Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Because these are dumb small-town cops handling a national outcry and are not even close to being prepared to handle a situation like this
Right. Because holding evidence is the smart thing to do right?
Character Assassination is making everyone talk about everything other than the details of the actual murder, that exactly why Tom Jackson released that information the way he did.

Where is the dna, forensics evidence to corroborate the story of Officer Darren Wilson that Mike Brown grabbed his gun during the struggle. Three unrelated eyewitnesses have corroborated the account of Mike Brown having his hands raised up and no longer presenting a threat when he was shot multiple times. 

Where is the autopsy report showing where the bullets enter Mike Brown's body and the effective range where those shots were fired? Mike Brown's body was released to his family so that report should already be ready. 

Releasing information piecemeal when it favors your officer and department in a disservice to transparency and incites distrust, fear and anger. 
Character Assassination is making everyone talk about everything other than the details of the actual murder, that exactly why Tom Jackson released that information the way he did.

Where is the dna, forensics evidence to corroborate the story of Officer Darren Wilson that Mike Brown grabbed his gun during the struggle. Three unrelated eyewitnesses have corroborated the account of Mike Brown having his hands raised up and no longer presenting a threat when he was shot multiple times. 

Where is the autopsy report showing where the bullets enter Mike Brown's body and the effective range where those shots were fired? Mike Brown's body was released to his family so that report should already be ready. 

Releasing information piecemeal when it favors your officer and department in a disservice to transparency and incites distrust, fear and anger. 
Where is a picture of the cops swollen face?
I just find it disturbing, and to think there are legit black people like you that think this way is actually alarming. Integration has really got some of yall feeling good, till you get harassed. This is coming from someone who lives in one of the richest counties in America (Fairfax, Va). That still hasn't stopped me from being pulled for no reason. i just don't get your stances on the black relations in this country.
What can we do to make racist people stop being racist?

Dress better? Get a job? Go to college? Stop listening to rap music? Etc. None of that matters to them, you are still Black at the end of the day.

You seem to disregard the many times group economics has been posted but nobody is talking about the solutions you want to hear so its "Y'all don't want to talk solutions". :rolleyes

first off all, you can't make a truly racist person not be racist.... 

the problem that needs to be solved is police brutality and abuse of authority... 

secondly, we have to stop thinking that every white cop that gets physical with a person of color that person is a racists 

more often than not their just an irresponsible ******* with horrible training, an itchy trigger, and on a power trip 

I've commented numerous times on the problems I have with the police as a whole : 

we train our police like we educate our kids. pass along the material and whether they truly get it or not, that's good enough for us -- passed.

so when these under-trained, irresponsible adrenaline junkies clash with emotional, irrational, and unorganized crowds -- ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE

this is what happens when anyone can become a cop.... 

have you been properly trained?  "no, but I slept at a Holiday Inn last night..." 

the police should be heavily background checked, evaluated, and extensively trained...  which apparently is not happening 

doesn't matter how much "book smarts" you have.... they need to have education related to the field

and I think the reason for their lack of training is due to the fact that it's not a desirable job....  it's a job that tends to attract people that want power, want to be aggressive, aren't smart enough to do anything else, etc etc. not saying that's the case for all cops, by any means... but if the requirements were more strict, we'd have less police on the streets. it's a field where they'll basically take any warm body with two legs.

Who disagreed with any of your suggestions on cops being trained better or hiring more qualified people?

Only time in this thread people have disagreed was when trolls were trying to deflect with the "respectability politics" BS.
But if this goes to trial, I don't see why a judge will allow the store "robbery" to be a part of evidence. It had absolutely nothing to do with the murder. So the "robbery" really isn't important.

It happened 10 mins before the shooting. It's absolutely part of the case if this goes to trial.

Let's see ..

Listen to CoupeIt88 who says it's part of the case or the Chief of the PD who says they are unrelated

What a hard decision.
But this is a murder case, not a robbery case
His clear aggression and willingness to use physical force and break the law incriminates his character by making it seem more likely that he fought the officer.

Brown also had no idea whether or not the cop knew he stole. He could have thought he was about to get arrested.
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Character Assassination is making everyone talk about everything other than the details of the actual murder, that exactly why Tom Jackson released that information the way he did.

Where is the dna, forensics evidence to corroborate the story of Officer Darren Wilson that Mike Brown grabbed his gun during the struggle. Three unrelated eyewitnesses have corroborated the account of Mike Brown having his hands raised up and no longer presenting a threat when he was shot multiple times. 

Where is the autopsy report showing where the bullets enter Mike Brown's body and the effective range where those shots were fired? Mike Brown's body was released to his family so that report should already be ready. 

Releasing information piecemeal when it favors your officer and department in a disservice to transparency and incites distrust, fear and anger. 
we've been talking about the murder for 5 days.... 

the video just came out, so of course it's the new hot topic of the case.... 

as more stuff comes out, that will be talked about to

you're asking the questions that everyone is asking and the public is waiting on 
According to this thread, if a black man doesn't "hate whites" or they think in a way bigger than letting "discrimination " swallow up their lives, then they are Uncle Toms, or sell outs.

I'd like to see every persons age in this thread. I think that would answer the question for me on, Why are so many seemingly intelligent men, black men, posting like complete uneducated grade schoolers?
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According to this thread, if a black man doesn't "hate whites" or they think in a way bigger than letting "discrimination " swallow up their lives, then they are Uncle Toms, or sell outs.

I'd like to see every persons age in this thread. I think that would answer the question for me on, Why are so many seemingly intelligent men, black men, posting like complete uneducated grade schoolers?

wake up
According to this thread, if a black man doesn't "hate whites" or they think in a way bigger than letting "discrimination " swallow up their lives, then they are Uncle Toms, or sell outs.

I'd like to see every persons age in this thread. I think that would answer the question for me on, Why are so many seemingly intelligent men, black men, posting like complete uneducated grade schoolers?

wake up

Wake up to what?
Who disagreed with any of your suggestions on cops being trained better or hiring more qualified people?

Only time in this thread people have disagreed was when trolls were trying to deflect with the "respectability politics" BS.
you asked me what solutions I suggested and I answered you.... 

stop playing dumb b... 
Wake up to what?

to the fact that you sound dumb as hell

Funny though, how I feel a lot of people in this thread sound like that.
Can't say you particularity before your last two comments towards me, but I'm including you in sounding that way too, now.

You obviously took my comment, got mad, and couldn't accept the comment for what it was, because of your anger.

Let that anger go, and then you can have a discussion about the real problems this incident brought on.
How? The cop didn't know about the "robbery." He stopped him for jaywalking.

That's not what I'm arguing you morons.

I'm saying if Michael Brown robbed some store 10 mins before maybe he thought the cop was pulling him over for that. So the defense is going to argue that what the cop said was true. Michael Brown tried to reach for his gun, it gives Michael Brown motive.

Does anyone understand trials? Ya'll know how this works? :lol:
When you have a discussion about issues like this, and you disagree, if the first thing you start saying is, "you sound dumb as hell", the. I realize you aren't someone who knows how to discuss things, you get mad at resort to name calling, Very Uneducated
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