Post Things that Have Recently Made Your Day

heartwarming thread is heartwarming.

Found out I'm gonna be uncle soon, cant wait.

One of my ex's sent me a message just to say hi the other day. It was a bad break up, hadn't talked in over 3 yrs. That was nice.
someone said thank you when i held the door open. felt good. also, getting a puppy today.

I have 5 working days left in the Marine Corps, and I have started turning in the majority of my gear. I talked to my dad and he is going to fly out to San Diego to help me do this cross country drive to bring my car back to Pittsburgh. All in all a pretty :smokin :pimp: week
"You're very handsome. What's your number?" Got a N cheesing hard as hell right now 
Just got my car fixed yesterday. The front end was all messed up from when I hit an animal. Well now its back to lookin pretty and I dont have to be self conscious when I holler @ honeys on the side of the road :pimp:
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I have 5 working days left in the Marine Corps, and I have started turning in the majority of my gear. I talked to my dad and he is going to fly out to San Diego to help me do this cross country drive to bring my car back to Pittsburgh. All in all a pretty :smokin :pimp: week


What are your plans for civilian life?
Thought I wouldn't be able to get Directv and dump cablevision. Turns out I can, now I won't end up in a roadside ditch :pimp:
Going to see The Dark Knight Rises tonight! And I just did some calculations for my boss and found that I saved my company over 130K on one of my Engineering projects. He was pretty pleased.
Remembering that I only have 2 days left in my old department and picking up the new Before Watchmen
Just got hired for a new job in a new city. Really looking forward to the move.

My sister is only like a month away from having her baby. I'm gonna be an uncle and I'm geeked. Already copping jays, clothes and diapers.
I'm watching my girls fams house for a week and they have a lil dog that i'm in here watching too. I feed him everyday and all that but my girl never shows him any love, so I took him on a long walk yesterday and was just petting him. Although I did it for the dog, it really made my day. He actually had a smile on his face too.
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