Photos from the inner-city liquor store I work at

I don't know why the cat is so funny to me, I'm in tearrs.
Be safe op. Always imagine you are going to be in a room full of snitches. You say you don't check ID's. But you post pics of your location (kinda sorta). I am sure someone knows the store you are speaking of. Just be safe is all I am saying.
Nice part.
when I hear inner city this isn't what I picture.
Over here the store is
Originally Posted by Cheese Wagstaff

ID'd a girl who was flirting with me, her name was Brandon 

Crown royal socks tho? I dun seent it all

I had a offer for a job at a liquor store in college but my Mom wouldn't even let me accept it
Yeah most of the liquor spots in NYC they have bulletproof glass seperating you from the customers and the liquor.
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