Pope Francis Excommunicates the mafia.....Also makes exorcisms official catholic practice.

I'm not even gonna argue it's worthless and you can't even generalize ALL Catholics. That makes 0 sense whatsoever and right there I take my que to leave

Yes I can. The ones who know all the terrible things the church has done yet continue to support them monetarily, or sit in the pews every Sunday and follow there teachings, or send their children to the schools are condoning the churches heinous acts.

Would you send your child to a Neo Nazi led school? Or give 10% of your income to the Westboro Baptist Church? Do you think people who attend the Westboro Baptist Church but don't picket the funerals of dead soldiers should be held accountable as the members that actually do?
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Yeah ppl just want to bring up buzz words like prejudice throw around ignorance when it doesn't apply instead of addressing what's being said.

All I'm seeing is don't generalize all Catholics but nobody is addressing this specific issue; Catholics who are fully aware of what the church has done, willingly remaining Catholic, and condoning it Should they not share the blame of Catholics who've committed the crimes?
Yeah ppl just want to bring up buzz words like prejudice throw around ignorance when it doesn't apply instead of addressing what's being said.

All I'm seeing is don't generalize all Catholics but nobody is addressing this specific issue; Catholics who are fully aware of what the church has done, willingly remaining Catholic, and condoning it Should they not share the blame of Catholics who've committed the crimes?
I see what your saying.... its like if someone was apart of a neo nazi group, or the klan, or the militia.... etc.. and say oh dont associate me with hate crimes, raping, hanging or being a hate monger. But if you are informed and well aware the nature/company you keep, how can you really be upset/take offense when you made a conscious decision to join/associate yourself with ppl of that nature?

If i wore blue rags all blue everything and associated with crips... how could i be mad or take offense to someone calling me a street gang thug? especially if i knew of the crips, their history and what members of the gang do and have done.
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Yeah ppl just want to bring up buzz words like prejudice throw around ignorance when it doesn't apply instead of addressing what's being said.

All I'm seeing is don't generalize all Catholics but nobody is addressing this specific issue; Catholics who are fully aware of what the church has done, willingly remaining Catholic, and condoning it Should they not share the blame of Catholics who've committed the crimes?
I see what your saying.... its like if someone was apart of a neo nazi group, or the klan, or the militia.... etc.. and say oh dont associate me with hate crimes, raping, hanging or being a hate monger. But if you are informed and well aware the nature/company you keep, how can you really be upset/take offense when you made a conscious decision to join/associate yourself with ppl of that nature?

If i wore blue rags all blue everything and associated with crips... how could i be mad or take offense to someone calling me a street gang thug? especially if i knew of the crips, their history and what members of the gang do and have done.

All of this...

I will add this though... It's a cult, who brainwash people... A lot since birth... It's hard for me to put absolute blame on sheep...
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As a descendant of people who had the blessing of the Catholic Church to enslave people in South America and Africa, I always try to remind hardcore Catholics who try to convert me or give me @#$@ for being non-religious of how they became Catholic in the first place and why my fam and I have 0 association with that @#$@ hole organization.

It never works though, they always come up with excuses like how their ancestors "found salvation through Christ." Yea, I'm sure they gave up their hundreds-thousands of years of culture and religion because Christ finally came to them in a dream, not because European rapists and murderers forced the religion upon them to control them and exterminate them if they refused :rolleyes
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Yeah ppl just want to bring up buzz words like prejudice throw around ignorance when it doesn't apply instead of addressing what's being said.

All I'm seeing is don't generalize all Catholics but nobody is addressing this specific issue; Catholics who are fully aware of what the church has done, willingly remaining Catholic, and condoning it Should they not share the blame of Catholics who've committed the crimes?
I see what your saying.... its like if someone was apart of a neo nazi group, or the klan, or the militia.... etc.. and say oh dont associate me with hate crimes, raping, hanging or being a hate monger. But if you are informed and well aware the nature/company you keep, how can you really be upset/take offense when you made a conscious decision to join/associate yourself with ppl of that nature?

If i wore blue rags all blue everything and associated with crips... how could i be mad or take offense to someone calling me a street gang thug? especially if i knew of the crips, their history and what members of the gang do and have done.

All of this...

I will add this though... It's a cult, who brainwash people... A lot since birth... It's hard for me to put absolute blame on sheep...
As a descendant of people who had the blessing of the Catholic Church to enslave people in South America and Africa, I always try to remind hardcore Catholics who try to convert me or give me @#$@ for being non-religious of how they became Catholic in the first place and why my fam and I have 0 association with that @#$@ hole organization.

It never works though, they always come up with excuses like how their ancestors "found salvation through Christ." Yea, I'm sure they gave up their hundreds-thousands of years of culture and religion because Christ finally came to them in a dream, not because European rapists and murderers forced the religion upon them to control them and exterminate them if they refused :rolleyes

Yeah whole thing is ******.

Same ppl that made it possible so that you could buy your way in to Heaven. That whole repent before death and praying for ppl and faith is just part of their denial.
Prejudice - To pre judge, to judge someone as a sheep, or as a bad person based on others you've encountered in similiar situations, or belief system or skin color.

So, in essence, saying all Catholics are sheep is prejudice...straight up definition. You meet a guy, he says he's catholic, you automatically judge him as a sheep, that is prejudice.

Prejudice is fine, we all do.  It gets brought up because people seem to condemn prejudice people when it comes to race, or youth, or old age, or anything else, and will defend it vehemently (I've seen it on this board numerous times), tell me how "wrong" it is etc. But, when it comes  to religion, it's not only "not wrong" but seems to be encouraged; which means, you believe it is ok to prejudge, so I'm taking down screen names and next time a race thread comes up, and these same screen names are decrying others as racists or prejudice etc. this will be brought back up.

Now, as far as "the question at hand" i.e whether all Catholics, those that know of the attorcities of the Church should share in the blame? To that I say, maybe. I mean, if you support the church, knowing full well what they did, then you are partially to blame.

Now, since we are saying anyone who supports an organization is partially to blame for the attorocities that organization has committed, then I feel confident in saying that every white person who supported the US government during Jim Crow and Slavery, and even those who support it now, are partially to blame for all the government did to the Negro, or we are all partially to blame for Iraq, or any other attrocity the government has committed.

If you are comfortable with admitting one, you should be comfortable with admitting the other. Now, what should be done about it? Whatever measures should be done for the victims of the church should be equally done for the Negroes. Unless, of course, like so many other things, ya'll are saying it to say it and offer no solutions to remedy the issue.
Oh wonderful... This is going to turn into a religion and a race thread... As a white atheist, I'm screwed...
A country is not on the same level as a organization/club/political party. It's apples and oranges. If my government passes a law that I don't like, I can't just not pay my taxes until it's repealed. It isn't a fair comparison.

There is know prejudgement going on here. It is fact that the Catholic Church has done horrible things and still does. It is a fact that people know these things and still support the Catholic Church and spread their message, and give money. These are the facts. Where is the prejudgement?

Prejudice is me meeting a poor person and believing they are a lazy welfare queen/king. Or a jew and believing they are cheap. I have no knowledge of that specific persons background or belief system. But with the Catholic Church you already know where they stand because they knowingly turn a blind eye and follow the churches teaching. This is not prejudice in my view at all.
But it's a fact that some poor people are lazy, it's a fact that some Jews are cheap, it's a fact that some Catholics committed atrocities. But you can assume all from some, you assume all Catholics who support the church are sheep, but some people are catholic for reasons outside of the church itself, are they any less culpable? I think so, but if you're drawing a hard line, then yea they are culpable.

A country is not much different than a religion, especially the Catholic Church, both have influence in multiple countries, they both have large coffers, they are both beholden to those who pay to support them (taxes x tithes) they both have an appointed leader (electoral college is not much different than the cardinals)... I'm seeing a lot of similarities.

But see, it's easy to condem the church, but when the finger is pointed back to US citizens its somehow a different story... Nations, organizations, States, Countries are not all to different.
It's a crime to not pay your taxes. It's not a crime to not pay tithes. That is just a small reason why you can't compare a country to a religion. An while some poor people are lazy and some Jews are cheap, you can't place those stereotypes on all people of those two demographics. The followers of Catholicism are wholly different in that respect. They knowingly follow the church despite the horrible things the church does. That's why they can all be bunched together.
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Also, it takes zero dollars to say **** the church, and never go again... How much does it cost to move out of the country lol...
But it's a fact that some poor people are lazy, it's a fact that some Jews are cheap, it's a fact that some Catholics committed atrocities. But you can assume all from some, you assume all Catholics who support the church are sheep, but some people are catholic for reasons outside of the church itself, are they any less culpable? I think so, but if you're drawing a hard line, then yea they are culpable.

A country is not much different than a religion, especially the Catholic Church, both have influence in multiple countries, they both have large coffers, they are both beholden to those who pay to support them (taxes x tithes) they both have an appointed leader (electoral college is not much different than the cardinals)... I'm seeing a lot of similarities.

But see, it's easy to condem the church, but when the finger is pointed back to US citizens its somehow a different story... Nations, organizations, States, Countries are not all to different.
regardless of the reasons that doesnt disassociate you from the acts/affiliation of the group, this group being the church. That would be like someone saying oh they arent a drug dealer/or try to justify selling drugs by saying oh its the only viable option for my family, or saying well i dont sell to kids, i never killed anyone before.

just because you havent personally done those things doesnt excuse you from the aftermath, the wrongs and ills drugs do to ppl. So i ask you a question, would you say a klans member isnt racist etc... nor would you not associate the history of the klan if that member said well i never hung a person before, i hardly wear the white hood.... i havent lynched anyone. Would you say oh well since he didnt do it, you would disregard the history and all the heinous acts associated with the klan? 

Essentially you are saying just because i choose to join/affiliate myself with a group of ppl known for evils, genocides, mass murders, slavery, and disenfranchise groups/races of ppl, but i didnt do it personal, or say oh i didnt join the group to do these things... i shouldnt be associated/linked to said group for the negative parts i just to brush aside. Or better yet i should only be judged viewed for the positive parts the group bring... even though the positive parts are unproven and can only be seen by you.

i often hear white ppl use this defense in terms of racism, slavery, racial preference etc... i didnt do it i wasnt a slave owner...dont associate me with bigotry etc just because off some individuals of my race. And you now what, their right.... because they didnt make a studied, educated choice to be white.. there was no choice in the matter... In the case of religion you make the conscious decision to be apart of that group....and with that group you will be associated with the wrongs and ill-wills that go along with it.
Real talk... I think my step father may have been Mafia connected... He had 8 years in San Quinton that was never explained... Born and died in deeply Italian RI town...
For my money, the Catholic Church is a State, it's certainly a nation and it owns a country...arguably more.

International/historical influence, resources, effect in everyday life of its subjects...the church is an empire...less powerful than when it was actually an empire, but an empire none the less.

A lot of people would rather break the States law than break Gods law, hell is forever.

The church is like a country in almost every way, followers of both are equally as culpable for their actions. And, according to your logic, both equally able to be prejudiced against, foreigners judging Americans.

I don't understand why this is such a hard concept, unless of course you believe an individual who choose to be a member of something, whether by complacency(birth) or choice (immigration/join the church) ought not be culpable for the actions of previous members...which would mean individual Catholics ought not be culpable for the actions of previous Catholics....but y'all wouldn't be saying that.
You can draw all the parallels you want. A church and a country are too vastly different things. Which is why the church is able to act with such impunity. They aren't constrained by the same guidelines countries are forced to abide by. Imagine if countries could impose sanctions on the catholic church? The world would be a better place. But we can't. Because it is not a country so the comparison holds no water.

People can't choose where they are born but they can choose what organizations they subscribe to. Children are not held accountable if they are born catholic, they essentially have no choice. But once they become the age to choose and they decide to remain catholic, then they have made a conscious decision to continue endorsing the rape of little boys across the world.
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You can draw all the parallels you want. A church and a country are too vastly different things. Which is why the church is able to act with such impunity. They aren't constrained by the same guidelines countries are forced to abide by. Imagine if countries could impose sanctions on the catholic church? The world would be a better place. But we can't. Because it is not a country so the comparison holds no water.

People can't choose where they are born but they can choose what organizations they subscribe to. Children are not held accountable if they are born catholic, they essentially have no choice. But once they become the age to choose and they decide to remain catholic, then they have made a conscious decision to continue endorsing the rape of little boys across the world.
imagine if law was like religion law...lol especially christianity... you could do all wrong, defy and just outright ignore rules and get a fresh slate so long as you ask for forgiveness say you sorry or drop a donation...

Rob a bank no problem.... ill just go before a judge and ask for forgiveness..... rape, sodomy, infidelity, etc.... say sorry and ask for forgiveness and make a donation.... they world would be worst off then it is now. Or better yet if ppl could just be trife do wrong... excuse mistakes errors in judgement etc... and just be relief from all punishment or persecution by announcing "god knows my heart"... Better yet not even punish ppl, imprison ppl at all and just bring ppl to trial and say god will seek your punishment on judgement day...

Man society would be relatively anarchy 
First of all, the Catholic Church qualifies, under most generally accepted political science definitions, as a State and a Nation, it's not a country but it does own one, so can we quit the straw man.

The point being, if you can prejudge and blame all Catholics I should be able to prejudge and blame all white folks.
First of all, the Catholic Church qualifies, under most generally accepted political science definitions, as a State and a Nation, it's not a country but it does own one, so can we quit the straw man.

The point being, if you can prejudge and blame all Catholics I should be able to prejudge and blame all white folks.
blame all white folks for what exactly?
First of all, the Catholic Church qualifies, under most generally accepted political science definitions, as a State and a Nation, it's not a country but it does own one, so can we quit the straw man.

The point being, if you can prejudge and blame all Catholics I should be able to prejudge and blame all white folks.
blame all white folks for what exactly?

Slavery and Jim Crow.
but whites hell no ppl are born with a choice as to what is associated in their race culture history be it good or bad... Thats like blaming a crack baby that they was born a crack baby when the option to not be one isnt an option.

Religion is different you read up on it the history the evils the wrong doings and made a choice to associate yourself with it. Not to mention the irony o it all is you want to blame whites etc.. for slavery etc... but it was the tool of religion that was used to invoke and quantify and justify slavery etc...

You basically saying you wanna blame ppl for wrong doings... but not the tools or methods to which thy inflict the wrong doing with.
I'm not blaming all whites, just Americans who could have read up on the history and bounced. (Btw, I, personally, don't blame all American whites for those things, I, a reasonable man, understand it was a few who did this, it was also part of the times, so not everyone who is a practicing white American is to blame, it's just the logical conclusion of everyone else's argument.)
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