed the VDays the VDays. I'm 99% sure I called them VDays first in this thread, well prob the locked one, and from then on they've been called VDays. Could be wrong, but I think I'm right......

and how do you guys afford 20 and 30 pairs of the same shoe?  no rent? no bills?

I'm pretty rich so this isn't a problem for me.
Originally Posted by abernja

Originally Posted by KB24strikesagain

Out of curiousity, who decided to name these the miles davis?? I'm pretty sure just someone on this thread called it that and now people refer to it as such.
Funny you should ask. I have no clue about the MD, but oddly enough I think I'm the one who nicknamed the VDays the VDays. I'm 99% sure I called them VDays first in this thread, well prob the locked one, and from then on they've been called VDays. Could be wrong, but I think I'm right......
I actually was the one that came to the realization that the MDs are the MDs.  Miles Davis started "The Blue Period" and he has an album called Kind of Blue.  Kobe has been compared to Miles Davis in numerous articles  Maybe I'm reaching but Kind of Blues initials are KB.  A very reliable friend confirmed to me that I was correct.
Originally Posted by mikeJordache23

Funny you should ask. I have no clue about the MD, but oddly enough I think I'm the one who nicknamed the VDays the VDays. I'm 99% sure I called them VDays first in this thread, well prob the locked one, and from then on they've been called VDays. Could be wrong, but I think I'm right......

and how do you guys afford 20 and 30 pairs of the same shoe?  no rent? no bills?
Easy bro. It was just an observation. A simple comment; nothing less, nothing more. If you knew anything about me I'm not the type of person to search for e-fame or gloat about things esp over the internet. And there are plenty of people in this thread that could vouch for me on that. That's all I need to say about the matter.

To answer your question below the cookie though lol - Anybody with a job should be able to afford 20 pairs of Kobes. If you have more than 30 prs of shoes like most people in here you could too. Just don't buy the junk than Nike/JB feeds you and only buy what's of good quality. Don't buy into hype.

But of course you need money to spend money.

And believe me, I'm sure most of these guys have plenty of bills as do I.
abernja is absolutely right.. I don't even work right now and i'm going to buy my third pair of Kobe's. You just have to find the right deal also.. The deals are out there, you just have to be smart with your money.
I need tha big stages in my life, I really don't wana pay close to 300 for em either....

I have 2 All-Stars, 2 Aways, Bruce Lees, Dark Knights, Chaos, Aces...I think thats all I'll find out wen I get back home a yr from now lol
dam im likin the red laces on the usa's.. idk if i want to cop.. all i know is i def want the blackouts and prob the miles davis.. but i just dont know what to wear with them lol.. they are soo blue.
Originally Posted by cbfpunch

i'd wear anything with the MD. i think it's harder to find something to match the BLs lol.

nah u can hand those over to me.. ill find something

hmmm...rumors both pairs of Finals will drop on same in background appears to be a "two pack" of some sort.

I wonder.........
It'll be crazy if the Big Stages release together in some sort of pack..

but if those were just for 1 shoe.. that'll be amazing too. or maybe his new box for the VI's
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