Police In Arizona Fatally Shoot Unarmed Man Who Has His Back Turned & Hands Up In The Air!?

You devalue the real victims of police brutality by lumping every joker shot by a cop in the victim category.
what service did you serve in?
Same one you did
what MOS and how many years? you still active?
 Crowd awaits the return volley.

Anyways... This "victims" hands were in the air for less than 1 second. They go up half way through :11 second mark in the video and hes falling to the ground before :12 is over.

Guns drawn on him, police surely telling him don't move... Dude turns around and goes into the car. 
 Shots are fired and he does the last ditch effort "throw my hands up quick" probably finally realizing he didn't wanna die and hes falling to the ground before he can touch the sky.

Surely this guy's a "victim".
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They were shooting him with rubber bullets that's why he curled up, and then turned around.  Then he put his hands up
what the hell was dude doing? cops, guns drawn? STOP MOVING.

Common sense is not common.

hmmmm... i wont say him.being shot was unjustified, but shooting him 3 more times after he was clearly surrendering was a clear attempt to take his life so they wouldnt have to deal.with this.beyond that afternoon

Dealing with a shooting will take much longer than booking a guy.

he threw up his hands long after he gave the officers reason to use deadly force.... you can't just reach somewhere to grab something then quickly throw your hands up when an officer has already committed to shoot.

I bet if the audio and video were synced properly, you realize that the first shot went off as he was raising his hands.. the second was just training... (double tap)

Dont matter his back was turned, come on lol wait until he attempt to turn around then shoot

He was a burgular suspect

Not sure if srs.
just to put things into perspective

1. NT logic doesn't actually exist. A group of people who post a lot just always post their opinions so people say **** like "NT thinks _____ "

2. I'm 19, Black, from Texas, and have been unnecessarily harassed by the cops. I have a disdain for them as do my parents and siblings.

3. Dude was TRIPPIN and him getting shot is not cause for an uproar.
Notice how the Swat officer in the green camo, had his gun down after the bean bag hits, pause the video at 12 seconds the officer on the right was already holstering his weapon when the fatal shots hit the suspect and the officer closest to the suspect also had lowered his weapon by the squad car.

The cop that shot him was running up with his rifle, in shooter stance ready to unload even after the suspect was surrendering. Justified perhaps, but the cop did not try to re-access the situation before firing live ammo.   
Notice how the Swat officer in the green camo, had his gun down after the bean bag hits, pause the video at 12 seconds the officer on the right was already holstering his weapon when the fatal shots hit the suspect and the officer closest to the suspect also had lowered his weapon by the squad car.

The cop that shot him was running up with his rifle, in shooter stance ready to unload even after the suspect was surrendering. Justified perhaps, but the cop did not try to re-access the situation before firing live ammo.   

how much time passed from him raising his hands to the sound of the first shot.
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how much time passed from him raising his hands to the sound of the first shot.
a second but we would need  a synced video to be for sure, however from the video that was enough time for the tactical officer and the officer on the right side of the squad car to lower their weapons, and for the officer coming on the far right to holster his gun. 

Notice too how the officer that shot the suspect does not lower his rifle even after the threat is clearly neutralized, guess some cops are more trigger happy than others go figure. 
Notice how the Swat officer in the green camo, had his gun down after the bean bag hits, pause the video at 12 seconds the officer on the right was already holstering his weapon when the fatal shots hit the suspect and the officer closest to the suspect also had lowered his weapon by the squad car.

The cop that shot him was running up with his rifle, in shooter stance ready to unload even after the suspect was surrendering. Justified perhaps, but the cop did not try to re-access the situation before firing live ammo.   
Dude, there was literally less than 1 second between his "surrender" and the time he was falling to the ground from the gun shots.

Y'all keep acting like he laid down on the ground and put his hands on his head waving a white flag saying uncle and then was killed.....
if the police have their guns drawn you dont reach for **** and you damn sure dont reach back into a car

this is all that needs to be said

dudes try and throw everybody a pity party and then wonder why when the police really do some foul **** it doesnt get the proper light

because ******** cry wolf about everything

sit ya'll ***** down somewhere
If I had multiple cops surrounding me with guns drawn, my hands aren't coming down until they have me in cuffs...if guns are drawn, you're in some serious **** & turning your back & reaching inside your car is not the right move to make there :lol:....I mean really...some of the logic these people have in this thread...wow...:lol:

I have no love for the pigs in blue but this shooting is 100% justified...now there's 1 less brain-dead idiot running around in this world.
If I had multiple cops surrounding me with guns drawn, my hands aren't coming down until they have me in cuffs...if guns are drawn, you're in some serious **** & turning your back & reaching inside your car is not the right move to make there
....I mean really...some of the logic these people have in this thread...wow...

I have no love for the pigs in blue but this shooting is 100% justified...now there's 1 less brain-dead idiot running around in this world.
 I bet if that was your son it would be a different story. It dont matter what he did before or what he should had did, its all about what he did(put his arms in air (surrender) and got shot cold blooded in the back

Say for instance you get pulled over and you look for you wallet as cop get out of the car,cop see you moving and shoot you dead. 100% justified right?
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You people have the benefit of replaying some junk video over and over on YouTube.

Realize how fast all of this was happening for the guy that shot him who was actually there, in real life,
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I bet if that was your son it would be a different story. It dont matter what he did before or what he should had did, its all about what he did(put his arms in air (surrendor) and got shot cold blooded in the back

Say for instance you get pulled over and you look for you wallet as cop get out of the car,cop see you moving and shoot you dead. 100% justified right?

:lol: Wow...
smh dirty coppers :smh:

dude was clearly reaching for his registration and proof of insurance |I
Dude, there was literally less than 1 second between his "surrender" and the time he was falling to the ground from the gun shots.

Y'all keep acting like he laid down on the ground and put his hands on his head waving a white flag saying uncle and then was killed.....
I am all for police trying to defend themselves and use deadly force where justified, but clearly do you not see something wrong when other officers (police are trained to see what in a suspect hands) realized that the threat was over and in that split second was able to holster and lower their weapons, yet some trigger happy cop just let loose two rounds of live ammo.  

Secondly the Pinal Sheriff Dept issued a statement saying the suspect refused to obey orders, was hit with bean bag rounds and than reached back into the vehicle and was therefore shot, had it not been for the video, the public would have believed the official statement from the Sheriff regarding the shooting, but clearly the video contradicts the official version of how things happen. 

I can tell you from first hand experience, working closely in investigation and disciplinary for uniformed services for a major city, that rarely is the official version of events, correct.      
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