Post Things That Go Down In Clubs That Annoy You

FromThaTown wrote:

1.) Going out with female friends, and they act crazier than you, getting into fight with dudes, and then you got to "help them".

2.) And like OP said, it's my pet peeve at the club, you got girls eyeballing you and smiling at you. So you step up, spark a little conversation and get to the dancing. Then they act like like you are some creep, and they have to keep their distance. I'm like Que???? I could have sworn you were giving me the good vibes like 2 minutes before. I know girls go to the clubs to kick it with their home girls, but don't send off mix signals in the club. That's why my boys, and I just invade dancing circles, and every man introduces himself. If we get shot down, next circle of girls dancing. Which lead me to the next funny thing.

3.) When my boys and I jump into a female circle to do our thang, there is always some baffoon that we don''t even know that jumps in the circle with us too. It's actually funny to me cause you can tell this guy was hovering over that circle like a vulture, but he is waiting to pick up the scraps.

4.) I can't stand dudes that are hard at the club. Come on man, you gonna spend money to go out and stand against the wall and mug other dudes all day? You can stand on the corner and do that for free. Relax, when people bump into you at the club, it's an accident.
I agree with everything you said man. My friends and Ijust form our own circle and start grooving and the girls catch on and migrate our way. The girls aint goin for the dudes posted up at the bar mean muggin.It's really dumb to me that dudes come to the club to start fights and mean mug other dudes. Step ya game up and get at the females.

One thing I hate is when the club supposedly has a "dress code" but you see dudes getting in with sagging denims, north face hoodies and nike dunks.

Another thing is when security be letting people in one at a time, trying to make sure you miss the cutoff for the free passes.

Clubs aint for me I grew outta that once I hit 21, lounges are much better. A lot less people, more chill environment and less hood rats trying to fight everydude at the club.
I don't do too much clubbing but what really pisses me off is when __s start fighting and Excise police and US marshals roll in 30 deep putting ARs to __sheads and #$%#
.... like, how the %%+* we go from "If I take One More Drink" to If you take one more step!!!".... come on man...
Dudes dancing by themselves...what kind of +!#+ is that? All the pum pum running around in the building and *%!%#$ is huddled up with each other with a drinkin their hand. Also...face to face dancing with a broad. I'm sorry boo...but I'm not a club !%$++ in general...I just came to get twisted and grind onsome %!*...turn your %!* around baby.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

-that damn Serani song "No Games"...chicks love's just annoying to me!!
you buggin G.
that's that joint.


nah but i know what you mean.
when that song plays, girls automatically be on that
uppity b***h type shhh thinking they too good to
dance or something waggin they fingers singin
"i don't wanna play gaaaaaaaammmmeeeees."
!%%! you went to a club for then?


Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by neverflopped

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

guys that want to dance more than one song

see I don't understand this one..... b/c don't dj's at clubs mix up songs where only like 2 minutes of a song gets played?? how are u suppose to time your stay by song?? this aint a strip club trippin lol.

some guys would dance w/ you all night if you let them...2 min. is just fine by me...

I can understand that but 2 mins is silly. If your cool with dude let him rock a little longer is all im saying.

@defending the random, unknown "creeper"

"come on, let him rock, you aint gotta be like that"

... that is pretty funny
ive learned over my years of clubbing that the club is what you make it-

ive been on all sides from getting paid alot to be there to paying alot to be there-
- cats sitting on the wall like they infront of a firing squad
- gassed chicks thinking they shiii really don't stank
- watered down drinks
- girlfriends in there like they single
- big chicks that be slanging that jelly
- hot chicks with stank breath (cot damn its the worse
- in V.I.P with lame cats running off chicks
- cats trying to eat off your plate

..plenty more
I was in the club wit you Magnus

my boys people threw the party..

-bumping into a chick you're talking to there and neither of you expect one another to be there. So I'm on line for Coat Check and i see this chicki'm talking with some next cat...i dunno if she seen me...but she got near where i was @ on the line and i didnt tell her to stand with me or nothing. likewe both looked @ each other but didnt say we get our coats and she goes to hug me and i backed off...and said "I knew i seen you here but itwas mad other shorties here and all ya'll look alike" people started laughing and **$ and she gavem e a light shove and walked off...

-that damn Serani song...a chick i fell out with LOVED the song so everytime i hear it i'm reminded of her
.....also Miss Independent. the frontin' was too obvious...i seen mad catsget shut down to that song

-a club where EVERYONE knows someone in there. i like my anonymity factor. i seen chick i was talking to and chick from church...mad cats dapping each otherand %#$.

-chicks dancing on you from behind you...some chick did that...i dragged her !%! to in front of me
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

I was in the club wit you Magnus

my boys people threw the party..

-bumping into a chick you're talking to there and neither of you expect one another to be there. So I'm on line for Coat Check and i see this chick i'm talking with some next cat...i dunno if she seen me...but she got near where i was @ on the line and i didnt tell her to stand with me or nothing. like we both looked @ each other but didnt say we get our coats and she goes to hug me and i backed off...and said "I knew i seen you here but it was mad other shorties here and all ya'll look alike" people started laughing and **$ and she gavem e a light shove and walked off...

-that damn Serani song...a chick i fell out with LOVED the song so everytime i hear it i'm reminded of her
.....also Miss Independent. the frontin' was too obvious...i seen mad cats get shut down to that song

-a club where EVERYONE knows someone in there. i like my anonymity factor. i seen chick i was talking to and chick from church...mad cats dapping each other and %#$.

-chicks dancing on you from behind you...some chick did that...i dragged her !%! to in front of me

ITS a small world cause I knew Garvin and Killa (the dudes that threw it) since I was like 8 years old

There was A LOT of things in there
and I was smacked.Yo,that bartenter( the one with the afro)
. She was
i didnt even go by the bar except to use the bathroom. Im cutting back on drinking (even pre gaming) when i go out...bad experiences

son...there was sooooooooo much box in there...

i was praising my dude who invited me
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

i didnt even go by the bar except to use the bathroom. Im cutting back on drinking (even pre gaming) when i go out...bad experiences

son...there was sooooooooo much box in there...

i was praising my dude who invited me

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

people having sex in the club. it was a thursday college night

i was in new haven CT. this dude was hittin this chick from the back. had her skirt pulled up, and she was holding the rail upstairs.

i was looking but still.................::stephanie tanner:: how rude! ::stephanie tanner::

:Girls staring at you but don't wana talk when you approach them

:Your friend with no money asking you to buy him another drink

:Your friend that wants to follow you around the whole night

:Waitresses taking to long to bring your drink

:The bathroom guy that won't stop trying to wash your hands for you

:The DJ rewinding a hot song 10 times before he plays it

:Lames in your ear like "Look at Lil Wayne!"

:Losers stepping on your shoes

:The wana be tough guy that won't let you pass after you said excuse me

:The one guy you haven't seen in a while and he talks your ear off

:The lame with fake jewelz on thinking he's doin it

:The girl with beer money and Champainge dreams (you can't have none baby, put that glass down)

:The strangers trying to follow you in VIP

:The group of chicks that think the are the best thang smokin but all look like ***

:The guy that takes his shirt off

:The group of guys that walk around in 50 Cent tank tops and bottled water

:You Kappa Appa clowns stepping in he club

:The loser that bumps u and spills your drink
bumping into an ex that is still salty after the breakup, people fighting, bad music, and constant announcements made by the DJ interrupting the music.

Mangudai954 wrote:
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Mangudai954 wrote:
Originally Posted by neverflopped

mytmouse76 wrote:
guys that want to dance more than one song

see I don't understand this one..... b/c don't dj's at clubs mix up songs where only like 2 minutes of a song gets played?? how are u suppose to time your stay by song?? this aint a strip club trippin lol.

some guys would dance w/ you all night if you let them...2 min. is just fine by me...

I can understand that but 2 mins is silly. If your cool with dude let him rock a little longer is all im saying.

2 mins was an exaggeration on my part...but basically i'm not tryin to dance with the same guy all night...and some guys OD
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

people having sex in the club.

this dude was hittin this chick from the back. had her skirt pulled up, and she was holding the rail upstairs.
I've always wanted to smash in a club. one of those thing i wanna do before i die.
Another thing I thought of... "Single ladies"

I swear to God I can be straight Ginuwinin a chick up, but as SOON as that @*$! drops its the mean Heissman stiffarm. All the dudes in the club be lookin extrasalty too.
Originally Posted by Face82


:Girls staring at you but don't wana talk when you approach them

:Your friend with no money asking you to buy him another drink

:Your friend that wants to follow you around the whole night

:Waitresses taking to long to bring your drink

:The bathroom guy that won't stop trying to wash your hands for you

:The DJ rewinding a hot song 10 times before he plays it

:Lames in your ear like "Look at Lil Wayne!"

:Losers stepping on your shoes

:The wana be tough guy that won't let you pass after you said excuse me

:The one guy you haven't seen in a while and he talks your ear off

:The lame with fake jewelz on thinking he's doin it

:The girl with beer money and Champainge dreams (you can't have none baby, put that glass down)

:The strangers trying to follow you in VIP

:The group of chicks that think the are the best thang smokin but all look like ***

:The guy that takes his shirt off

:The group of guys that walk around in 50 Cent tank tops and bottled water

:You Kappa Appa clowns stepping in he club

:The loser that bumps u and spills your drink

My dude, everything on that list and more annoys the @#!@ outta me too, dis is why i stop going to clubs

One of the most annoying things in the club is when ur dancing with a broad, her weave smelling
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