Opinions on "keeping your options open"?

Sep 16, 2010
Well, I'm not in a relationship with anyone and keeping my options open. My question is, if there is someone that you like the most on your "options", how do you tell the others that you're not going to go further as far as a relationship without hurting their feelings?
Sounds cruel but just stop talking to them. You don't need to explain yourself
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"We can't go too serious because I'm not in a place for all that right now. We can still kick it and you can deliver the yambs... But right now I'm just chilling on that serious stuff

- when you don't have a girl

"Look... You're cool and I like hanging out with you... But you know I have other friends... So just know that I can't get to a certain level with you because I'm not there. Let's just enjoy our time and let it flow"

- when you have a yamb you like more than the rest
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Don't stop talking to them altogether, but definitely cut down on the amount you talk to them.

Remember they're options and so you don't want to completely cut them off in case your main option doesn't work out.
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