Paranormal Activity 3 Trailer

 @ the 1:20 mark. 
So is this just the girl from the first one (and her sister, of course) but in their younger years?
Someone tell me the second is better than the first.
Because I watched the first a month ago, did not jump once. Movie was stupid

Posting to watching the vid when I get home.
2nd one definitely didnt have the firsts luster, but for the sake of finishing the trio, I will see it. Wanted to know if the great grandma of the daughter sold her soul for riches, but I guess not maybe christy and katie invited the demons in the whole beginning!
Originally Posted by omgitswes

Someone tell me the second is better than the first.
Because I watched the first a month ago, did not jump once. Movie was stupid

Posting to watching the vid when I get home.

The family's daughter in the second one is hot. Watch it for her, that's about it.
I'm still disappointed some of you hyped the 1st one up back in 09 like it was the greatest horror flick ever made.

With that being said, after watching the 1st Paranomal Activity, I had no interest and did not watch the sequel. Won't watch this one either.
saw the first one in theaters and it was crap. Rented the 2nd one and it sucked. Will not be watching the 3 one.
will probably see since i saw the first two...seems like theyre reachin now tho...blood mary?..really tho? com'on son
Now theyre reaching... I'll watch just because I watched the first two. I'm curious to see what they can possibly add to the story
Watching. I liked the first 2 honestly.

This is a prequel if I'm not mistaken right? I'm curious as to how it started.
I doubt the reason the demon is there is because of the bloody mary. I don't think they would put the real reason in the trailer.

None of the movies were all that scary in the sense like Blair Witch Project would do to someone, but got damn did they make me jump. Movie is great for cheap scares.
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