Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

Psycho was on late last night, too. Awesome. Hitchcock in a nutshell. He made better films overall, but this captured the essence of his suspenseful, eerie, as revolutionary as possible for the 1940s-1960s filmmaking better than any I've seen so far.
Leigh herself was so affected by the scene when she saw it, that she no longer took showers unless she absolutely had to; she would lock all the doors and windows and would leave the bathroom and shower door open.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psycho_(film)#cite_note-80
And dat score...
The singular contribution of Herrmann's score may be inferred from the film's credit roll, where the composer's name precedes only the director's own, a distinction unprecedented in the annals of commercial cinematic music.

Dude composed the scores for like half of the AFI Top 100.

Wrote a paper on him in college. Dude was an amazing film composer.
Clerks 2 was on at the bar I was at on Saturday night. Volume was off but the thing was still lulz.
Just watched last night's TWD... FINALLY. FINALLY.

The show is just significantly more enjoyable when they're killing all these idiots. Carl almost took the jump to the top of my most hated list, but he is responsible for killing Dale. Good bull.
Originally Posted by bkmac

I finally watched Moneyball last night. I'm a Pitt fan, and I must say, the movie was 
. I knew the premise going in (I read the book), but I honestly saw no acting come from Pitt. Hell, even Jonah Hill.

The actors for the majority of the A's players did not match up even remotely close to their real life counterparts. And it dragged on for about 20-25 extra minutes than it needed to to finish.

Book > movie.
I was surprised more people didnt think this way too. Movie was wildly overrated, it didnt capture the essence of the book at all and turned it into one big cliche. As a baseball fan I was offended by it, but I guess I could see how people who don't follow the sport could have been fooled. Pitt was just playing himself, not sure why he got the academy nomination over Michael Shannon or Fassbender. 
Speaking of Psycho...
Anthony Hopkins plays the master of suspense in Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of Psycho, a biopic helmed by Nip/Tuck creator Ryan Murphy. Helen Mirren plays spouse/collaborator Alma Reville from a script by John McLaughlin in this Media Rights Capital production.
This is a book from 1990, which is apparently incredible, being adapted.
First published in May 1990 by Dembner Books and distributed by W. W. Norton and Company, the book details every aspect of the creation of director Alfred Hitchcock's famous thriller Psycho released to theaters in 1960. From Hitchcock's acquisition of the original novel by Robert Bloch to his work with two different screenwriters, casting, filming, editing, scoring, and promotion, the book takes readers into the day-to-day lives of moviemakers who believed they were making a modestly budgeted, black-and-white shocker that represented a radical departure from the elegant, suspenseful films that had made director Hitchcock's reputation, including Rope, Rear Window, To Catch a Thief, The Man Who Knew Too Much and North by Northwest.
Oh, Scarlett Johansson will play the girl...

And Ryan Murphy is the dude who does American Horror Story...
I actually heard about this yesterday too and forgot to mention it. Weird. We'll see how it turns out.

Also I'm quite the opposite, I can't re-watch comedies too much. Every once in a blue moon, sure, but not often.
I was ready for The Interrupters to be that 'best documentary of the year' people kept hyping it up to be.

It's OK. I guess? Parts of it were really strong, but it just felt kinda aimless without a real message besides, don't hit or kill each other anymore kids.

Crips and Bloods: Made In America though, was a docu I saw few years back that's just like this, but stronger in so many ways to me.
I'd recommend that instead.
Game of Thrones Season 1 BD release is
... HBO busted their $%* with this release. It looks/sounds unreal.
Dirk, most HBO blu-ray releases are top-notch visual/audio presentations. If there's any other shows you like on Blu-ray you should definitely try and grab em.
Key & Peele is a weird show, but really funny.

Sorta like...The Whitest Kids U Know mixed with Chappelle and Portlandia.
My FB status right now: "Hugo is wack. This was one of the best movies of last year? Ouch, 2011."

Sorry, Nowitness.

Up next: either Margin Call or 13 Assassins. Probably the former.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

My FB status right now: "Hugo is wack. This was one of the best movies of last year? Ouch, 2011."


Up next: either Margin Call or 13 Assassins. Probably the former.
I didn't enjoy it either.
The movie would be 10000000000000000x times better in the theater.

It's a theatrical experience, that's why I was urging everyone to go see it in theaters.
I'm a 1000x more amped for 2012, I really am just putting 2011 to bed

The Great Gatsby, The Hobbit, Django Unchained, The Dark Night Rises, The Avengers, The Dictator (hopefully Borat-like and Anti-Bruno), The Amazing Spiderman, etc.
Scarlett is gonna play the chick in the shower?  I hope they change up some of those angles, maybe like a slow motion frame by frame 10 minute scene, or something close too.  Would get my vote for best picture. 

Watched Out on a Ledge last night, it was fairly decent actually.  Really nice cast, nothing special or world altering or anything but I enjoyed the pace, Worthington is always decent, Elizabeth Banks is sneaky gorgeous (and does well in this role) Edward Burns always handles small roles well, it just maybe dragged an extra 5-10 minutes with the whole ledge angle.  They shoulda tried to shorten it a tad just to not draw that part out, you never want to "buy time" on a ledge.  Makes no sense, but overall it was decent.  Solid 7 I'd say.  Actually, the movie also introduced me to this nice lady, in her underwear, let's go ahead and make that a 9.


My expectations for this year are only a notch above 2011, which is still kind of depressing.
this...I mean 2010 wasn't that great either and all the blockbusters this year got sincere disappoint-ability.
Cedar Rapids is now on HBO and I watched it last night. I didn't think it was good at all. Not enough laughs for an 85 minute comedy. Ed Helms' character for the first 45 minutes was almost as detestable as Ben Stiller's Greenberg. And the writers do not get a pass for referencing The Wire 4 TIMES just because the actor who played Clay Davis was in the movie. That was cringe-worthy. 
yes i was really disappointed in ceedar rapids. dont understand the good reviews. good cast just terrible script

i liked greenberg, thought that movie was pretty good
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