Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Travelers is so boring and uneventful, don't think I can finish the season and I like **** like that.

Live by Night was so disjointed, I see why it was panned. It doesn't flow well and it's not sure what kind of film it wants to be.
La La Land 6/8. Really good with a lull for me in the middle.

Still think Casey Affleck wins best actor. But Damien Chazelle should get director.

Moonlight is still my favorite movie of the year and hopefully wins best picture.
caught the new resident evil last night and just now realized ruby rose was in it and the one that got murked by the turbine lol...no idea why i didnt recognize her
That trailer for the Get Out movie by Jordan Peele is funny. At first I thought it was one of those parody movies but then it's serious the whole trailer.
I loved La La Land. I'm a sucker for musicals in the first place, but even without the music.. I still would have loved it.
Finally saw The Nice Guys (its on HBO and HBO Go now), 7.5/8. Probably my favorite movie of 2016 and a film I feel like I'll always watch in bits and pieces whenever it's on. Gosling was pretty hilarious in this and it was nice to see Crowe in a movie I enjoyed, it's been a while. They did a fantastic job playing off each other. The girl who played Gosling's daughter was really good too. Easily the best comedy film I've seen a long time.
Now You See Me 2 - 4.25/8. Wasn't really into the first one, but it was on HBO last night and I needed something to take my mind off how thoroughly and embarrassingly the Warriors own the Clippers.

Found the plot to be fairly convoluted and I barely cared enough about the characters to try and follow it. Some of the magic scenes were cool though and Lizzie Kaplan was looking good. Those were the high points.
I'm thinking about it more and so far not sure if I have an outright favorite movie of 2016.

Got some options for best I guess but aint sure nothing came out I really loved.
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I'm thinking about it more and so far not sure if I have an outright favorite movie of 2016.

Got some options for best I guess but aint sure nothing ccame out I really loved.

Not that I'm saying it should jump to anywhere near the top of your list, but I watched La La Land for the second time in theaters and I think you should give it another shot too.

On second viewing I had a chance to just focus on the technical aspects of the film and not care about the story. It blows me away man honestly. Also, I didn't care for the songs on first viewing and kinda did eye rolls for parts but on second viewing I listened to the lyrics more carefully and it made me appreciate it all the more.

In particular I didn't really like the ending but harkening back to the lyrics " city of stars.....blah blah blah some dreams come true some dreams fade." And I think that is the Crux of the story.
Their dreams were never to find their soul mates, it was always about jazz(Seb) and showbiz(mia).

Anyways for best movie of the year it's a toss up between Kubo, moonlight, and La La for me. Still need to watch Jackie and a couple others.
Intended on watching Moonlight this weekend but it didn't happen. Will for sure next weekend.
I'm thinking about it more and so far not sure if I have an outright favorite movie of 2016.

Got some options for best I guess but aint sure nothing ccame out I really loved.

I felt pretty much the same way until I saw The Nice Guys. A lot of really well made films but few I'd ever watch again. I was surprised how much I loved The Nice Guys and will probably watch again this week, I see it getting a lot of replay value.
I'm thinking about it more and so far not sure if I have an outright favorite movie of 2016.

Got some options for best I guess but aint sure nothing ccame out I really loved.

Not that I'm saying it should jump to anywhere near the top of your list, but I watched La La Land for the second time in theaters and I think you should give it another shot too.

On second viewing I had a chance to just focus on the technical aspects of the film and not care about the story. It blows me away man honestly. Also, I didn't care for the songs on first viewing and kinda did eye rolls for parts but on second viewing I listened to the lyrics more carefully and it made me appreciate it all the more.

In particular I didn't really like the ending but harkening back to the lyrics " city of stars.....blah blah blah some dreams come true some dreams fade." And I think that is the Crux of the story.
Their dreams were never to find their soul mates, it was always about jazz(Seb) and showbiz(mia).

Anyways for best movie of the year it's a toss up between Kubo, moonlight, and La La for me. Still need to watch Jackie and a couple others.
When it comes to this topic story is always paramount to me. It trumps visuals, score, technical aspects, and just edges out acting. Overall directing I place separate since that consists of so many other things.

La La Land is still fresh in my mind. I don't usually rematch movies I don't immediately love that quickly. I give it a rest so when seen again it's somewhat fresh in my mind. I need to give that a while. Not saying I noticed and caught every single thing but no caught enough before I dive back in.

Bringing up Jackie just reminded me I got so much more to watch before the Oscars :lol: :smh:

I'm thinking about it more and so far not sure if I have an outright favorite movie of 2016.

Got some options for best I guess but aint sure nothing ccame out I really loved.

I felt pretty much the same way until I saw The Nice Guys. A lot of really well made films but few I'd ever watch again. I was surprised how much I loved The Nice Guys and will probably watch again this week, I see it getting a lot of replay value.
I really liked Nice Guys too. Saw it twice now. Been on HBO for a while I think but it's not leaping out to me in my mind like that. I enjoy more for the humor than anything.
Intended on watching Moonlight this weekend but it didn't happen. Will for sure next weekend.
I really enjoyed the pace, character development, and ending of the Moonlight. I watched the movie about a hour ago with the satisfaction is still fresh and goldern. 

Live By Night was good, but not great. Ben nailed The Town, Argo and Gone Baby Gone, this one was just a smidge less than that. Period, maybe? Although I guess he did nail Argo. That was a true story tho, maybe added to the intensity.

LBN was like Mobsters, but in Florida. Ben played a little too cool, and the story got a little thin near the end. Still, a decent watch, worth a viewing, but not something I'd rave about. I'll likely buy it when it's on sale for 5 bucks or somethin. (Black Friday 2017 I bet)
^^^ That's consistent with what I've mostly been hearing about Live By Night. It's not bad, just nothing real special or memorable.
I wouldn't even buy it again. Not that it's terrible, but like you said a little thin towards the end, a series of random events that didn't flow. Why was Zoe Saldana even in there?
La La Land was pretty good, not Chicago, but definitely viewable. The opening scene, cinematography, choreographing, that was :wow:

Emma is always great, and she has great chemistry with Ryan.

I dunno bout 53 Oscars or nothin, but it was better than I woulda thought.

Chicago tho....That joint was incredible. I was blown away by that one. My parents still watch that all the time, years later. Don't think La La has that kinda weight, imo.
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