Jul 18, 2012
At least 167 Palestinians – most of them civilians, including about 30 children – have died as a result of airstrikes since Israel's Operation Protective Edge began on Tuesday, Gaza's Health Ministry reported. More than 1,100 others have been injured.

Do they get a telethon?
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People on both sides dying for no reason.

Even though the land rightfully belongs to the Palestinians IMO, this war will never end in their favor, Israel is way too powerful. 
Feel so bad for them...Jews got so much pull in this country that media folks are scared to speak out against this ****....

I know Israel is clutch when it comes to Middle East intel but our gov gotta check them for **** like this
This issue hasn't been covered at all since this current violence has began.. it's been awful and I truly feel sorry for the Palestinians.
I'm so ignorant about this topic and whenever I try to read up on it, I get even more confused because everything seems to have an agenda/bias. And to be honest, I hate reading about these sorts of things because it hits hard. It's ignorant, entitled, privileged and overall just soft for a lack of a better term on my part, but I avoid reading about these international conflicts because it just seems like a lost cause that people will never fix.  

What exactly is this issue about and try to keep it unbiased (which I know is difficult for all people). Quick synopsis from any of you history/political buffs on NT. 

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At some of the responses :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface:

Its literally a never ending war out there. They bomb us, we bomb them. I have family there and the last time I went to visit (about 8 years ago) a bomb was detonated in a garbage can at a bus stop about 100 feet away from us.

I try not to get involved with the politics/religion aspect. I talked family whose in the IDF (Antiterrorism/SWAT) and he said that when civilian buildings are used for military purposes they automatically become legitimate military targets. Terrorists hide themselves and operate from schools/mosques/etc blending in with the civilians.

They definitely dont go out of there way to hurt civilians/children. Thats the LAST thing they're trying to do and more often then not if they know civilians are around they dont carry out the task.

The **** goes both ways and has been going on forever :smh:
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It's people fighting for land. History tells us this leads to war.

Unless peace is agreed upon by ruling governments on both sides, sadly the fighting will continue.

If you want peace, you got to have an all out war where one side fully surrenders.

For the OP's question: "Is there charity for Palestine ?"

I'm sure there is, but if I would place a bet, the majority of US citizens view Israel as an ally or they just don't care enough to vote for US international policy change in the region.
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disgusting absolutely disgusting ... the fact that no one wants to speak up for the sake of humanity is a major L
Social Media and other outlets make things more apparent but its sad that people and government still choose to ignore
what's been going on in Palestine for a long time now is absolutely disgusting

there's a systematic genocide that's taking place, and is permitted by the world because of shrewd politics, propaganda, and financial interests.

and i guess that's what makes this atrocity so much worse than many other ones. at least the other ones get recognized for how evil they are. here you have human beings getting slaughtered and people think its ok and is just the collateral damage that comes with war.
Haha my post got deleted too

I'll say this about Israelites and I'll make it quick

Supposedly Jesus was a one time Jesus and his fam hid in Egypt....present day Jews look nothing like Egyptians to the point they could hide there

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They bomb us, we bomb them.
They acknowledge Israel's right to exist and accept a two state solution, you build ILLEGAL settlements on the West Bank and flat out STEAL Palestinian land as is agreed by the UN in accordance with the 1967 borders: Something that even Israel's biggest friend and ally USA has criticized Israel for, although in a useless "Bad Israel! Baaad Israel!" kind of way while simultaneously pumping gillions of dollars into the Israeli economy with US tax payer money.
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People on both sides dying for no reason.

Even though the land rightfully belongs to the Palestinians IMO, this war will never end in their favor, Israel is way too powerful. 

This /thread
Its religious warfare that dates back since forever.

Especially when your neighbor is your enemy, no treaty that was signed in the 60s would matter to them. If the treaty favored us, they would still attack us and vice versa.

Its not black and white.
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