OG orange/black terra humara dropping soon?

Dec 11, 2007
i've got a pair from 2000/2001 i bought in stores that are kinda beat, so i picked up another deadstock pair on ebay last year to keep on stash.

but are they about to retro again?

i saw this pic, and is it just me or isn't this color slightly off (like, the army green is mad dark and the silver/white looks more cream):


this is what they're supposed to look like:

so if the color is in fact right, is it worth selling the 2001 deadstock pair off and getting some brand new ones when they drop soon, or am i better offkeeping the 2001 deadstock ones for some reason?
Ive liked a few c/w's of the humara, but never enough to warrant a purchase...

If they bring that c/w back out though those just might be my first...
that is a well done retro, i'm still not sold on these but tastes change, we all know that.
Still have my OG pair in fine condition. I'm hoping they release the blue/yellow/grey c/w. Always wanted a pair of those.
i've been wanting these for so long. on the sample pics the toebox looks like leather. i wouldnt mind gettin the olive/red pair as well, if they dorelease.
Originally Posted by AverageSavage

on the sample pics the toebox looks like leather.
that's what i'm thinking... not into that at all...

gonna keep the ones i got for sure...
the toebox/sidepanel material is different from the original.
There was a gore-tex sample floating around.
Originally Posted by NO ESCAPIN THIS

One of my favorite sneakers of all time

This shouldn't even be a question ...keep the OG`s !

yeah, one of my favs too... my boy was up in new york a few years ago when they retro'd in 2001 and he said they were very sought after...

mine are 2001 retros, not the OG's, but close enough...
wow, what a disappointment. I still wear my pair from '98 but the sole is practically falling off...would have been a nice replacement.
when there's online or store sightings of these, holla. i need kicks with orange in it. i can't wait for the am 95 safety orange retro.
I owned a pair of Terra Humaras in the silver/blue/yellow colorway, back in '98 maybe? Haven't owned a pair since, and was excited to see these getretro'd until I read they changed the toebox material, now I'm not so sure although I LOVE this colorway.

I don't understand why Nike has to ruin retros this way. Stay true to the original, that's what made it great in the first place.
whoaa these are nice strong everyday sneakers. im hoping fora black gray colorway.
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