^ 10 times?! 

I'm not asking for anything to be bought (if you feel like it, i won't mind 

Just mainly lookin' for some input more than anything. The Warrior design kind of pertained to a certain group of people that wanted the shirt and I had some extras to get rid of. Let me know what you guys think so far.

Good lookin' NT
Product of My Opinion

Welcome to my blog. I feel like hip-hop is the most diverse genre of music. Before you click that red "X" in the top right corner and write me off as a backpacker with the straps too tight just hear me out. Over the past 5 or 6 years I've delved deeper into the music. I've looked past the materialism, misogyny, and violence that permeate through many of the lyrics and I have just appreciated the art. I've listened to the beats and the background of these songs to find out how they were composed. Many hip-hop songs contain samples. These samples come from a plethora of genres (jazz, rock, blues, metal, etc.). Can you tell me any other genre music that pays homage to earlier forms of music like hip-hop does? I've discovered many artists in the aforementioned genres because of hip-hop. Enough of the sentimental stuff. This blog is.......a Product of My Opinion.

I post up samples, random joints, reviews, rants, etc. Not just an ordinary blog that posts links everyday.
if ne of you guys need help with photoshop, feel free to email hasnt been updated in 2 years tho, too much fulltime work and freelance to get dreamweaver cracking again 

Blog is always in my signature, me and two other people run it, if the pic isn't blatantly from the web there is a 98 percent chance we took it. Same with my Tumblr. If you like my Tweets, follow me!
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