Phone Interview Advice vol. Bank of America

Dec 11, 2006
I received a call from Bank of America yesterday and they told me that they're interested in hiring me for a bank teller position. I was wondering what kind of advice you guys can help me out in and what kind of questions I should expect. Also, what's the process of getting hired with the company?

Any advice given is welcomed and thanks in advanced.
Are you sure you want to work for a company who's stock is plummeting? Banks will soon be a lost cause, the value of the dollar is going down faster than Chrissy when she was in Miami. Honestly you need to invest in some silver.
But if you don't care and just need the money, i suggest you tell them what they want to hear. Act like you love being around people, love greeting people, can follow directions to a T, are trustworthy, etc
It's just your run of the mill interview questions. "Why do you want to work at BofA? "

"What's a time you gave customer service?" Stuff like that.

But honestly, I wouldn't even entertain them. I used to work there as a teller and the company sucks. All they care about is BCCR and referalls. The company has minimal room for growth, and just as whole Company they're evil, which is why they've been in the news so.much. I now work for Capital One and my experience has been infinitely better, and the pay is also better.

But if you decide to go with it, good luck.
Harp on working within a team, importance of good service and satisfying customers and say you envision a future

in banking even if you dont.
Don't say umm a lot. Please be in a quiet place with no interuptions.

They will ask you about your work history, attitude, and team effort. Also speak of your integrity.
I'm not typically the kind to discourage someone from not pursuing a job, but are you sure you want to work with BoA?  They are notorious for pushing tellers with unreasonable sales goals and terrible customer service that the tellers often have to try and handle.  
For those asking why I want to work for BofA, the reason is that I need a job.

It's weird that when someone makes a thread about them wanting to quit a job, the general response is to be thankful to have a job in the first place.
I went through the phone interview and the in person interview. The phone interview they ask you why you want to work there. They ask about past jobs. Make sure you take the call in a quite room. Also sound friendly,polite and upbeat. The in person interview they have two people interviewering taking notes on your answers. They mainly want examples of stuff you did in your past jobs.
My cousin/ roommate works for BOA. They pay the best out of the major banks. Meeting referral goals are a must though. His branch is lenient. But some have goals you have to reach or else.
I would like some tips I'm terrible at phone interviews. I blew phone interviews with Accenture and Goldman Sachs.
Originally Posted by chazc

My cousin/ roommate works for BOA. They pay the best out of the major banks. Meeting referral goals are a must though. His branch is lenient. But some have goals you have to reach or else.

BofA actually pays the worst in terms of retail banking positions among all the major banks.
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