Porn does a lot more harm than good and is a serious problem

When it becomes a compulsive habit. My best friend used to be addicted to porn and she'd apparently compulsively masturbate for hours upon hours straight while watching porn. Up to 6-8 hours straight, often to the point of barely getting any decent sleep.
She eventually recovered but she's been going from one addiction to another addiction. From porn to cocaine and now to alcohol.
When it becomes a compulsive habit. My best friend used to be addicted to porn and she'd apparently compulsively masturbate for hours upon hours straight while watching porn. Up to 6-8 hours straight, often to the point of barely getting any decent sleep.
She eventually recovered but she's been going from one addiction to another addiction. From porn to cocaine and now to alcohol.

It's crazy that porn is the least harmful out of those three
It's crazy that porn is the least harmful out of those three
Don't underestimate the porn addiction though, it completely ruined her sleep schedule and she was getting way too little sleep. In terms of the negative impact on her ability to perform her normal activities, job, ... I'd rank them like this from biggest impact to least impact:

Alcohol: This is by far, by farrrrrrr the worst and most negatively impacting across the board. It's not even close.

When she was a coke junkie, she was able to perform her job function at the mental health non-profit we do volunteer work for just fine. In fact most of our coworkers never noticed she was addicted to coke in the first place before she told everyone.
Her internship as a counselor for kids with autism never noticed anything either and she had good grades.
Don't underestimate the porn addiction though, it completely ruined her sleep schedule and she was getting way too little sleep. In terms of the negative impact on her ability to perform her normal activities, job, ... I'd rank them like this from biggest impact to least impact:

Alcohol: This is by far, by farrrrrrr the worst and most negatively impacting across the board. It's not even close.

When she was a coke junkie, she was able to perform her job function at the mental health non-profit we do volunteer work for just fine. In fact most of our coworkers never noticed she was addicted to coke in the first place before she told everyone.
Her internship as a counselor for kids with autism never noticed anything either and she had good grades.
well said, that’s been the thing for me too. Ruined sleep, coming to work feeling and looking like **** and just having a terrible day at work. I still would rather be dealing with a porn addiction than a coke addiction but yea. I guess we shouldn’t be comparing addictions though.. they are all detrimental somehow to the person who’s dealing with them.
Don't underestimate the porn addiction though, it completely ruined her sleep schedule and she was getting way too little sleep. In terms of the negative impact on her ability to perform her normal activities, job, ... I'd rank them like this from biggest impact to least impact:

Alcohol: This is by far, by farrrrrrr the worst and most negatively impacting across the board. It's not even close.

When she was a coke junkie, she was able to perform her job function at the mental health non-profit we do volunteer work for just fine. In fact most of our coworkers never noticed she was addicted to coke in the first place before she told everyone.
Her internship as a counselor for kids with autism never noticed anything either and she had good grades.
the porn is strong with her then.
When she was a coke junkie, she was able to perform her job function at the mental health non-profit we do volunteer work for just fine. In fact most of our coworkers never noticed she was addicted to coke in the first place before she told everyone.
Her internship as a counselor for kids with autism never noticed anything either and she had good grades.
Did she major in Psychology? I swear some of the most messed up women I met were psych majors and counselors and **** like that.
in the promo biz and some of my workers do it on the side (of/escort). thing is they can’t save money. some square just paid you 2k off ig for a nut and u still living at moms driving a Altima
problem is they have that sense of security that money won't dry out considering how much they earn from it for a day compared to a regular employee to earn that much in a month. they get blinded by the life of luxury and never considered that their youth fades and they would be replaced by someone younger atleast 2 years on the road. it is quite rare that some of them have the smarts to do it. those that have it are typically out of the industry sooner than later. and of course, the vices and the drugs keep them in check and get them trapped in that life.
downloading for hours on p2p sites hoping that your internet don't disconnect at some point and going to tube sites are diff levels of accessibility if you're comparing to 20+ yrs ago
I hate that part of history. slow dial up and movie dat files that you could barely finish in a day. even a 5mb clip would take 15-20mins to finish. what a torture.
Did she major in Psychology? I swear some of the most messed up women I met were psych majors and counselors and **** like that.
Yeah she has a Bachelors in Psychology and is in her final year for her Masters in Clinical Psychology.

The non-profit I volunteer for has a policy of all volunteers having to be students themselves but I’m the sole exception. I’m close friends with the co-founder and she offered me position of head of IT, newly necessitated by Covid. So naturally I’ve gotten to know quite a few Psychology students, overwhelmingly women.
There’s really only the one I previously mentioned who has serious issues, at least that I know of.

I’m 28 and she’s 25 but most of our coworkers range from 19 to 21, and others around 22-24
Yeah she has a Bachelors in Psychology and is in her final year for her Masters in Clinical Psychology.

The non-profit I volunteer for has a policy of all volunteers having to be students themselves but I’m the sole exception. I’m close friends with the co-founder and she offered me position of head of IT, newly necessitated by Covid. So naturally I’ve gotten to know quite a few Psychology students, overwhelmingly women.
There’s really only the one I previously mentioned who has serious issues, at least that I know of.

I’m 28 and she’s 25 but most of our coworkers range from 19 to 21, and others around 22-24
I love where you work. can we trade places? :lol:
You guys do realize that SM only pushes things you want to see, correct? If you don't view it on the platform, it won't push it to you.
This is 100% false.

Plenty sites have their own means of ad revenue and services which also include porn and will have ads promoted and displayed around the content you're viewing that isn't related to porn at all.
Any of you boys stroking it to Ashley Sinclair

What an idiot.

Reminds me when Brandi Love got racist on twitter about black ppl and BLM. All her replies were

Ain't this you?

I'm a 32 year old dude.

Been in relationships. Longest one 5 years.

Honestly I jerk off about 2/3 times a week on average if I'm keeping it a Buck.

I don't love it or obsess but it def is in my rotation as a human and honestly I don't think it'll ever leave.
You guys do realize that SM only pushes things you want to see, correct? If you don't view it on the platform, it won't push it to you. My TL/FYP/HP is filled with nothing but sports, cars, food, dogs, and architecture. If you don't want to see half naked women on SM, stop looking at half naked women on SM.

If you want to remove, dislike the content or tell the app you're not interested.

You do realize…. That’s it’s basically the same thing as youtube, television advertisements, etc.

Algorithm is just a fancy way of saying “yeah, people are paying for views and advertising so no matter if you like it or not, we’re going to recommend it to you”

People are paying money for their posts to be seen. Which includes the explore pages. You can’t call any TV provider and specify what ads you want to see. It’s the same with the internet….
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I bet the Popes explore page is full of the same booty shaking women that we hate seeing as well.

These SM networks clearly are pushing that imagery.
Yep, they’re going to push the more popular people on their platform and a lot of times those people are the booty shaking women.
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