Parents/Siblings Kissing on the Lips. Vol. O_o

So far you guys have answered the parent question, but what about the sibling part? KSteezy mentioned his wife and her sister changing together but that's not uncommon with girls. I know a few girls that will get naked in front of their sister.

I saw a girl post a pic of her kissing her younger brother on the lips and he's like 3 years old and she's 15. It was the first time I saw it between a brother n sister and it seemed weird but i thought maybe it happens often and I just never experienced it
you mad i kiss my sibilings and father and mother on the cheek. That's love right there. N if i ever consider one of my friends family then i kiss them on the cheek too. That's how i roll
i make out with my sis all the time bro. No one kisses better then she does
on the show friends ross character gets way to close with his sister character monica all the down right weird for brother sister
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

So far you guys have answered the parent question, but what about the sibling part? KSteezy mentioned his wife and her sister changing together but that's not uncommon with girls. I know a few girls that will get naked in front of their sister.

I saw a girl post a pic of her kissing her younger brother on the lips and he's like 3 years old and she's 15. It was the first time I saw it between a brother n sister and it seemed weird but i thought maybe it happens often and I just never experienced it

Yeah girls are more comfortable with their nudity in front of each other, so being sisters with more reason, it stems all the way to their mom, they literally share everything with one another, for example my wife took my SIL waxing for the first time, waxed EVERYTHING....and she was odee excited to show her moms, when her mother had surgery they were the ones that took care of her daily actually admirable that they are so comfortable with each other, shows alot of security and trust, the way it should be between family.Reminds me of my late uncle who used to parade around the house butt $$@ naked going into the shower, in front of me, my grandma, and his daughter, we were very young back then though, still funny as hell and not a single damb was given by him.
ehh my mom and dad haven't kissed me on my lips since I was 4, but I understand why parents kiss their children on their lips past the adolescent's a sign of love.

If you have a problem with it...well...tuff. What goes on inside a family is none of your business really...just keep minding yourself and yours.
i kiss my son on the lips but hes only 1 and a half. its also custom in my family for everyone to kiss the femailes on the cheek when we greet/say goodbye.
disgusting. i would never kiss my kid on lip, no matter what age.
belichick made out with his daughter a few years ago.

I think I kissed my parents on the lips until 3rd-4th grade.
Never did it, i still remember my boy in 4th grade kissing his mom on the lips , she was fine too. I was low key salty.

The Brady joint did seem creepy though. 'What do i get' like he was talking to giselle, expecting her to straddle him or something.
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I was talking to my grandmother who’s pushing like 80+, she sounded disgusted when I told her I kiss my 1.5 year old daughter in the mouth. I thought that was wild, but I come from a family that struggle to show affection. I’ve recently just heard my dad say he loves me about 2 years ago. Sad ****.

Thomas is a wild boy for that one...that’s a little too much. Kid almost a teenager.
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I feel for Brady’s son.

He going to have to live with that shame because of the media...

But who in their right mind recorded this and release it to the public? :lol:
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