[[PICS]] 2014 MASERATI QUATTROPORTE redesign. one sexy machine

Nov 1, 2012


Side profile reminds me of the newer Chevy Malibu, headlights look like they were taken off one of those Infinti suv's and the rear reminds me a little of the new Ford Fusion and Impala mixed together. Seems a bit uninspired, to me atleast. And the side vents, I think those are a little similar to Kia's upcoming models.
It doesn't look the same, the headlights alone is a big difference. The huge grill is also different and just looks even more awkward.

Saw this earlier and was going to make a post but I just didn't like it much, especially the headlights, looks too small for it's body. Then again I never liked the headlights on the quattroporte in general, the current gen looks very dated.

I'll take the Granturismo w/o hesitation.
I'll take the Granturismo Panamera w/o hesitation.

After hearing about all the problems that comes with Maseratis being hand built, I'm good on that all together.
After hearing about all the problems that comes with Maseratis being hand built, I'm good on that all together.

Comes with the territory, Aston suffers from practically the same thing but that won't stop me from copping when the time is right.

Maserati is actually much better these days, their just a smaller company so it can be troublesome to deal with but they aren't as bad as they were before.
that's a mc though. the regular gran turismo is plain looking to me too.

But all he said is the 2-door though and the guy he quoted said Maserati as brand is boring. :D
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panameras are ugly as sin that porsche emblem = putting lipstick on a pig. cant polish a turd 

maserati's lose their values hella quick, i shall be picking up a used one in like 5 years :smile:

edit- that 2 door matte black coupe = disgusting. fuhhhhh. need it in my life
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panameras are ugly as sin that porsche emblem = putting lipstick on a pig. cant polish a turd 

I used to feel the same way, it eventually grew on me. Kinda like Jordans back in the day. They was always ugly when they first came out, after seeing them on the street awhile, you needed them in your life.
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