Political Correctness: a social censorship

I endorse no forms of censorship. I'd prefer it not be on TV but if the people want it there then it's not up to me. I'm not a robot, I have thoughts, feelings etc. I do not proclaim myself King, as such if they want to put that on TV that's on them, I wouldn't have my kids watch it, I wouldn't watch it myself. My principles of free speech/free press outweighs my need to have everything my way.

I don't condone, nor do I condemn

There is a sharp difference in personal preference and political opinion, when the two collide I err on the side of freedom, even to my displeasure.

I may not like what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire (kinda)

Also, this is a thread about political correctness in speech, if you want to speak on obscenity, which is a different discussion, we can talk about that also. All under the umbrella of censorship, there is a difference between social censorship and censorship of airways, one is private (which is more what this thread is about) the other is public, there is a difference, I would not want a public law with the word ***** in it, but I wouldn't want to stop a private citizen from saying *****. Hopefully that clears it up. Public v private, Laws v Manners.
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I endorse no forms of censorship. I'd prefer it not be on TV but if the people want it there then it's not up to me. I'm not a robot, I have thoughts, feelings etc. I do not proclaim myself King, as such if they want to put that on TV that's on them, I wouldn't have my kids watch it, I wouldn't watch it myself. My principles of free speech/free press outweighs my need to have everything my way.

I don't condone, nor do I condemn

There is a sharp difference in personal preference and political opinion, when the two collide I err on the side of freedom, even to my displeasure.

I may not like what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire (kinda)
I'm sorry, this makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

You have a negative opinion of me.  (e.g. racism.)
I have a negative opinion about your negative opinion of me.  

I'm not allowed to have a negative opinion about your negative opinion, because that makes you feel "uncomfortable" and stifles your "right" to have negative opinions?  Uh...

I'm sorry, but this "philosophy" has the internal consistency of vomit. 

This is clearly just ad hoc contrarianism.  

Teams branded using racial slurs established after 2013 = clearly wrong.

Teams branded using racial slurs are okay if they existed before 2013 because... because.

Discrimination = bad because it's an action with real world consequences.

Hate speech = okay because... sticks and stones?  Kenneth Clark.  Self-esteem research.  Real pain.  Real costs.  Real consequences. 
but it was not banners that read 'stop showing us like that on tv' but rather 'show US on tv' 
Not pictured: "show US on tv."
My principles of free speech/free press outweighs my need to have everything my way.
But racists, sexists, and heterosexists can have everything their way.  They impose their worldview on everyone else, and we just have to sit there and take it.  

Maybe one day we'll take in a stray racist child, cold and shivering, in the night and if we could just place the burden of racism ENTIRELY on people of color, place the burden of sexism ENTIRELY on women, place the burden of heterosexism ENTIRELY on the LGBT community, then life will be so much better and more comfortable for.... yeah.
Also, this is a thread about political correctness in speech, if you want to speak on obscenity, which is a different discussion, we can talk about that also. All under the umbrella of censorship, there is a difference between social censorship and censorship of airways, one is private (which is more what this thread is about) the other is public, there is a difference, I would not want a public law with the word ***** in it, but I wouldn't want to stop a private citizen from saying *****. Hopefully that clears it up. Public v private, Laws v Manners.
You already have freedom of speech.  What you don't have is the "freedom from consequence" which entails robbing everyone else of THEIR right to react to bigotry. 
I don't really understand what your saying. I have no reply.

I'll reiterate my statements, hopefully clearer.

Political correctness doesn't allow honesty in expression

Being politically incorrect has consequences.

To self censor for fear of consequences is cowardice.

As far as teams are concerned, yes there is a difference between a team after say 2013 and one established in 1930's, about 80 years of history, something that shouldn't be changed without a high standard of justification.

The gov. Has a right to censor it's airways, but must do with great caution

There is a difference between citizens censoring each other and the gov censoring its populace.

I am a man with personal beliefs and opinions, I am no king, so if the masses decide they want something, I can argue against, but doesn't necessarily mean I'm right.

Most people want dignity in life and power in voting, most, while they would prefer not to be shown in a negative light, would just like to be heard.

Overall, being 'politically incorrect' is a tool that can be used to illuminate serious issues otherwise not discussed, or discussed in a way where most wouldn't listen.

Idk where you get 'I can't comment on your racism' I've never said that, in fact you should speak on it if it truly offends you, but raising the banner of racism at every turn waters down the message. Besides, most things aren't that serious.

So long as your freedom doesn't actually harm mine (physical, economically or diagnosable mentally) then we are both free to do what want.
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Keep in mind that this is the same person who continually came into the overrated movies thread to express his resentment toward the opinions of others. :lol:
So long as your freedom doesn't actually harm mine (physical, economically or diagnosable mentally) then we are both free to do what want.
The freedom to make racist jokes/statements ≠ the freedom to live and raise children in a society that respects your dignity and treats you as a full equal.  

(And, what's more, you still HAVE that freedom - you're just judged for it.  Even with "political correctness," you still have more freedom to be a bigot than you do to urinate on the sidewalk, and the former is FAR more damaging than the latter.)

If you think racist speech/media lack the power to harm physically, economically, or mentally - you either haven't experienced it or haven't thought it through.  

Consider the effects of stereotypes on our criminal justice system, on college admissions, on hiring practices, on our social lives.  Read up on the effects of racism on self esteem.  Read up on stereotype priming and performance on standardized tests.  

If the only "cost" you're considering here is the loss of "free speech" (which isn't even being lost, it's just that attitudes expressed are being challenged), then you're not seeing the big picture.  
You do realize I'm black? I live under these systems everyday. I've sat through 'black studies' classes, work in the criminal justice system.

I'm not willing to acknowledge any other harms because they are not truly measurable (and I personally think a lot of it is liberal bs, creating problems as an excuse).

Im sure ive read just as much on this subject as you, im not coming from a place of ignorance as you may assume, I just see a different 'big picture' than you do.
If the only "cost" you're considering here is the loss of "free speech" (which isn't even being lost, it's just that attitudes expressed are being challenged), then you're not seeing the big picture.  

pretty much sums up the OP's whole argument
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with the the Donald running for president and "political correctness" coming under attack this thread has become relevant again. Is it me or is political correctness only coming under attack because racist people dont like not being able to say racist things without being attacked?
Yea it's definitely just you. Political correctness is preventing people from being able to not speak on how they fell. Backlash to people who don't much care Bruce Jenner being a ******. Backlash for people openly expressing they didn't agree with the Supreme Court letting the gays get married. Just two recent and notable examples.Society has just become all around too damn sensitive and social media has given these overly sensitive people a platform. :smh: :smh:
Yea it's definitely just you. Political correctness is preventing people from being able to not speak on how they fell. Backlash to people who don't much care Bruce Jenner being a ******. Backlash for people openly expressing they didn't agree with the Supreme Court letting the gays get married. Just two recent and notable examples.Society has just become all around too damn sensitive and social media has given these overly sensitive people a platform.
so people are upset that they dont get to speak negatively about issues that dont affect their lives at all in the slightest?
My take on political correctedness is we either allow it all or allow none of it. Political correctedness is very pick and choose and is in the eye of the offended.
all i know is that from what ive been exposed to, the people who are complaining about political correctness are the same people that generalize and stereotype large groups of people
so people are upset that they dont get to speak negatively about issues that dont affect their lives at all in the slightest?

Oh god, you're one of them.

Man NT extremes, not supportimg a certain idea is not thr same as insulting it.

Not supporting gay marriage is not the same as calling them *******.
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Political Correctness has become a crutch for stupid people to say stupid things. :smh:

I can agree we have a problem with mob justice, people seeking to right wrongs by riling up pitchfork bearing mobs to get x person fired.

But if you don't have the stomach to defend the substance of the things you say then perhaps the stupid things you say might just be wrong. Don't cry "PC" when you get called out.
Oh god, you're one of them.

Man NT extremes, not supportimg a certain idea is not thr same as insulting it.

Not supporting gay marriage is not the same as calling them *******.
what exactly is extreme about my statement? having an unpopular opinion has nothing to do with being politically correct. how you express and voice those opinions does.
Was just talking about this with a friend of mine. I understand the utility of PC as it pertains to hate speech or divisive comments, but I take issue with people getting in trouble just because they said something that made someone uncomfortable or upset when what they said is valid. This is even present in college classrooms which I find particularly concerning. I also don't think comedians should be attacked for their jokes either.
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I think I get you OP. what you seem to be saying is that political correctness masks some of society's flaws. You don't seem to be arguing for your right to offend people or that offensive speech or action should be tolerated. But that forcing people to hide their feelings avoids the root of the issue.

I hate it when people are blind to the fact racism that exists. But they are able to remain blind to its existence and effects due to racists being pushed into the closet. I don't really know the solution to all that but I think you bring up some good points. The whole confederate flag debate highlights what you are saying. Removing the flag was done out of political correctness and absolutely nothing was done to address the underlying racial issues in South carolina. Political correctness can hinder progress in some cases.
I think I get you OP. what you seem to be saying is that political correctness masks some of society's flaws. You don't seem to be arguing for your right to offend people or that offensive speech or action should be tolerated. But that forcing people to hide their feelings avoids the root of the issue.

I hate it when people are blind to the fact racism that exists. But they are able to remain blind to its existence and effects due to racists being pushed into the closet. I don't really know the solution to all that but I think you bring up some good points. The whole confederate flag debate highlights what you are saying. Removing the flag was done out of political correctness and absolutely nothing was done to address the underlying racial issues in South carolina. Political correctness can hinder progress in some cases.
Take my reps.
Perfect example, I saw a Buzzfeed article today about a woman on her period that ran a marathon with no tampon. And apparently she did it to fight "period shaming" which is not a thing. So I pointed that out in the comments and also said women's periods should not be a matter of public knowledge. That's some private ****.

Immediate backlash. I'm a chauvinist, I don't respect women. Women should be able to talk about their periods in a public forum. It's just biology. Yada Yada yada. No. That's the PC **** I'm talking about.
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