Originally Posted by 619destroyer

Originally Posted by sogo

saw a sz 11 davinci on ebay for $2200. this is crazy!!!

hell NO!!!thats a JOKE

And this joker is charging $13.40 for shipping!
g t f o!
Originally Posted by shrewd03

^lol how much would be the shipping then? i'm new at ebay.

If you are charging that much for something the shipping should be free! Its a slap in the face to charge that much for a shoe IMO is dead ugly and is not even a pe. But yeah no knocking the guy if theres an idiot that buys them more power to him.
arghhhh nike stop with these limited release BS of the BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i need a pair.................
how'd the kobe bs re-release go today? i heard only 24 pairs where released? trying to figure out if it's worth to come out tomorrow.
Hey guys I've been following this thread for a long time and have never really posted but I thought this would be a good time to crack the post silence.

I was there today at the Vault, I go to USC so I just drove up the street around 1030, the whole wristband thing went by really smoothly and everything was set to go by 11. The only thing that sucked was that yes, they did only pull a cliche 24 numbers and they were pretty much all in the 5s. I would say there were about 400 people there ranging from 400-800 in their numbers. I was in the high 700s.

Rather than putting stubs in a box that are probably clumping together, they should put that iPad to good use and use a number generator. Just my two cents.

Hope someone on here snagged a pair.
nike vault went smoothly, except only 24 people won smh
sidenote: why do people dress up to these type of releases?

it seemed that some people brought out their best pair to wear to the raffle. there was some beat girl wearing some Supreme Blazers thinking she was doing it
i like the way Nike vault handled the release, however
Aww shucks, Nike couldn't have been too kind but to re release the Kobe Big Stages for the amass of people who came out and wanted them ... With a raffle and 24 pairs, what a smack in the face!
24pairs? $%! I'm elated I didnt make the drive from norcal, I would've murdered someone for a pair then a quick getaway back home.
nike is turning off a lot of kobe heads cuz of this "limited" release shenanigans. too many pointless gimmicks. smh
nike is turning off a lot of kobe heads cuz of this "limited" release shenanigans. too many pointless gimmicks. smh
I was the 19th person to get picked. I ended up buyig one pair because thy didn't have my size. It sucked that they spread out the sizes within the 3 weeks they are doing this raffle...
I was the 19th person to get picked. I ended up buyig one pair because thy didn't have my size. It sucked that they spread out the sizes within the 3 weeks they are doing this raffle...
nike could have spread around 2,400 pairs and they still would have sold out this weekend. glad i didn't make the 3-1/2 hour drive down for the unlikely chance at even getting my size. i'm already resigned on ever getting the BSs. pretty sure i'm not the only one on here that trying to get the BS's is a bunch of BS.
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