Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I loved Leo in The Departed but I think he was better in The Aviator & Catch Me If You Can. It's unfortunate that his Aviator Oscar nod coincided with Jamie Foxx's Ray.

When you look at Leo's films in & around that time, it's impressive; Gangs Of New York (2002), Catch Me If You Can (2002), The Aviator (2004), The Departed (2006), & Blood Diamond (2006).

Funny enough, a lot of Americans say Leo's accent in Blood Diamond was bad, but people from that region have said it was good. It's actually not a South African accent he did from what I understand but a Rhodesian (Zimbabwe) accent. Leave it to us Americans to think what the accent should sound like.

Now if we're talking bad South African accents, you gotta mention Matt Damon. That was bad. I couldn't finish Invictus because of it & I like Damon.
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I was always under the impression Leo nailed the accent.. whether or not the audience disliked it.

Leo could have won for The Aviator.. unfortunately he went up against Jamie.

I also thought he was better than Waltz in Django and he would have been my choice.
It wasn't so much whether Leo nailed his accent. It was just that type of accent coming from Leo was jarring for me. I know what Leo sounds like, and it just disconnected me from his performance. The same thing kinda happened for me with Damon in Invictus, even though he had a much more subtle expected SA accent.

But then at the same time, I had no problem with Leo and Matt's come and go accents in Departed, so...I don't even know. :That's just me.

I also thought he was better than Waltz in Django and he would have been my choice.
Absolutely. Watlz was the co-lead and Leo owned every scene he was in. Hell, I would've had Sam Jackson getting nominated before Waltz. But heroes and villains.
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Just watched Django again the other night.

Jesus Christ, so much better the second time around... and I loved the initial viewing already.

That movie, man... bravo, Quentin. Cot damn.

And yes, Leo and Waltz MAAAAKE... that movie.

I'm not w/ the anti-Foxx narrative I've heard from people, though, nor do I believe Will Smith would have done better, but I do agree that Leo freaking KILLED it, as did Waltz.
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Leo could have won for The Aviator.. unfortunately he went up against Jamie.
Man, I was going thru my small Blu Ray collection (when I watched Super Bad) and was surprised I had this on BR, unopened still 
I'm not w/ the anti-Foxx narrative I've heard from people, though, nor do I believe Will Smith would have done better, but I do agree that Leo freaking KILLED it, as did Waltz.
It took a second to understand where Jamie was coming from with the lowkey performance. But yeah...across from Leo and Waltz, and especially after watching Chiwetel in 12 Years, there's a depth that's missing. I mean, he's the title character and only, what...the 4th best performance in a 5 character film? A part of it is definitely the character itself, but I just imagine like Idris in the role, and that doesn't happen.
I agree with some of the stuff said in the past 10 pgs or so.

Some ppl's posts in this thread just need to be ignored, not cuz they have contrarian views just cuz of the stunted and limited ways they choose to express their opinions. Not worth reading or replying to at this point. Especially when it just seems their looking for attention by going against the grain of a common or popular opinion.

I too don't get that excited for animated films. Yes they're good stories for all ages and just good fun where you don't have to get in a mood or w/e to watch but I don't find myself caring as much. I definitely don't bother to watch them in theaters. Other than being brought along with children to watch I think the sequel to Despicable Me or w/e the movie with the food and some invention or something (which I fell asleep watching) the last movie I saw in theaters was Toy Story.

Yeah SONY is doing too much with these trailers. I still think ASM2 will satisfy me action wise and partially the story but I'm not sold on who was cast as Harry Osborne or his role as the GG or that the story will pull at anything emotionally so what's left is everything being executed on a grand scale since they're leading up to the Sinister 6. We shall see. Spider-Man 2 is still the bar.

Don't have much use for horror movies either. Just not that good overall even the movies ppl rave about and claim are exceptional. It really just doesn't interest me. Give me an average suspense thriller any day before horror. I agree about the Hitchcock approach. Relatable settings, threatening instead of showing everything, etc. but at this point it's just a matter of taste with me.
Might be just me but I am eagerly anticipating to watch "Sabotage".

Just want to see an action packed film and this one actually looks really good.
Arnold with the short hair looks weird but fits his older look.
I don't think I ever argue if someone says they don't like the Coen Brothers... they're such a love it or hate it or "it was okay" kind of directors. I mean, I'm always a little bummed if someone doesn't love The Big Lebowski, but I get it. :lol:

But they're great to me. The music, the cinematography, the use of color, great acting, their subject matter and themes, use of dark comedy, I love it.

I kind of want to rewatch Inside right now :lol:
Llewyn is still my favorite movie of last year. But I kind of knew it would be.

I've watched the associated concert doc at least four times, too.
I'm a huge Foxx fan but I'm probably one of the few that wasn't impressed with Ray. Not saying he was bad but it didn't blow my mind away. I thought Aviator was a much better film and Leo was ridiculous in it.

I agree with the person that said Foxx in Django >>> Ray

Started watching 47 Ronin yesterday :lol: Only got about 20 minutes in, I'll finish it later this weekend.
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Yeah SONY is doing too much with these trailers. I still think ASM2 will satisfy me action wise and partially the story but I'm not sold on who was cast as Harry Osborne or his role as the GG or that the story will pull at anything emotionally so what's left is everything being executed on a grand scale since they're leading up to the Sinister 6. We shall see. Spider-Man 2 is still the bar.

That's where I was coming from...in less words. :lol: Like, Matrix: Reloaded is one of the coolest, most awesome, inventive and badass action sci-fi films of all time. Except The Matrix exists. And cuz of it, you can feel the crater at the heart of the movie. You can tell so clearly what isn't there or doesn't work, because you've already seen it in a way too similar way, to not think about. That's ASM to me. And this looks like it could be awesome in a Matrix: Reloaded, just look at these cool things and don't worry about it, kinda way.


I never realized how much of a fan of Veronica Mars I was, until I watched the movie and every little sly callback had me grinning. But halfway through it started getting too proud of itself that it was back and hey look it has so many fans and characters you missed, even if there's nothing for them to do. Like...Rob Thomas (the creator, not the singer) shouldn't have directed this. He's a TV writer. He should've tried to figure out what good director was a fan and would do it for cheap, because it looks like a TV movie.

I mean, if they could've gotten say...Rian Johnson who made Brick (with a $5 budget) look better than this. I dunno. I want this to be successful, cuz that first season is one of the greatest mysteries ever on TV. But on top of looking like a TV movie, it's written like regular episode. Or at least, V.Mars would have season-long mysteries, with a few mins an ep advancing them...this felt like they just put all of those few mins together. And that's fine. It opens up for second movie pretty nicely. But this feels like something only for fans, when...I mean it's not Firefly and Serenity. There ain't a hurdle in believability to jump over...this coulda been something for everyone is all.
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I never realized how much of a fan of Veronica Mars I was, until I watched the movie and every little sly callback had me grinning. But halfway through it started getting too proud of itself that it was back and hey look it has so many fans and characters you missed, even if there's nothing for them to do. Like...Rob Thomas (the creator, not the singer) shouldn't have directed this. He's a TV writer. He should've tried to figure out what good director was a fan and would do it for cheap, because it looks like a TV movie.

I mean, if they could've gotten say...Rian Johnson who made Brick (with a $5 budget) look better than this. I dunno. I want this to be successful, cuz that first season is one of the greatest mysteries ever on TV. But on top of looking like a TV movie, it's written like regular episode. Or at least, V.Mars would have season-long mysteries, with a few mins an ep advancing them...this felt like they just put all of those few mins together. And that's fine. It opens up for second movie pretty nicely. But this feels like something only for fans, when...I mean it's not Firefly and Serenity. There ain't a hurdle in believability to jump over...this coulda been something for everyone is all.

I mean fans did fund the project through the kickstarter. I enjoyed the movie, I feel like anyone who didn't watch the series could have gotten a basic gist of what went down. And they threw goose eggs in there in random places for those that did watch it.

My only complaint was that the climax wasn't long enough. Veronica should have been in damger a little longer.
I mean fans did fund the project through the kickstarter. I enjoyed the movie, I feel like anyone who didn't watch the series could have gotten a basic gist of what went down. And they threw goose eggs in there in random places for those that did watch it.
Oh yeah, I mean it's not that the movie was bad or anything. It's just....it's not a movie. You could show it to someone who's never seen the show, but you'd end up explaining every character the whole time. And if they saw it on their own, they'd be bored and probably not get what the big deal is.

Like I respect that 'by us, for us' quality. You can tell everyone involved really, really loved these characters and that world, and maybe they just decided, it's gonna be an us thing, not an everyone thing. It's how I'd expect a Community movie to go. Like the flipside is, it's good they didn't just make a crime movie that happened to have Veronica Mars characters in it.

My only complaint was that the climax wasn't long enough. Veronica should have been in damger a little longer.
Yeah, I mean, this is the movie. It's gotta at least match that feeling from the first season finale.
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I'm watching Homefront. Statham is not a good actor and plays the same role in every damn movie but for some reason, I enjoy most of them. Franco as the neighborhood dopeman is hilarious
The acting in Crisis was terrible, the premise is inteiguing but I couldn't get past the bad acting to truly enjoy the pilot

Ressurection is messing with my head. I'm a fan.
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