Limited to JB = any meaning other then limited
Only FOOLZ pay JB's MSRP
Greatest failure of JB = Nubuck release (AKA inventory failure, I believe you JB, I truely do)
And we are talking about a Multi-million dollar company... the crisis continues...
Predicting the fall of Jordan Brand in 2007
These should be Dennis Rodmans shoes wierd, different, ugly. :x

@ that trash. why couldn't jb make the lasering subtle like on the lebron2? "hmmm, lets put this huge laser design on a big velcro strap( :stoneface:
) and add the 'back to the future' strap." these look like a future pair of grandpa shoes.
I don't have a concrete opinion on these yet, it's still early... but so far I like the potential. Hopefully the actually release will make changes to a few things, particularly the sole and the velcro strap, the strap just seems to be too big, which I think takes away from the shoe a bit. And hopefully they can get the laser to look black because that brown look is throwing the whole shoe off... so far so good though I think. :D

P.S. if you remove that shroud you almost have 2K4's, Tinker must have known he hit a home run with those so wanted something similar.
nice!!!! :wow:

jordans will continue to evolve regardless of some of the people opinions.

2004/2005............ new technology, new shoes, new Nike

new Jordan Brand.....thanks JB you got my $175 x 2.
Nike figured out a way to beat the variant game....make a shoe not worth faking.

That's what I said about the XIX Regionals. What would be the point in creating counterfeits when the authentic product looks like Sham in Taiwan pieced it together and painted his own colorways.
Do the XX even have showlaces?????? >D

People won't always remember what you said or did,but they will ALWAYS remember how you made them feel.
im l00king at the dunks in the background more than the sample XX's. I think The lace cover might save that shoe.

"***** uptown ballers, dont wanna play defense, dont wanna pass, they take five steps to the hoop and blame it on the white man..." -Edward Norton, 25th Hour
Well, I just found out that those are indeed the "actual" XX's that they are showing to Nike Accounts. My friend went to view the collection and that's the shoe they saw. He said the laser color matches the strap, and that the strap is not patent leather. Also not as bulky looking as we see here in these pics......he said they look nicer in person! :pimp:
Damn.. The whole shoe look out of place

The red strap doesnt fit into the whole shoe. Lucky they change the laser to black because it doesnt look right in brown. The sole is so thick. I hope the pods that gonna be added make it look nice.

Overall, the shoe will be nice if some nice colorway come out and the pod is added nicely.

Wow, no one likes the strap? That's the thing I like the MOST about the shoe. I think it looks awesome...maybe it's one of those things that you need to see and feel in person to like it.

And JumpmanXX said it best. Everyone always bashes the newest Jordan and everyone always comes back to get them later. People didn't like the AJ IV back then. People didn't like the Jordan XI back then. Everyone's opinion on the shoe is subjective, and I for one like the XXs. Didn't like the XVII so much then, but I like them a lot now. And XVIIIs and XIXs are awesome to me.

Just my thoughts. Oh, and I'm pretty surprised the pics hit this early. They wanted to keep it under wraps as long as possible...but it was inevitable I suppose...


Angela = Dopeness on a stick.
Niketalk Rules of Conduct
Email: retrokid23@yahoo.com
Website: RETROKID! / SoleCollector
W.T.B.B. Indeed.
Wow.. I didn't check in for 1 day, because my daughter was not feeling well, and someone puts up the picture of the actual shoes.

They look almost exactly like the sample I saw, of course a different sample number on the heel (Pray for the job security of the person who let this photo be taken!)

The pod system is not visible from the lateral or medial view. The pods are in the outsole.

JumpmanXX said it best. Everyone always bashes the newest Jordan and everyone always comes back to get them later.

Jordan Brand has managed to wean me off the Air Jordan subscription plan for the past two years, so I'm not sure that even applies anymore. It used to, sadly.
Well...........There isn't much I can say about these except, my own personal expectations of the shoe were too high I suppose.

As it stands I'm very disappointed in the overall design. But I still want to see what the finished product will look like.

Take away the mid-foot strap and the ankle strap (will it support anything???) and you have a very basic shoe which is no where near the $175 price tag coming with it. With or without a new "Pod" cushioning system, is it really woth the price they want? They should also throw in a sweater, pants and a hat for that price.

I haven't bought a current Jordan since the XVI's (skipped the XV's and have had at one time or another all the J's until they started making doo-doo shoes) and guess that trend will continue.

ALPHA.....I hope this isn't one of those "mind blowing" designs you were talking about a while back that you guys were working on.

God bless RETROS!!!
Thanks for the pics...

My first reaction was that these weren't that bad, except for the strap...I like this one very much.


By the way...WHAT IS CT?

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I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. - Michael Jordan
man these are straight herendous, just count the suicide rates when these release.
I've always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come. I don't do things half-heartedly. Because I know if I do, then I can expect half-hearted results.

- Michael Jordan
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