People who complain about loud music unappreciation Vol: Kiss my #!!

Dec 2, 2005
Ok so this is the second time my upstairs neighbor has complained about my "loud music". First time she pounded on my door (Mind you this was at 6:30pm on a friday). Today the dumb %#@+% apparently called the apt complex and complained of 'extremely loud music'. This was at 5:30pm. I played TWOsongs on my computer, and she called them. TWO songs! And it wasnt even up that loud! Anyone else have a similar experience? Am i in the wrong here? I mean itis not late at night. /rant.
it not being late at night doesnt mean anything. if i can hear your music to the point i can actually understand the lyrics its too loud. ive had one personcomplain my whole life and i said sorry and turned it down. for all you know that lady works nights and your not so loud music is just audible enough to keepher up, and when you are trying to sleep for work you might as well have the sub woofer to her dome word to how high.
1) she works during the day time.
2) I enjoyed a COUPLE of songs loud. I dont do it on the regular, or late at night.
3) I think her complaint was in regards to the bass. This is my computer sound system mind you. Nothing high tech, not top of the line.
4) She lives in an apt complex. She should get used to a certain amount of noise from her neighbors. I can hear everything they do up there, and i dontcomplain.
It dont matter what day of the week it is or what time of the day If u live in a complex with other tenants have some damn courtasy
I live in a dorm complex and told my neighbors if the music ever bothered them to just knock on the door and I would turn it down.

Unwanted noise sucks, be respectful of your neighbors.
I'd be upset as well. Why the hell would I want to hear my neighbor's music?

Someone in her house is probably trying to sleep or she might be trying to sleep herself at that time of the day. You just can't say things like, "Itwas 5 in the evening, I don't see the problem."
man i HATE when my neighbors play loud music. i dont care what time it is. what if im trying to nap for work or w/e...
Originally Posted by OldDogPR

It dont matter what day of the week it is or what time of the day If u live in a complex with other tenants have some damn courtasy

She has a legit complaint. You live with other folks, you need to show some respect man. It doesn't matter what time of the day it is. You have NO ideawhat she is trying to do that your loud music is disrupting her from doing.

It is a respect thing man. NOT playing your music loud won't hurt you
ahh I put up with it from neighbors cus they put up with it from me..we was all kool though so I guess thats differant. try to find a place with alot ofyounger people living in it they tend to not care as much.
I can see where she is coming from...what she thinks is loud may not be the same as what you think is loud...feel me?
Originally Posted by NEIGHB0RH00D

Hit her with the stoneface next time and bump to tha muzik.

Give her this and continue your noise making
Its not something I would complain about....I just deal with my neighbors the same way they gotta deal with me.
thats why i refuse to live in a apt complex. the dorms freshmen year was the last time ive lived like that. cant do it...

having a house FTW!!!
No matter what time is it, it can be 3 or 4 or 5 o clock in the mornin you will still here that merengue, bachata and salsa playing across your building.
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